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Bramblepoint 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Printable Version

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'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Themis - January 02, 2022

Preemptively marking this as mature for sexy times, Sabah is in heat

In the twilight hours, fire had made itself a home in her chest. Sparked by burning embers, she had turned to her bird, and had given him a skull. A simple thing, born of the death of a snake, she watched the kestrel switch it between his talons.

Go. Be back by spring. Find a place, put this there, and return to show the way. 

And once he was little more than a speck on the horizon, Sabah picked herself up, told the first Fellahin she saw that she would be hidden away until the heat in her belly was sated by time, and she descended the Mesa and vanished into the grasses. She did not wish to compete with the coyotes and the queen, all flush with heat-fire. She was no fool, the internal politics of Akashingo were nothing to a guard, even a captain. They could replace her easily. If she even left.

She still wasn’t so sure.

Her path was wandering, scraping across the plain grasses and avoiding the hell out of the Spooky Scary Lady forest, she instead went back the way she had come from that first meeting with Germanicus.

Today, she was not Sabah. She wasn’t Nephele either. She would become someone else, until she was done and would return to Akashingo. The thought of a belly full of children didn’t occur to her, and probably wouldn’t until she had the capacity to think about it more. Now though, she had a thousand other things on her mind, not to mention the thunder of her own heart in her ears.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Kallik - January 02, 2022

Kallik didn't often leave the mountains these days. There was always much to do, and he took his duties seriously. But the changes in Mereo—the new wolves who were not soldiers had filled him with confusion. And now he wandered far from the mountains to get a break. He wanted to be truly alone like he had been before he found the imperator.

The auxillary was drawn to the forest by a scent he didn't think he knew. But he could not keep from tracking it; it spoke to him, filled him with a familiar heat. It was relentless once it grasped a hold of his mind and body, and he was helpless against it.

He soon found the scent belonged to a woman, a beautiful woman. The ice he had worked so hard to build over the last few months was suddenly gone. His heart raced and his gaze traveled along her form appreciatively. 

Kallik closed the distance between them because he could not stop himself. If she allowed the touch, he would push his muzzle into the fur of her scruff, inhaling and gently nipping—testing the waters.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Themis - January 02, 2022

The scent of ice and snow reached her before the sight of the man, and Sabah rolled her gaze to meet his own.

Greys of a lighter tone than hers, he was her exact opposite on the monochrome scale and she welcomed him forward with a breeze of her tail, accepting the close contact with a shuddering breath and an internal oh okay. Sabah’s had heats before, little stuttering mild ones due to stress and often, too little to eat. But here she was, well fed, no longer quite so stressed. Happy, healthy, hearty.

She swung her nose to the side, a heat seeking missile to find and interact with the coat of the male who had approached. A part of her bemoaned the fact that she didn’t even know this guy’s name, but the rest of her was beating that part off with a shovel and proceeding to bury it behind an old shack.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Kallik - January 02, 2022

uhh, so I'm dumb and forgot that males had to be 22 months now, and Kallik is like 2 months shy of that. SO I'm not sure how you want to proceed. I'm down for absolutely anything. I'm not sure what your plans are but if you plan to have other dads, then they can just think they are partially kallik's even though they aren't. Just lmk <3 I'm super sorry

She didn't push him away, in fact, she turned to run her nose through his own fur. The touch heated his skin. Every one of her movements only put more of her scent in the air, clouding his judgment and stealing his attention. 

They knew nothing of each other but in this moment, he was possessive. He quickly determined that they were too exposed; anyone walking by would see them. Any other males could interfere. 

He nudged her to move to a large thicket  within sight. It wouldn't keep them completely hidden, but it would be good enough. He would attempt to playfully nip at her thigh as they moved. But also he wanted her to go inside first so he could block the entrance—not to keep her there, because he would let her go if she changed her mind. But he wanted to ensure no one else could find her while they were together.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Themis - January 02, 2022

Youre fine!! I went into this with little to no plan other than Neph coming out the other side with some babies! I’m open to her finding some other sires, you’re completely fine! She can pull a vanishing act in the morning <3

She gave a breathy chuckle at the possessive herding, going along with it with nothing more than a little roll of her eyes. The playful nip to her thigh was rewarded with nothing more than a gentle swat of her tail, not a reprimand, merely a continuation of play.

Safe in the thicket, Sabah dropped her head towards her chest, tail curled lightly, wagging slowly from one side to the other as she stared at the unknown male, a grin beginning to twitch at her face.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Kallik - January 02, 2022

Okay! <3

She flicked her tail at his nose, filling his nostrils with the scent that had drawn him here. She just about got tackled right there, but he had learned some self restraint in his training. 

Once they were safe, she offered him a playful bow of her head. His gaze was instantly drawn to the swaying of her curled tail before it moved slowly up to her hips and then finally back to her face. He was not shy in his appreciation, and for these moments, the lovely, petite woman captured his entire focus.

He stalked closer, standing beside her so that their sides touched. Heat moved across his skin again. Kallik reached over and nuzzled her nape. His teeth found the skin there too, only this time his bites were less gentle and more demanding. He moved to her neck, dealing the same affection there before moving up to trace the line of her jaw with far softer nips.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Themis - January 03, 2022

Oh yes, there was danger involved in letting this stranger so close to her neck, her throat, but Sabah was a creature built on rather dumb impulses, so she allowed it. Even welcomed it, tipping her head back and lapsing her eyes closed for a second, before she swiveled her head once more, going to nip and nibble at what she could reach of the grey coated man’s  nape.

He was handsome, she’d give him that. Sabah had never been one to check out other wolves, her entire life had mostly been survival instead of aesthetics. But hey, she could cut loose now. Bang a dude, hang out, hit on pretty people, she could do it all.

And more, if it all managed to work out.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Kallik - January 04, 2022

Kallik lowered his head some to allow her better access as she reached up to nip at the back of his neck. Until now, he had done all the touching, but feeling her teeth against his skin made the muscles of his stomach tighten with soul-deep desire.

He would let her explore wherever she liked for as long as he could bear not running his nose through her coat and pulling in her maddening scent. He nuzzled her nape again and then grabbed it with his teeth and held on. He was fervent in his affection now; he didn't want to wait any longer.

But he would give her another chance to push him away if she had changed her mind for some reason. And then if she allowed it, he would continue on, pulling her beneath him and finally giving in to the need pulsing through his veins.

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Themis - January 05, 2022

She allowed it to happen.

Sabah closed her eyes at the grab to her nape, allowing herself to be pulled and tugged along under the ice and stone man.

And she let it all wash away.

We can fade it here if you’d like to! Or we can absolutely continue <3

RE: 'cause I am the [m]aster of maintaining my disguise - Kallik - January 05, 2022

fading sounds good <3

He would spend the night with her, sleeping only when he could go on no longer. Being a young soldier meant that would take some time, but eventually he did succumb to his usual disturbed slumber, although less so that night.

And when he woke in the morning, she was gone. He hadn't even asked her name, nor had she asked for his. 

There was no need to linger there any longer, so he headed out of the trees and back home to the canyon.