Wolf RPG
Frostfire Ridge alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune - Printable Version

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alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune - Sable - December 14, 2023

Sable was here and there across the wilds.

Winter was soon to pounce on their bodies, and he knew it would be difficult alone. But to join a pack, where no one would know his communication method?

A fool’s errand. There was always going back to Towhee, to Phox, but civilization did not appeal to Sable as it did to some. Here, atop a ridge, he watched the sunrise in silence, breath billowing from his nose. Like he were a bull elk, watching over the claim of his cows.

Sable raised his head in an imitation of the proud structure of the cervid creature, though he did not try to bellow like one. It would have just made him look silly, with no sound escaping.

RE: alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune - La Reine - January 14, 2024

her palace glistened like precious stones. perfectly white, its powdery cover unmarred by intruders, made for her morning stroll.

and then, there, a mark.

sa majeste dipped her head, incredulous, as she inspected the print of a foot. un barbare's foot. in her garden of peace!

effronté! how dare any! with a huff la reine gathered her skirts and strode after the trail, furred boots kicking up ice mist.

là! the culprit! un loup standing on her balcony, watching over her most precious kingdom! how dare it!

la reine sung a high note of anger and leapt forth, not intending to duel, but startle into attention.