Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote Dies Irae - Printable Version

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Dies Irae - Legend - December 09, 2023

When the dead of night rumbled and the desert sands screamed wakeful, the halls of Muat-Riya were alive.

Torn between rooms, scattering feet and pushing between masses of bodies and learned routes. By moonlight and glowing honey mushrooms, the shadowed face was touched with a green rim. To the aid of Fellahin, to the hurried nature of filling the rooms of Akashingo with royal feet once more, she gathered @Toula's, @Rashepses', @Senmut's bedfurs, dried meats, alongside @Eset's instruction. She carried bags of elkhide and silently slipped betwern rooms. Unaware perhaps of the goodbye this came with.

Blurred in mind, lost in translation in the midst of others and a postured trot, graceful run, that kept her placed properly in the hands of Akashingo. Of the Divine.