Wolf RPG
Larksong Grotto le regard timide, les mains toutes abimées - Printable Version

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le regard timide, les mains toutes abimées - Lestan - April 01, 2023

the deer bone clanked dully along his eager teeth.
he had found it, had found it;
mine mine mine mine
he had found it in the frozen ground. it had come to him, the piece of ivoried deer femur, a a relic of byone packs who had once inhabited the grotto.
lestan had turned and twisted in his fevered sleep; he had felt it dig into his hip; he had pulled it from the earth and there, there upon one end of it, seemed a blue-black smear of the blood he sought.
for he knew now! the blue-eyed doe was reverie and she was the deer and she was the one who had come to him, antlers burning one night beside the lake.
"cern — cerne" but the word would not come —

[Image: tumblr_md0hieSzY61rq41c0o3_500.gif]

words of goldcoin cold had been dropped to his listening ears. 
lestan spat the bone out; he held it in one paw.
the addled eyes saw only the jewel it was, proof of the divinity he still followed.
"cerne ... cernunnos."and lestan was consumed again.