Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera i'm doing good, i'm on some new shit - Printable Version

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i'm doing good, i'm on some new shit - Sorana - April 24, 2022

This is my only post to mark the milestone but @Teya and @Reyes are welcome to post as well! Archiving April 27th.

The sun came out in the misty mid-morning to chase the last tendrils of fog from the lake's surface. It filtered into the small island den and struck the upturned face of little Sorana, who noticed it for the first time ever by the red-and-white assault on her eyelids.

With a squeak, she stretched up two uncoordinated forelegs to briefly cover her face. She scrunched up her nose and blinked — blinked! — hastily against the light. It didn't take long for the little sprite to work out how to squint, and only then did her legs finally drop back to curl against her chest. The sun's rays highlighted the budding tufts of red framing the sides of her face.

Sora yawned and blinked several more times at the dazzling light above. She could make nothing specific out except the brilliance of outdoors compared to the shadowy depths of the den, but that was enough. Her jaws parted to let out a growling whimper, then she turned herself and cuddled back into Teya's warm fur. It was some time before the novelty of having functional, albeit blurry, eyes wore off enough for her to fall asleep once more.