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Sequoia Coast i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Printable Version

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i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - November 21, 2014


Caiaphas stood at the swashline where the blackened gout of seakelp roiled, swayed by grey-flecked crests of seawash. The ocean looked dull, cold silver metal in color and colder even than the frigid air that sharply bit Caiaphas' triangular ears.

She had no intention of fording its depths -- not far down the strand was the inlet that lead to Wheeling Gull Isle -- and closer even was the dark swath of water where Atlas had been claimed. She looked in this direction for some time, her expression stormy -- and despite the wind that howled about her, she did not move.

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - November 21, 2014

Duskfire Glacier held little appeal for her these days; the Egyptian slipped from its imposing shadow as often as she could manage, though she still hunted to fill the caches for the one child left to the ruling pair. Tuwawi had returned, and Njal, both worse for wear, and their appearances no longer bespoke proud strength.

On impulse, the woman traveled in the direction of the sound, and its foolish sea-worshipping Greeks, catching sight of a dark figure some feet ahead. Slowing her tread, the Regent waited quietly for the other to spot her, believing the cur to be one of the witches who called the brine home.

Photo by Daniel Lee

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - November 23, 2014

keeping this super vague since spyridon called 'phas in that other thread

The sea was both a boon and a bane for the wolves of the Sound -- and as Caiaphas looked across the sea-grey depths she was struck with a heightened sense of foreboding irony. It seemed like a concrete idea to set camp by the sea -- but what of when the sea was angry? She could not imagine the ocean had any limit to its reach.

As she turned to glance down the strand she saw the form of a wolf regarding her. From a distance she did not recognize it as the delicate female Spyridon had called her to some weeks ago, but once the haze of distance was lifted it was clear, without doubt, that Caiaphas recognized the statuesque and lithe golden creature.

With contempt to her step she closed the gap between them, meeting the icy lapis of Hatshepsut's gaze with the fierce yellow of her own.

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - November 24, 2014

supa vague x2

Hatshepsut watched the other approach, and noted the tone of her tread, meeting it in turn with a cool and poised neutrality that veiled her true throughts on the matter. Γεια σας,” the Egyptian granted softly, though she did not defer — not yet.

Instead, the woman turned her eyes unto the sea, and watched the crash of the foamed waves upon the distant shore, and thought again of the pale Pharaoh she had met among the sands. Had he given her a careful reason, Hatshepsut might have accompanied him unto his home, jaded creature as she was, but he had not, and she had not seen Ankh again — perhaps she never would. At length, the woman returned her attentions to the slim sea-worshipper, prepared to answer whatever inquiries the other might pose to her.

Photo by Daniel Lee

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - November 25, 2014

i hope 'phas's reply in the other thread was ok - i figured if i ended it with phas being RLY abrupt it would only help make this encounter juicier..

Caiaphas had genuinely never expected to see Hatshepsut again -- and as the two drew nearer Caiaphas was left to wonder what reason the red female had in being so close to their homeland. She did not think this was a reconnaissance -- but she could not be certain.

The female's greeting was bland enough that Caiaphas was not immediately stroked into outrage, though she kept her ears pressed forwards and her body posed assertively. She did not return in the tongue of the Sea, instead she spoke quite plainly to the exotic looking female. "What brings you to the coast?"

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - November 30, 2014

srry for wait ;_; and it was totes magotes fine

She was not answered in the dialect of the sea; the Egyptian regarded her companion with some emotion akin to curiosity writ upon her features. It was on the tip of her tongue to reattempt entry, for now her suspicions had been aroused, but if this waif had granted it, Hatshepsut knew she would have been a humiliated vassal at the whim of the witches.

“The sea is fickle. It takes, and gives nothing in return,” the Regent muttered, glancing past the woman's shoulder at the frothing water. “Why offer it your worship?”

Photo by Daniel Lee

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - November 30, 2014

Caiaphas' uncaring gaze followed Hatshepsut's own, passing along the grey rim of the boundless hem of saltwater. Her remark was given great rumination; and so, a silence as infinite as the span of sea seemed to stretch between them.

The auburn sultana carried logic in her words; logic in which Caiaphas was quick to turn against her. She turned the flat of her slender muzzle to Hatshepsut, beholding her plainly the way a lamb beheld a wolf. "Is that not what every woman wants to emulate?"

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - December 10, 2014

i SUck

“No,” Hatshepsut responded swiftly; she wished to be feared, but she felt herself fair, unlike the sea, which demanded life and slew without compunction. Regarding the brinewitch with a vaguely questioning gaze, the Egyptian motioned toward the foamheaded breakers. “Do you offer it sacrifice from your own ranks?” she queried in a cool tone, assuming beforehand that the savage before her ordered such murder; the Regent felt herself a superior lot, and sacrifice had little place in her mind.
Photo by Daniel Lee

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - December 12, 2014

The fair Egyptian was delivered a scathing glance as she pried -- Caiaphas grew upright and her scrawny chest rose defiantly outward. She had no intention of indulging this sly creature -- and with a look of clear begrudging that swallowed her lamblike expression before, Caiaphas snorted with contempt.

"Trust like that is not freely given." She retorted stonily, a cynical smile nearly breaching her cold countenance. She pulled back for a second and regarded Hatshepsut as if realizing she would make a worthy sacrifice. "Strangers only."

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - December 18, 2014

To say that Hatshepsut did not care for the brinewoman would have been an understatement — with each ticking moment, her tolerance of the savage waned. Meeting the other's cold facade with the neutrality of her own, the Egyptian gave a small and charmless smile. “Indeed. Yours is a secret lot — it does make one wonder if the veil is worth its excitement.”

Her voice was soft, but the intention was not; presently she gazed upon the sea and her disgust with it was renewed tenfold.
Photo by Daniel Lee

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Caiaphas - December 26, 2014

i'm SO sorry for the wait .. i really suck sorry - i saw i owe you in the lasher thread too i'm gonna reply to that asap
Not even the smoothly disguised countenance of the lissome she-wolf's muzzle could hide the knife that twisted in Caiaphas' gut -- the female's words were sharp, cutting as shards of fractured shells. Caiaphas eyed her dolefully, her expression bland -- a remarkable change from mere moments before.

She proffered simply a shrug, as if the female's words no longer lanced her indignity. "It's not." She answered quite suddenly, her expression cold. If she conceded, perhaps the female would be offput by this and leave. Given they were on neutral sand she did not wish to chase the tawny female just yet -- but she was loathe to leave the stranger unattended so close from home.

RE: i'm scared by the way that my life's getting gone - Hatshepsut - December 30, 2014

gonna fade this here <3

She was quite finished with the conversation; she turned away abruptly and departed the shores, irritated by the stink of salt in her nostrils and the ragged conversation proffered begrudgingly by the seawitch. She would not return, she did not think — it was not worth her while.
Photo by Daniel Lee