Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood I will do what I must - Printable Version

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I will do what I must - Amalia - August 27, 2022

Amalia had left her leader, fairly quickly after their conversation. She had grabbed some meat to fill her belly and the bundle of furs she had been saving. She had wound a willow branch around it and pulled it taut with her teeth. She carried that in her maw.

She had been going at an easy run, determined to get where she needed to go. She wanted to trace the way they had come, but she knew she would need to try and find a quicker way to Moonglow. Her body would be tired and sore, by the time she made it there, but a true taste of her mettle.

She dipped her head and trudged onward. She could do this, she would do this. She just hoped all stayed calm in her absence.