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Moonspear Mystery Flavor - Printable Version

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Mystery Flavor - Keen - February 20, 2023

Forward dated a couple days to line up with when she expects Bridget to be back!
By the time Keen returned to Moonspear, her mood had turned fretful. The walk back had given her plenty of time to remember her involvement with Sialuk. She'd spent so long utterly unattached in that area, it was easy to forget that things had changed very quickly. Now there were two sets of new feelings to deal with, two infatuations blooming in her chest. Sialuk surely wouldn't mind, but Keen hadn't thought to ask Bridget about it. She spent the next two days avoiding everyone, and only emerged from seclusion early in the morning on the first day that Bridget might return.
Her own time spent traveling had taught her not to expect any kind of promptness, however. She spent half the morning hunting and dug a cache near the spot she'd chosen, squirreling away two birds for later. Hopefully the medic didn't mind feathers. Keen worried and paced, and left the area to avoid making a mess of it. Maybe she should do more to prepare. Something, anything to keep her mind off of how she would sort out this awkward situation she'd landed herself in.

RE: Mystery Flavor - Sialuk - February 20, 2023

Keen had not returned to her ulaq in many nights, and Sialuk worried that she may have done something wrong. Had she upset her somehow? There were many things to keep the starwoman busy in the meantime, and she did not think it necessary to track down her lover and demand answers. That was not the way she thought of the bark-clad woman. She threw herself into her duties, caring for @Chakliux and @Quennell. She also checked in on both @Meerkat and @Nasamik frequently to make sure they were coming along well in their pregnancies. She had touched base with @Bridget only briefly during her first visit, but had not had time to sit down and properly chat with the woman.

She had not been looking for Keen when she found her up ahead, but Sialuk woofed a friendly hello when she caught sight of her dark brown fur. Keen! she greeted, eyes questioning the woman's sudden change in behavior over the last few days.

RE: Mystery Flavor - Keen - February 22, 2023

The first person to find Keen was, of course, the very last person she wanted to see right now. Her heart skipped a little at the sight of Sialuk, and she forced herself to smile. Hey, She said, already dreading this conversation. They would have to have it, though. Whatever was between them was casual at best, but it still existed. Keen wished she hadn't forgotten that.
But then she wouldn't have a date with Bridget. So. Hard to regret that too much. Sorry I haven't been around, I... She trailed off, realizing she didn't know how to explain. Any way she put it, it was an asshole move. Kinda asked someone on a date, and I don't know how she feels about the whole 'multiple lovers' thing yet. So it's a weird situation, and I panicked, and. Yeah, I'm sorry.

RE: Mystery Flavor - Sialuk - February 22, 2023

Sialuk listened, attentive, neutral. She did not wish to make Keen uncomfortable, and she was relieved to hear that it was not something she had done to dissuade the woman from coming to her ulaq.

Gently, she nosed Keen's cheek. It is okay, she assured her. I worried I... upset you. If you wish for more space, I will not be angry. The agreement they had entered was a casual one, and Sialuk had known she would be capable of handling the end of their intimate relationship, if that was what it came to. She was curious about who the other was, but she did not press further.

You have been well, besides?