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Ouroboros Spine pleading - Printable Version

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pleading - Arrluk - August 25, 2023

Second mother, Sakhmet, had gone. Now, Galana gone. Ajei and his blood mother remained still, the only two remaining women in his life which he had close connection to. There were others, of course, Chickadee and Shikoba. His three sisters and the tribes they led. But it was Ajei and Kukutux which he so desperately did not wish to go missing next. 

Arrluk traced the path of his father's fresh scent, who sat atop Grandfather Stone and watched the river snake its way towards the lake. Aiolos saw the stark white of his son from the corner of his gaze, turning his fiery eyes into the boy's direction. Five months old and already his latest three sons had grown so much. It was his last born which came to him now. 

His father had already taught him how to fish. @Kivaluk had taught him how to track. @Shikoba had shown him how to trace and mark the borders. Arrluk was still learning, but he wanted to know something else now. 

Dad. Will you teach me how to protect? 

Arrluk's green-water eyes were pleading. Aiolos did not miss the heaviness in his sons. His latest daughter and their litter-sister, of Sakhmet and Kukutux love for one another, lost. 

Aiolos sighs deeply and lifts from the rock, hoping down from its height. Come, my son. I will show you everything you need to know.