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Redsand Canyon You kiss my lips until they're colder - Printable Version

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You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - October 26, 2022

There had been whispers roaming the canyon. Coyotes had been near. It made the mazoi tense. Not only did he now fear more for the amiirad's safety, but those of Mereo would be concerned for their territory.
When he knew @Makono was alone in the soldier's barracks, Khaba drew near. Mereoens speak. Coyote seen near... He assumed the words may not be new to her, but he still felt the need to report his findings.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Makono - October 27, 2022

coyotes were not a foreign concept to the crown prince of akashingo.

they often served. her lilac was part coyote herself, no? there was no fear in the heart of the crown prince at these words. and so it was with a humored gaze that she casted khaba a long look.

one could be brought home as a gift.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - October 27, 2022

He had not thought yet of what good the news of coyotes could bring. But only of the harm they could do. 
Then again, their palace was comprised of many. And as far as the mazoi knew, they had done no ill.
Khaba considered Makono's suggestion for a moment, tipping his ear closer. You speak to imperator. I help patrol... maybe bring one to you. If they were to take one home, he wanted to be the one both to choose and capture.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Makono - October 28, 2022

speak to the imperator?

a questioning gaze was offered for a long, silent moment.

i don't believe his permission is needed on poaching beasts he wants sent elsewhere anyway. she told him with a certainty. mereo did not welcome the band of coyotes. nor were any moves made to capture them.

she enjoyed mereo but still it was a world away from akashingo.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - October 28, 2022

He had confused the amiirad. And in doing so, he'd nearly confused himself.
No... not to poach- to patrol... I patrol for him, to see if coyote still near. To get view of land, too. And of those who inhabited the canyon. Khaba still didn't trust the lot of them.
Would she understand his meaning now?

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Makono - November 05, 2022

he wanted permission, it seemed. not from her but from the imperator. it was polite, it was proper. the things she wanted to be before the eyes of mereo.

i will tell him of your desires. he will see this and allow it, but do not be surprised if he is guarded of you viewing the land so much.

her and germanicus had an understanding.

so she felt.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - November 07, 2022

Let him be guarded. The mazoi responded flatly, tone carrying light bitterness. He cared not for what the man thought of him or his actions.
But should the imperator go against his wishes, Khaba would find only further reason to dislike the man of Mereo.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Makono - November 08, 2022

she laughed. low and bright.

khaba had become a certain type of man. one she could not place. almost, she dared to think, as if imperator and pharaoh met in the middle. a logical ego.

could such a thing exist?

do not let me keep you from a patrol. it is best to start sooner rather than later.

her gaze was warm and dazzled.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - November 17, 2022

She would not keep him from his desires. This was a relief; though, he hadn't initially many doubts — if any, at all. 
I feel that I am more useful when I can use my talents for your use and learn what I am able. What was his purpose if to not be useful in some way? His talents were meant for something, therefore he would put use to them. 
I will admit that I do not trust all here... Then again, he didn't know many here. He was right to be unsure. So, with this caution, he would be wary and do what he could to have eyes in all places when possible.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Makono - November 25, 2022

maybe fade us out? we can get them some up to date palace stuff <3

then you keep your eyes upon them, ears even closer.

her gaze was bright.

learn, and bring these learnings back to me. what more could i ask for in these canyon walls?

they both knew she did not wield the full might of akashingo at this distance. but rogue works? well, she needed nobody but them to do such a thing.

RE: You kiss my lips until they're colder - Annorak - December 03, 2022

I'll archive it here ^^

Like pharaoh had commanded before, he would act as an extra set of eyes and ears. A ranger; a watcher. But who was he to complain? It was the second best talent he had.
I will learn what I can. He replied hoarsely, nodding his heavy skull.
There was nothing more to be said. If she was finished with him, he would be on his way to discover what secrets Mereo had to offer him and his prince.