Wolf RPG
The Heartwood Desolation - Printable Version

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Desolation - Kjotve - July 29, 2022

All welcome, tagging @Alduin for visibility!

Kjotve had come upon the edge of a ruined woodland, with many scents coming from it. He was uncertain if it was a claimed land or not, but he traversed through it all the same — if someone stopped him, then someone stopped him, and he would deal with that then.

RE: Desolation - Alduin - July 30, 2022

EEE omg he’s so handsome!!! ;D

Patrolling the borders, as per usual, has the Revenant on edge. They’ve had many visitors at their borders. They’ve had many a wolf slink into their Heartwood already. Not only that, but he is planning to find his first target — that stone — but that’s for later. Or at least that’s what he tells himself, and yet, he can’t think of anything else. He’s obsessive — dangerously so. 

Ah, yes. Obsessive. The hellhound is obsessive with many things.

Hence why he circles the heartwood like a vulture. Marking and marking. Making sure others know that he owns it and everything — everyone — inside of it. 

That’s when he spots a paler figure just off in the distance. Their shape is wolf like, but at a distance the light caramel of their pelt allows room to believe they’re a coyote — or maybe even a small grizzly bear. He cares not for guessing games, so he moves forth. Slow and lumbering, unrushed, but just as on edge. And when he is within five meters he realizes this is a large wolf with such a beautifully unique pelt. Or maybe not unique, but Alduin hasn’t seen an agouti wolf with such a light visage — it forces the eye. 

Most likely, the hellhound has already been seen, so he saunters closer, tail bobbing on his hip. His head is always level with a strong, straight back, but dominance always calls. He raises it a pinch, forcing eye contact if the other dares. 

“Stranger.” He hums in that rasping voice. “You find yourself at the borders of Forsaken. What is it you want?” His voice is calm, but the constant deep rumble makes him sound threatening and gruff. Which wouldn’t be a wrong assumption.

RE: Desolation - Kjotve - July 31, 2022

Ty!! I hope me not mirroring length isn't an issue <3 Kjotve is also new so I'm not fully sure what his personality is yet, but def interested at tossing him at TF I think!

Kjotve saw a large wolf approaching, mostly colored of the night, with beastly red eyes. He stopped walking, and instead stood to await the stranger. He took in everything — the way he held his head, his tail, the way he looked at Kjotve.

He questioned Kjotve, and Kjotve's response came low, and amused. "What is it you have to offer?"

RE: Desolation - Alduin - July 31, 2022

Oh yeah, no need to match post length! ;) and ooohh yes so exciting!!!

The damned watches the other with a certain type of dark curiosity, but also makes a shows of looking the stranger from head to two. A gaze that’s clearly shameless, yet endlessly wandering.

And then he asks such an interesting question. One that makes Alduin himself think. And when he does think, a huff of rumbling laughter escapes his maw.

“Many things, stranger. A place to live and the things that come with it. But more importantly a quest.” He adds mysteriously. And then Alduin’s next words slip off a black tongue so tantalizingly — a purr. “Do you wish to stay?” The hellhound asks then.

He laughs once more, but it cannot be heard from the outside — it’s more of an eternal one. For he would need to choose wisely — in this case it means life or death.

RE: Desolation - Kjotve - August 01, 2022

Kjotve looked at Alduin just as Alduin looked at him; in Kjotve's case, he assessed to determine whether the other male could be a threat. He already sensed that yes, he could be. And Kjotve was on his land. Best be careful.

The beast spoke of a quest, and Kjotve's eyes narrowed with keen interest. "Do tell me more of this quest."

RE: Desolation - Alduin - August 16, 2022

Sorryyyyy I’ve been battling with my muse and I def lost T^T I hope you’re okay with continuing this thread <3

Oh yes, the Revenant is a threat. He is death himself. The hellhound-pet of a ghostly demon forever damned to suffer, so why shouldn’t he make others suffer just as much as he?

No worries, he will…

But this man, with fiery red eyes just like his own — just like his Harbinger’s — is inquiring about his quest. His quest for what you say?


But no, no, no, not the physical kind. Not the kind one would except with a pack full of managing teeth that are always ready to tear; a different kind.

Alduin huffs out a laugh — dark menacing, rumbling, and rasping. “Power of course.” He answers. “A quest for power…” He repeats uselessly. “But not in a physical sense.”

He tilts his head, eyes the honey colored man with dark, casual eyes, half-lidded and relaxed. “We chase ghosts here — myths and relics. If you do share the same goal, then the forsaken is not for you, stranger.” 

It is the harsh truth, but he does not display it as harsh as one would think. His rasping voice makes him sound devilish, gruff, but he cannot speak any other way. If this man wants a place in The Forsaken, then he must want what they want. There are exceptions, of course, but those must be earned.

RE: Desolation - Kjotve - August 18, 2022

absolutely! i'm also sorry for the length, my depression is killing my muse and kjotve is so new that i'm strugglingggg lol

Kjotve pondered Alduin's words, frowning. They sought power — spiritual power, if Kjotve was understanding it correctly. He was not a spiritual man, but...

Say I accept this quest. What would I have to do? Not that he had any moral issues — his heart was as black as they come. He pressed, I... am not familiar with spirituality, or ghosts. But I am willing to learn.

RE: Desolation - Alduin - August 23, 2022

Awesome! And absolutely nooo prob I understand completely on the new char thing :)

Say I accept this quest. What would I have to do?

“Mm, curious then?” He questions back, but expects no answer. 

Alduin chuckles at the pretty, blonde boy’s interest in their quest. Perhaps he could put that curiosity to work. Though his next words confirm that he is not familiar with spirits — or at least the kind Alduin’s chasing.

“Then we will teach you.” The Revenant rumbles in his ashen tone, easy going yet devious, but expression continuously devoid of hard emotion.

He continues, “Though, it is not a relation with religion I search for. Power in a physical sense, through spirituality, is what I crave. Your lessons will be easy.”

His last spoken sentence makes him think though. The lessons might not be that easy, but it depends on how fast a learner he is. For @Khasni will expected to teach him of their spiritual ways, the hellhound has much harsher lessons for the male. One of which a Khasni has already learned, but not yet heeded, herself.

RE: Desolation - Kjotve - August 24, 2022

Kjotve was curious, and after Alduin spoke of lessons, he nodded. Very well. When will my, ah... lessons begin? And then, there was still things he thought worth speaking of — his skills, mainly. You should know, I'm good in a fight.

RE: Desolation - Alduin - August 28, 2022

“When?” Alduin asks back deviously. “Immediately.” Is the answer the other man gets. 

But then he tells him that he’s good in a fight and that has the brindled beast eyeing him down curiously. Bloodied eyes squint at him and he takes a few heavy, confident steps closer.

“Good. You will need it.” He adds, voice ashen and broken. “I will want to see for myself.”

After those words are spoken, he would turn on his heels, looking back over a burly shoulder at the blonde man. “First, let me show you your forever home.” It comes out in a lazy, but devilish purr as he begins walking, curled tail bobbing on his hip fully expecting him to follow.

RE: Desolation - Kjotve - August 29, 2022

He was to begin immediately. He dipped his head in understanding, and then Alduin turned, beckoning for him to follow. Bowing his head, Kjotve would follow after the shadow, intrigued.