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Ankyra Sound Ten sly piranhas - Printable Version

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Ten sly piranhas - Kevlyn - October 22, 2014

Ostregas were strong wolves, traditional and persistent in their pursuits. Sometimes they were foolhardy and occasionally just plain fools, but what Verrine had told his children about Ostregas stuck in Kevlyn's head. He wasn't quite old enough to know what all it meant, but he understood the gist. Ostregas were strong... so why wasn't he?

The fact was, Kevlyn was terrified. He was alone in a dark cave at the edge of Ankyra's territory, an altogether different cave than Caiaphas had used to hide another puppy of whom he was unaware. This one was set in the ground near the cliffs, or at the base of the cliffs—he was too young to properly get his bearings. He was too young to be here, but those who took him in didn't seem to think so. He'd met a male earlier that morning who had begun explaining words like "consort" and "siren"... words that had no meaning to little Kevlyn.

Ostregas are strong, he thought to himself in terms a toddler would comprehend as he struck out from his hole in the ground. He was much too young to be unsupervised and, he'd quickly learned, he wasn't; there was a male posted nearby keeping an eye on him. Presently they were unseen as Kev cast around, looking for anyone that would interact with him. This shore looked very much like Stavanger Bay's, but he'd observed differences in the way the wolves here behaved. While those at home paid lots of attention to the pups, the wolves here, especially the female ones, seemed happy to ignore him, save for dropping off chewed up mush for food and barring him from wandering off.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Tethys - October 22, 2014

Normally, this quiet and befuddled bag of bones, huddling in the cave, would be floating at the bottom of the sea and feeding the fish. Tethys hadn't done much save bring strips of salmon or pike into the well of the den. The raven female barely paid attention besides dropping off the food and leaving, much more preoccupied with patrols and whatnot. But finally, on this chilly sea-winded day, Tethys finally had some time to herself.

Her paws sank into the sandy mat of the cave floor, quietly drawing near. It was a different crevice from the main one, but many scents had led up to it, and it was how Tethys had found it in the first place.

Stand, the wolf ordered in a tone laced with boredom. She wanted to see how much the pup was putting on from all the scraps the pack had brought about. Although the ebony female had assisted in it, it would be intriguing to see if the little male had plumped out from the 'pampering'.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Kevlyn - October 22, 2014

He was fed and watched, but Kevlyn was hardly spoiled, not like he was in Stavanger Bay. He missed the comforts of his previous life. He didn't have the words to say it and so often snivelled pathetically instead, but there was rarely anyone to comfort him here. It was a way of life that Kevlyn was neither prepared for or wanted. Being under the care of Julooke and Verrine, he'd had all he ever wanted. Now that seemed so far away and he seemed alone all the time.

He didn't get far on the sand before someone intercepted him. The female was tall, black, and slim. Kevlyn only knew enough to identify the colour as similar to Caiaphas'. He was so excited someone was visiting with him that he didn't even wince when she barked a brusque, known order out at him. Though he was desperate to comply—often doing what the adults wanted came with prizes, like cuddles and play time—he simply could not, for he was already standing.

Instead, the toddler twisted his head inquisitively, one ear flopping to the side and the other standing straight up, and said, "buh-uh?"

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Nishu Inte - October 28, 2014

[size=x-small]"There was a male posted nearby keeping an eye on him." who are you referring to Kevlyn? :P[/size]

This pack Nishu got himself involved in wasn't your average pack. It was like a different world with different rules. Nishu at first didn't care about it, He did accept to be Tethys' temperary Knight but did that mean he had to follow the ways of her pack? It's important that he proves himself as he said he would as a Knight but if he couldn't do what a knight is suppose to do then how could he prove himself? Nishu didn't really want to think about it. All he needed to do was be Tethys' knight, why worry about anything else?

In attempt to distract himself from thought he decided to seek out Tethys. Tracking her wasn't that easy, He was wasting time just seeking her out. It was definitely something he needed to improve, How else will he get there in time to help if she needed it.

He managed to get hold of the general direction of where she went. Finally there was a cave entrance up ahead. He marched straight to it without hesitation. He suddently stopped in front. Dens were homes, invading was out of the question. "Tethys?" he called out. If there was no answer then there was nothing to do but keep looking.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Tethys - November 03, 2014

sorry for crappy delayed post t.t

As she strode closer, the gray fuzzball materialized into a more canid form and less a round shape of fur. Her skyline orbs stared down, looking at the obvious ridge of spinal bones pressing against his back, and the slight, incomprehensible wobble the pup harbored.

The pup was obviously not old enough to form true words, something that made Tethys grin. Now that she thought of it, the onyx creature had never been around any pups. She had been the youngest in her group. Now her head was tilted in curiosity as she listened to the strange words that the pup had gargled out. Before Tethys could comment on them, a shadow blocked the thin light coming in from the entrance and she twisted her skull around, ears pricking. It was the bulky form of Nishu, who briefly turned the cave dark before he moved forward.

Can't you imagine you were that same size, at one point? Tethys replied to the male stating his name. She had noticed her liege hanging about the den but had made no move to shoo him off. It was none of her business who Caiaphas dragged into Ankyra territory.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Kevlyn - November 05, 2014

Just a generic "someone", no character in particular.

Before Tethys had an opportunity to speak further with him, her attention was drawn elsewhere. Kevlyn's eyes lifted as well, finding a shadowed form in the doorway. It had a distinctly masculine voice, and for a moment Kev's gaze was hopeful, as if it was Verrine standing there ready to bring him home... but it was not his father. It was no one familiar.

He looked down at his paws again, twisting his ears back with a sorrowful little sound. He exhaled roughly and shrunk down as small as he could go, a curled little mass of puppy fuzz and fat on the floor. Kevlyn was already beginning to realize that he was stuck here, that nobody knew who he was (how could they if he didn't know them) and nobody could bring him back to his family. It wasn't a game anymore, but he couldn't end it.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Nishu Inte - November 06, 2014

There was no doubt that Tethys was in there when he heard her voice but as much as he wanted to, he refused to go in. It was just the the fact that Knights can't enter the home others without a good reason. He was always told that dens hold surprises and sometimes it was just better to stay out of it. He remained curious though, he never thought of exploring caves. Exactly what was down there? What was Tethys doing? It bugged him but there wasn't anything he could do about it yet.

He sat down, and waited. He didn't really have anything better to do, or actually he could go train more but he'd prefer not missing any chances to prove himself. He sat there, just curious but not willing to go in yet. Of course this was a waste of time but maybe it was worth it. All he could do was just wait and see.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Tethys - November 09, 2014

Both of the males had fallen quiet. The pup stopped spouting nonsensical words, and Nishu remained in the threshold of the cave. Tethys felt a little cornered by then, her blue eyes snapping from the adult to the silvery pup who had lapsed into a mood of mopey quietness. What was there to mope about? He had curled into a ball of skin and fur.

With an inquisitive paw, Tethys poked the small male's elastic skin.
What? We don't bite- Nishu, come show him how happy everyone is here. The pack had fed him, sheltered him, what more was there to ask for? Although she didn't understand yet why Caiaphas had stolen the creature, the raven would do her best to acclimate the rangy pup into the group.
I'm Tethys. What's your name? She looked back down, hoping that Nishu Inte had walked in and provided some sort of relief for the pup. The warrior female didn't want to learn that this pup was as useful as a washed up seal skull. Then she would have to resort to other means, besides conversation.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Kevlyn - November 11, 2014

The male in the door didn't come any closer. This was good, as Kevlyn was so upset it wasn't his father that he truly wanted nothing to do with the man. The female was speaking, perhaps to him or perhaps to the male, but Kevlyn didn't listen. He made a grumbled sound of irritation when she prodded him, his coat briefly bristling as he turned himself and faced the back wall.

His sullen mood would last for the rest of the day, possibly even longer. The pup wanted nothing more than to go home to his siblings, to playfight Charon and frolic with Levi and exchange half-formed words with Liyani, but it all seemed impossible. Clearly the man and woman crowding Kev into the den weren't here to help him get home, and he knew Caiaphas was no use in that respect either. Greyjoy had offered to bring him to his mother, but he hadn't seen the consort since then.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Nishu Inte - November 12, 2014

Nishu received permission to go in but he was cought off guard by the sight of a young pup as he poked his head in. He was too surprised to show a happy face. What was a pup doing here? Nishu wanted to know who did this pup belong to. When Tethys asked him his name Nishu felt relieved to know that the pup wasn't hers. It would have complicated alot of things if it was the case. But something else bothered him, Who was the mother and where was she? There were many things that were unclear but he felt like he shouldn't ask anything about him.

Seeing the pup show signs of depression started to concern him. "Perhaps a walk around the area would show more." He said suggesting to bring him out into the open. Staying inside wouldn't change anything unless there was something inside that made him happy. Maybe afterwards he could ask about the pup but it was more important to focus on Tethys for the time being.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Tethys - November 12, 2014

Sounds like an idea. Maybe a dip in the ocean will wash out his ears,
Tethys said in reply, her eyes lighting up at the knight's idea. As long as Kevlyn would be staying here, there would be no point in just leaving him in the cave to languish.

The pup remained starkly silent, and suddenly a thought dawned on the charcoal hued female. She glanced up at Nishu, a grin on her face.

Maybe he doesn't understand Greek,
Tethys mused, rifling her mind to find out what else could be the issue. The pup had only gargled a couple words, but the Nereides had no idea what the age was for wolves to become intelligible, and so she was misinformed, thinking that his babbles was an actual language, but just in another tongue.

RE: Ten sly piranhas - Kevlyn - December 10, 2014

I'm pulling Kevlyn out because this is quite old. Thanks for the thread. :)

He didn't understand all of what the adults said, but Kevlyn knew they were talking about him. He'd thought he'd made it pretty clear he wasn't interested in visitors, and so like the moody toddler he was, he got to his stubby feet and toddled away from them, toward a dark corner in the back of the den. Whatever the male and female wanted, they would get no further response or cooperation out of Kevlyn, who suddenly wanted nothing more than to be left alone to mope.

Should the issue be pressed, then surely he would throw a tantrum large enough to summon one of the other pack members to the scene. He made it more clear with a pointed growl as he shuffled further into the back corner, where he curled up and shut his eye.