Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon that person 15 year old me would be proud to have known - Printable Version

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that person 15 year old me would be proud to have known - Aquillius - September 25, 2022

It was dark in the canyon when Aquillius finally dragged himself towards home. He’d become a distant child, almost obsessively focused on becoming stronger.

Which was how he was in this situation. This situation being the small jar in his normally smooth walk that came from a limp he was doing his damndest to conceal. It wasn’t too bad anyway, he was quite sure it was just a pulled muscle. He would power through it, and rise with the sun again tomorrow.

He stopped for a moment to press his tongue to an errant tuft of fur, grooming it down to its standard flatness, before continuing, eyes lightly squinted to see.