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Dragoncrest Cliffs best believe it's the moments - Printable Version

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best believe it's the moments - Val - January 01, 2024

with sapphique's daughters returned, things gradually returned to normalcy.

miette informed him he could no longer call her miette. she was to be sobeille now; her tone brooked no quarter, and val marveled at how grown she suddenly seemed.

he mourned for the growing of all of sapphique's daughters and sons. now each of them was independent, and wanted little from him.

he picked his way around glintwater, a new sense of uselessness hung to his shoulders.

there was the matter of what he had seen in the grotto. not even mireille had been given the details; val kept the vision of the spectre in the cave to himself. why had it approached him? what spell had put him under?

and most of all, why had his dreams of the yellow-eyed wraith gone suddenly silent?