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Hideaway Strath I wear a town like a leather jacket - Printable Version

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I wear a town like a leather jacket - Sakari - April 17, 2022

Sakari had doubled back to the Strath after shaking off Arashi. Now that she was certain he was not skulking around and able to overhear, she had some concerns to raise with @Fury

Watching the two accounted-for pups toddling around under Fury's feet only assured Sakari further that no child of such a tender age could possibly find its way out of the Strath unaided. And leaving the entire Hinterlands was out of the question. 

"We have found no sign of the children in the Hinterlands," Sakari reported to Fury. It was the news Warchief would want to know first. Sakari continued. "We have found indications of several new groups in the Hinterlands, though. I can make a report, if that's your desire." Sakari's citrine gaze search Fury's features intelligently. She knew very little about this woman-- her chief in title, but little else. If she and Fury came to know one another better, would Fury's nature inspire Sakari's loyalty in the same way it had inspired Arashi's?

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - RIP Fury - April 17, 2022

Fury perked her ears as Sakari approached. 
The immediate report for her missing children was given first, then the indication of new neighbors being possible. 

"Tell me everything." Fury replied, ushering her daughters back into the den and taking a seat right outside the entrance. 
Behind her fluffy tail, curious young eyes could be seen sheening in the dark. 

Fury awaited Sakari's next words.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - Sakari - April 22, 2022

Going to tag @Themis and @Vex Cruour so they are aware that the Saints have been scouting near their areas. Please message me if any part of this report needs to be changed, or if you would like to play out these discoveries.

The children disappeared into the den, and Sakari watched after them with interest. Seeing as they were all siblings, the children she currently sought would be of similar appearance and demeanor, and so she knew it would serve her well to pay attention. 

Sakari began her report. 

"Atautsikut, the pack on the mountain, continues to grow." There were more and stronger  scents laid along their borders, and there was every indication that the pack was flourishing, 

"Wolves claim the forest in the south, beyond the weir." Sakari and Arashi had not interacted with anyone, but the claiming scents were unmistakable.

"There were also some signs of possible occupancy around the northwest Wood, though these occupants were quite elusive to discovery. We found no sign or scent of the pups missing from the Strath, but I have to wonder what secrets are being kept there." 

Her interest was piqued. If there had been the time, she might have explored the Shadewood more, but of course they had a mission to fulfill.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - RIP Fury - April 25, 2022

Fury listened as Sakari gave her report.
Approval gleamed in her fierce gaze at the woman's efforts, and after she finished, Fury would update her on recent events.
"The wolves beyond the Wier are our allies. They are called The Dominion, lead by a woman named Vex. As for Atautsikut, they did come visit as requested. They seem to be a family-oriented pack and non-confrontational. Well-meaning, even." 

Fury would then add, "This all happened while you and Arashi were away." At least, that's how the timeline added up in her head. Fury was sharp as a razored whip, her writer though, not so much.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - Sakari - April 26, 2022

Fury appeared to be satisfied with their efforts despite receiving no news about the pups. This was a relief to Sakari, who was still getting to know her new chief and hadn't been certain how she might react. It was a good sign that Fury, despite what was implied by the name she bore, could respond with a level head. She was a far cry from her sworn protector Arashi, who seemed inclined to drop the hammer on any perceived misstep. At least Fury seemed more reasonable. This was a comfort to Sakari, who was growing weary of walking on eggshells around Arashi. 

Fury shared the most recent news, and Sakari continued to like everything she heard. Peaceful neighbors were good, and allies were even better. Fury was building them a good position here in the Hinterlands. 

"If the pups are still alive, then they have to be with other wolves." Fury had proven herself to be level headed, so Sakari saw no need to soften her words. "Since they are not with any of the groups in the Hinterlands, we need to focus our search on the most likely destinations." Sakari and Arashi had disagreed with how to continue as they moved the search beyond the Hinterlands; he wished to stick together so they would have more muscle, and Sakari wished to separate so that they could cover more distance. What would Fury have them do?

If Fury had any enemies, then they were the primary suspects in what Sakari was quite certain was a kidnapping. Should this be the case, and they knew the location of the suspected pack, then Arashi's plan would make the most sense. If they truly had no leads at all, then Sakari's plan would be best. Fury had so far been tight-lipped about her past and the enemies she had made, but now it was time to spill her secrets-- that is, if she wished to maximize the chance of a successful search.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - RIP Fury - April 29, 2022

Fury listened to Sakari's next words with careful consideration.

Truly, she knew not where to look. 
Every enemy she had made were none the wiser to her location, as far as she knew. She would voice this. 

"None of my enemies know our location, so maybe they got carried down the river, to the Coast... there's a chance they might have been saved by Blackwater. They're the only coastal pack I know of that would explore far enough to find them." Fury mused. She didn't know if it was true, and she was pretty much only throwing a random guess. But she hoped something would turn up...

@Elias @Panacea or anyone else involved in the missing kids plot, please ping me if I need to edit Fury's words! <3

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - Sakari - May 01, 2022

Fury offered a theory that the pups may have been swept downriver, and Sakari kept her expression carefully thoughtful, betraying none of her inner doubt. It seemed delusionally optimistic to think that the pups could survive such and ordeal, but Sakari supposed she could understand why a devoted mother would cling to such a hope. 

"I will go to the coast to seek out these Blackwater wolves," Sakari offered. She and Arashi had split up in order to cover more ground, and so that meant that she would be calling on the Blackwater wolves alone. It would be better that way, though. Sakari had to assume that Arashi had some talents-- or else why would Fury keep him on?-- but diplomacy was certainly not one of them. 

"Is there anything I should know about them?" It never hurt to be prepared.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - RIP Fury - May 01, 2022

"they call themselves the Druids of Blackwater, and their main leader is called The Listener. You will likely have to get past her Speaker to see her, though. If the one who answers you has a curled tail and places on his pelt that are striped, tell him of me, and the search for my pups." Fury directed, voice soft and yet hopeful in her response to Sakari. Her face told of clear gratitude for the scout's efforts, effort that would surely be rewarded once the pack was solid.

RE: I wear a town like a leather jacket - Sakari - June 07, 2022

Sakari nodded. "It will be done, Warchief." Fury's protection was reward enough for the time being, but there would surely come a time when Sakari would desire more. Her desire was never quenched for long. 

When no more information was forthcoming, Sakari nodded again, this time with finality. When she parted from Fury she would move with renewed purpose, setting a course for Blackwater's coast.