Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Cyberwar - Printable Version

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Cyberwar - RIP Fury - March 15, 2022

@Kynareth Deagon here's the cougar attack thread! :>

The days blurred together yet were somehow long, uneventful after her pups opened their eyes and began toddling around tiny distances in the den. 

Fury kept to herself and her kids day and night, guarding, watching. 
Even though there'd been peace so far, it didn't always last. 
Especially with her.

Especially when it was least expected. 

Fury looked to her children lovingly and decided they'd be fine if she took a couple minutes to herself some yards off. 
Prowling those few yards, she eased to sit in the melting snow, and lifted her head to inhale the air. 
She sat like this for many minutes more than she meant to, and it registered all too well when the breeze swept a stench into her nostrils that sent her stomach plummeting. 


Fury whirled and took off at a dead sprint for her den. 
Upon arrival, there was a cougar just about to try and slip inside, when the Warchieftan let loose a skycracking battle cry, and slammed full force into the shoulder of the puma with teeth immediately at work. 

Rending, tearing, ripping, shredding, she didn't stop wouldn't stop couldn't stop-

ALL that mattered was protecting her children, nothing else. 
Nothing else. 

Nothing else.