Wolf RPG
The Tangle hurt me once - Printable Version

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hurt me once - Towhee Jr - November 17, 2023

as the unrest as the monarchy shifts in redtail rise, jr finds herself wholly unsure if she should remain. it has been good for her, this venture outside of her bubble and she braves the dark tresses of the tangle.

she escapes to think. to plan. to let the guilt of failing njord's task for her whilst knowing she has no intent to return to moonspear eat at her for a while.

her wound has scarred, no longer bothering her. ghost rides upon the junction of her shoulders once more; apparently not trusting the thick, choking spindly limbs of the trees that weave and knot together overhead any more than she does.

golden gaze is alert; nostrils flared as she moves cautiously, trusting the peregrine falcon to be her ears.