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Permafrost Hollows oudry - Printable Version

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oudry - La Reine - February 03, 2024

her ramparts had been breached!

the queen's delicate nostrils took in the pungent odour of an intruder, who so boldly left their marks upon her frigid gardens. pah! brut! she'll see to it their head rolls!

it was with quiet fury that she scaled her highest tower, eyes open wide for the invader's appearance. still, it were a tall climb, and so halfway to the highest floor la reine halted, finding a perfect snow and stone terrace from which to make her proclamation.

looking over the vast expanse of her queendom, the empress screamed her dare;

come forth, thief! if you be as bold as appear!

RE: oudry - Amyrlin - February 04, 2024

Tufted ears stood tall on alert as a scream echoed through the trees. A large feline was close, another solitude hunter prowling the Permafrost. Where wolves were not a concern to the lynx, cougars and bears posed a larger threat. Their ability to climb was the main reason for Amyrlin to be more wary of her surroundings and she silently berated herself for not catching the cat’s scent much earlier.

She refused to show fear, however, as any other emotion would paint her as prey, something to chase. And right now, she was low on energy, having not had anything to fill her reserves, so a run for her life would end in her actually losing it. And that wasn’t in the long legged feline’s cards today. So, she did what she does best, and feigned boredom.

The cougar was found perched on their ledge, regality oozing from their gaze as they scanned their lands. Amyrlin rolled her eyes at the high and mighty disposition. It did not faze her, she’s seen it all before. Large paws navigated their way through the powder, closing the distance between herself and the cougar. Why not have a little fun?

“Well, hello, Your Majesty. Did you have to scream so loud? You woke me from a nap.” 

RE: oudry - La Reine - February 07, 2024

with a sharp movement the queen turned her head, to see un lynx girl come to court. it somewhat lessened the severity of her expression, as their people were by ancient bonds made related, their ways not dissimilar - and the queen were ever fond of the young.

for a long moment her emerald eyes were narrowed with scrutiny, before the queen finally gathered her skirts and rose to full height.

hmph! 'ow blasé, une reine must al-waze 'ave 'er demands 'eard! striding elegantly, steps followed by sharp, displeased swishes, her majesty came nearer the child - yet, it would be unimaginable to boldly approach and invade as un loup would, thusly she only stood with a proudly lifted head two leaps from the girl.

zhis iz domain ouf reine madeleine maryse simone de Feumont, 'oo iz moi - who are you to zo boldly intrude?

another swish like the crack of a whip.

RE: oudry - Amyrlin - February 15, 2024

The lynx shrugged.

“Well, I’m not intentionally intruding. I came here to find reprieve from being chased by a rather hungry bear. Ugly thing, smelled awful, too.” Amyrlin licked her paws in an attempt to appear non-threatening, now that the larger cat was in close proximity her nerves were a little on edge. The urge to hiss her displeasure at being so close to the other feline was just behind her tongue.

“I will leave and move off, I don’t intend to stay here much longer. Just long enough to regain my strength from the long journey here and I will be out of your lands.”