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Mudminnow River revolvo - Printable Version

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revolvo - Germanicus - April 06, 2023

it was good to roam far, and toward the taiga as well.

many chapters had been written in this place for germanicus.

the creek where he had met artyom. the creek that had come apart and led him after celnes.

the tuktu, with the holy elk and the warring family.

the sunspire, where he had grown great things and plummeted a greater height.

and now the valley, reunited with crowfeather once more and free to travel anonymously.

germancius was not sure it was contentment. each step took him in search of a job. a task. a purpose.

he followed the river at a trot along the muddy bank.

RE: revolvo - Sól - April 06, 2023

Sól, too, searched for a purpose. Bjarna was often occupied with the other inhabitants of Kvarsheim, and though at first the red girl had been overcome by fits of jealousy whenever Bjarna was away, she had come to accept it as necessity. So she must find a way to occupy her time, she resolved, and one brave day she set out from Kvarsheim to explore the places around it.
There was fear in this journey, for she had no wish to cross paths with the creature she had once called mother. But Sól was excited, too! So much that she did not know what to do with it, and the excitement and fear morphed into something like agitation when she caught sight of a dark stranger trotting along a muddy river. Sól slowed in her approach and, with something like a short-circuiting of her ability to reason, began to bark at him with tail flagging. Whether the intent was play or aggression was ambiguous even to her.

RE: revolvo - Germanicus - April 15, 2023

the bark was something particular to canines. germanicus looked smoothly toward the creature, quite alike to bjarna in all but color.

"friend to kvarsheim," he said softly, noting her scent. "i am germanicus."

was she too scouting?

RE: revolvo - Sól - June 06, 2023

I am so sorry...thank you for being patient <3
Sól quieted when he greeted her, bouncing in place for a few seconds while she decided what to do here. Germanicus claimed the title of friend — so friend he would be, for now. She barked again, more playfully this time.
Sól, She introduced, and trotted past him to sniff along the edge of the muddy river. Then she lifted her head to look at Germanicus with a small jerk of her muzzle in the direction he'd been heading before she interrupted. Explore with me?

RE: revolvo - Germanicus - June 06, 2023

of course!! <3

sól. germanicus followed with an easy step and kept his eyes alert upon their surroundings.

"have you lived in kvarsheim long?" the roman inquired, assuming from her appearance that she was relation to bjarna.

RE: revolvo - Sól - June 06, 2023

No, Sól answered briskly, pausing to sniff at a stretch of tall stalks topped by puffs of white flowers. She nosed among the flowers for a few moments, until she uncovered an old and cracked skull of some tiny creature she couldn't name. Weasel-like, she thought, rolling the skull under her paw before she lifted it and presented it to Germanicus in an idle look what I found fashion.
As quickly as she'd taken an interest, she dropped the skull and started to move on. You know Bjarna? She asked with a sideways glance to her companion. It made sense in her mind; Kvarsheim, to her, was Bjarna, and vice versa.

RE: revolvo - Germanicus - June 18, 2023

"a little," the roman rejoined. "i knew her a short time but she has gone now."

he sniffed over the skull, reading its stories, and looked up at the other.

"are you a relation of bjarna's?"