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Nimbus Summit blood - Printable Version

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blood - Ikniqpalagaq - April 18, 2022

she is calling for @Issorartuyok / @Tuuluuwaq at the borders but anyone is welcome to greet her! ♥️

it was fate laced, she was sure of this, spirit guided to the scents of her brothers. changed and tweaked by time but it was surely them.


she wondered what they had made of themselves here, in the bustling scents of a pack. there was only one way to find out. she must summon them.

her head tilted back and she sung out into the early morning sun. a welcoming sound to her brothers and those they shared a village with.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - April 20, 2022

He he would have likely answered the call on the borders anyway, but the familiarity of it quickened his paws. His sister was here, and she called for him and his brother. Tuulu wondered if she was here to stay or was just checking on them; he was excited either way.

He was practically sprinting by the time her pale form filled his view. When he reached her and had stopped, Tuulu butted his head affectionately against her neck. He was grinning when he stepped back. Niq, he said first. I have missed you. Have you come to check up on us or to stay? the youngest Tatkret asked. 

lmk if the nickname isn't okay <3

RE: blood - Ikniqpalagaq - April 20, 2022

nickname is more than okay! <3

it was tuuluuwaq who found her first. her heart soared to see him. so healthy, so strong! briefly she fussed over him, sorting the stray furs on his shoulder — she would have tried to groom his crown, but her height certainly did her no favors.

i do not know yet, she admitted honest, eyes shinning bright. her spirit drifted even if she remained here with her brother. you must tell me of your new village. the lands are wonderful and vast.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - April 21, 2022

She doted over him, as if he were still boy, but he never minded it; he would just smile in return and lower his head closer to her reach. 

I was not sure if I was staying when I first arrived, he told her first. His mind had been made up pretty quickly, though, Lane being one of the major contributing factors. This is Atautsikut, he grinned as he said the word. Isso is the alpha. He has a mate now and they are expecting pups very soon, he explained fondly. He was more than excited to meet his nieces and nephews. I am beta along with my mate Lane. I cannot wait for you to meet her. 

We traveled here from across two mountain chains. We lost our food source to disease in our old home and we moved here for a better life. 

How are you? I am sure you are hungry and tired from your journey; I will show you to some food. It wasn't that long ago that he made the same trip. If she agreed, he would start leading her into the territory towards the closest cache.

RE: blood - Ikniqpalagaq - April 21, 2022

her heart soared. for this brother, for the other, for their siblings who were not here. how well defined they had become here. their own village ruled by brothers, each who had found new family and love!

it seemed that such had not come without hardships, though. traveling through not one but two mountain chains! and losing their herds to a disease. she tsk'd softly, a gentle shake of her head at this news.

i am glad you have atautsikut, tuuluuwaq. her features wrinkled with warmth and pride. and i won't say no to any hospitality shown either. a small laugh bubbled up in her throat. she had not come for handouts, but the journey had been long and this was her brother offering.

she would fall in line with him wherever he led them.

i am well. tired and worn, but i feel free here. i forgot how good it is to be somewhere new.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - April 24, 2022

So am I, he told her with a grin. He was happier here than he ever thought was possible. Things would only get better if his sister decided to stay.

It was an easy trek to the nearest cache. When they arrived, Tuulu moved away the stones and dug up the dirt, not wanting Niq to have to do any work after her long journey. Yes it does, he told her, agreeing with how nice it felt to be somewhere new. 

How are things back home? Mom and Dad? he asked. He regretted that he had left without saying goodbye.

RE: blood - Ikniqpalagaq - May 02, 2022

his questions would be met with a soft smile. things were well but...well, time passed, didn't it? whether they wished for it or not.

all is well. she reassured him, hoping to place another gentle grooming touch to his shoulder. i hope things stay peaceful for them with all of us so...scattered. she laughed warmly. although it seemed at least two (perhaps three, if she stayed) of them had managed to form back together.

stronger than ever!

let me focus on the present, she requested softly. tell me of your wife, tuuluu. will you bring children alongside your brother's? she prompted with a joyous look upon her face.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - May 04, 2022

Her report of home was vague but positive, so he didn't press for more information when she changed the subject. Besides, he would take any reason to talk about Lane.

She is a skilled healer and very compassionate, he started. She caught my attention almost right away after I arrived at the glacier. I courted her for a while and when we were settled here, I gave her a present and asked her to be my mate and she accepted. He couldn't help the smile that curved his lips.

We are planning to have children, he answered. Before Lane, I could not even consider being a father, but now I am excited. And I love that they will grow up with their cousins. It would be a big family just as it was meant to be. 

And what about you, sister. Maybe while you are here you will find a mate of your own? Any man would be lucky to call her his mate. Of course, if she didn't want that, that was okay too.

RE: blood - Ikniqpalagaq - May 04, 2022

of course she accepted! she beamed, joy radiated off of her in waves. yellow eyes looked about, wondering if his lane may appear at any moment. certainly she would be interested in the one who called for her husband and brother-in-law, no?

as for me, i would like it but...it will happen when it will happen. her tail swept behind her in slow arcs. near timid at the admission. into her fourth year without a husband was not shameful, but it certainly made the yearning that much worse.

do you wish for me to stay and deepen my roots in your village, tuuluu? or perhaps you might send me as an extension in another village.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - May 12, 2022

Her suggestion had him considering more closely what exactly she was offering. There were many of them here in the summit, and he was grateful that they thrived. But maybe they could hold another place nearby and fortify their safety further. 

Maybe we can expand, he offered. But I will need to discuss it with Lane and Isso first. He smiled. Until we know for sure, you are welcome here for as long as you would like. He had a feeling his brother would be happy to have her around once his children were born.

RE: blood - Ikniqpalagaq - May 15, 2022

feel free to mark her as part of atautsikut and maybe we can get them something new? <3

i will stay then, she informed him, a small grin splitting her features. it will be good for me to have some familiar faces while i learn new things here.

her tail would continue with slow sweeps behind her, as they continued their time together. how good it felt to be with family once more.

RE: blood - Tuuluuwaq - May 27, 2022

i would love something current <3

Tuulu nodded and smiled. It will be nice to have you here, he told her. I can show you around whenever you want. We can patrol together, too, if you ever want to.

He thought it was a good sign that his sister was here now; their new home was blessed even more because if it.