Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Mouth Made of Metal - Printable Version

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Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 18, 2014

@Nishu Inte but any spire wolves are welcome!!

Kiiyea had lived in porcupine ridge for some time and she had always known that there was a pack of wolves that clamed the spire as there own, but only now was she taking an interest in them.

Her heavily padded paws made no sound as she padded towards their border. The scent of wolf made her nose wrinkle as she got closer to their territory. There didn't seem to be anything super interesting about where they lived, but the ignorant cat could care less as she padded further into their land, catching the elusive scent of a snow shoe hare. The last thing she had eaten was the sad remains of a deer on her journey back from the coast and her stomach rumbled at the though of fresh hare. She lowered her tufted ears and used her nose to track the hare. Her own snowshoe like paws were silent against the snow covered ground as she stalked towards her prey.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 19, 2014

When Nishu was off exploring around on his own, the weather felt colder. He never thought that just having the company of wolves or just one wolf around him would actually generate warmth. Maybe Rain had something to do with it. But it was just a minor detail, it wasn't like it stopped him from his usual activities. Still he never did notice it before, maybe the difference was only noticable during winter.

Then he stumbled on some tracks in the snow. Taking a closer look he guessed that it may be tracks of a hare. A little snack wouldn't harm anyone. It would be the hare's fault for not covering it's tracks. He proceded slowly in the direction it went hopeing that it was atleast be close by. Chasing a hare was a waste of time but if he managed to surprise it then it was an easy snack. Taking careful steps he continued, trying to catch sight of the target.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 19, 2014

The dice roll for hunting the hare was here :)

Kiiyea's large ears swiveled around, checking for any sign of another predator. So far she could sense nothing so she took the few steps closer to the hare, her yellow eyes narrowing as she caught sight of the small white creature. It was nibbling on some sad remains of a plant it had found in the snow. Pathetic little thing.

Just then the breeze changed and suddenly her scent was drifting towards her target instead of away from it. The hare stiffened instantly and so did the snow cat. Her muscles were loaded like tightly wound springs, ready to pounce at any time. The small hare twisted its head around and Kiiyea sprang, catching the small creature beneath her paws with a flurry of snow. The wild cat quickly snapped its neck and picked up her quarry triumphantly, prepared to head back to her den for a feast.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 19, 2014

Finally he managed to catch sight of the hare. He stayed completely focused on it, making sure not to move too fast as he got closer. Just a couple more steps and it that would end it. Suddenly as the wind swifted a cat came out of no where and cought the hare before he did. 'What the..?!' he thought. Since when did cats wonder close to a wolf territory. He didn't understand a thing and the results left him with a snack. He rose to make his presences stand out, there was no point sneaking now.

He was still new to the area which made it hard to decide if the cat had to be dealt with or not. At the very least he knew that they shouldn't be allowed to freely wonder in pack territory but it wouldn't be enough of a reason to take it's life. "You're playing a dangerous game here furball. Don't make any sudden movement, I'm still deciding what I should do with you.. for taking my 'should have been mine' snack." He said baring his fangs out. He remembered taking the lives of some bobcats because they had stolen food. Is it the same case here? He remained on high alert, wondering if there were more around.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 19, 2014

Kiiyea jumped a little, surprised by the sudden voice that sounded out of the cold behind her. Judging by the scent she could tell it was a male wolf from the pack that claimed this part of the mountains. Ignoring his rule about no sudden movements she swiveled her head and stared at the large wolf in front of her. He was easily 6 times her size and probably had a lot more fighting experience than her. Her yellow gaze surveyed him, considering her options. She could run, and probably make it somewhere he wouldn't be able to follow. But there was always the chance that he would indeed catch her. She could stay and fight for her rabbit, using her speed and agility to try and win the fight, but that would most likely end badly for her as well. The last option that she would even consider would be trying to talk to him.

She didn't have too many good experiences with pack wolves to draw from, but she figured talking to him be her best chance at getting away with her meal and her hide still in tact.

The grey flecked cat lifted her head in attempt to meet his gaze more evenly, her wide eyes searching for any sign he would attack her. "You're deciding what to do with me?" She scoffed, setting her hare in the snow in front of her, but careful to lay a large, padded paw on it protectively.

"What makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do?" she questioned, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly. "And just so you know, I was the one who caught it, so it's definitely mine."

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 20, 2014

This.. cat! although it was much smaller than Nishu it had the guts ignore his command and face him. Being larger he knew that he could easily win if he engaged into combat. It would seem too easy that it wasn't worth trying. This cat needed to know that it can't just come here to hunt unless it wants to fight wolves. If that is what it wanted then so be it. He took a step forward, wanting to get closer so it's chances of escape wouldn't be so high.

Nishu felt like the cat's life was his to decide since he could easily take it, that's what he believed. "My right comes from my ability to take your life away with ease. By coming onto Sunspire territory you challenge their position. I hope you are aware of that." He said as he emitted a small growl.

Taking the hare away from the cat was also an unworthy action. The whole situation was unworthy. There was no movement around so it was almost safe to say that the creature was alone which tossed away to possbility of fighting more than one cat. There was nothing to gain here. "I have no interest in the hare anymore. You on the other hand must be trying to challenge me." He said taking another step forward. If the cat remained in place he would likely have to attack it to scare it off. Maybe later it will come back with friends so it could make the battle more worthy for him.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 20, 2014

The wolf took a few steps towards her, saying that he had no interest in her hare, just the fact that she was still here. She lowered her ears and hissed a little at him.

"Why would I try to challenge you? I don't give a rat's ass about your petty little ranks and such." she huffed hotly, her ears still pushed back in warning. She wanted him to know that she would fight if she had to.

Lifting her large paw, she picked up the limp body of the hare and took a small step back, away from the wolf. It looked like he wasn't into talking.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 20, 2014

Nishu could see that it had the will to fight him if it came to that but it didn't seem like the cat wanted to get into a fight. "Alright, If you are not going to try to fight for this territory then you shouldn't come poking around for hares here." He said as rose up to a dominate stance thus showing less hostility. He wanted the cat to leave or he would be forced to attack it.

Suddenly he wondered where the creature was living. If it was nearby then it was too bad for it. Cat shouldn't be allowed to run around freely in pack territories. "Where did you come from actually? If you live nearby you'll risk coming back here and if you do, you risk encountering more wolves. Why did you come here in the first place? Did you think you could get around and do things without getting noticed?" He asked. He wanted a little bit of information before letting it leave freely.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 20, 2014

He lightened his hostility but still held a dominant stance as he questioned her about where she had come from. As if she would tell him.

"And just why do you think I would tell you where I live? You're pack boundaries don't matter to me and I intend to hunt where ever I find food. Got it buddy?" she quirked her speckled head at him, daring him to challenge her right. It might have been in the wolf's territory, but that didn't mean that she couldn't have it. At least not to her anyways.

She let her ears relax as well as the fur that had been standing up along her back. It didn't look like he would attack, so she might as well leave soon. She just needed to make sure he wouldn't track her down to kill her. Wolves could be so unreasonable sometimes.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 21, 2014

He found this cat very annoying, Maybe killing it would be better for everyone. But as a Knight he couldn't act based on how he felt. There was no real reason to take it's life away, that is until it makes another appearence in the territory. So today he was going to let it go with a warning so then next time he won't hesitate on killing it. Maybe that day will come soon seeing how the cat thinks it can do whatever it wants. Until that time he will just have to keep an eye out while forfilling his duties to Rain.

Nishu remained in place staring down at it with a neutral expression. "So be it, you may walk away freely without worry of being hunted. But if you choose to stay or return here then you will give me the reason to kill you. You have twenty seconds to decide before I make the move." He said threatening it. The time for talk was over permanently. Now the question was, will it stay or will it leave immediately? He didn't care either way. He gave the warning and now he'll be allowed to take action if necessary.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Kiiyea - December 26, 2014

When he gave the twenty second warning, Kiiyea quickly picked up her now cold hare and turned to leave, her ears back against the cold. The wolf stood still in the snow, his eyes showing that he would kill her if he she didn't leave right now.

She flicked her tufted ears at him and smirked a little through the rabbit. Turning her head she bounded away across the snow, her large paws keeping her on top of the fluffy white substance.

She would come back, and there was nothing he could do about it.

RE: Mouth Made of Metal - Nishu Inte - December 27, 2014

Finally it was gone. But the next time he see it it will be a battle that will likely end by the cat losing it's life. Perhaps he should tell the others about it in case they encounter it. It felt like a waste of time to do so. Hopefully the creature won't come back because killing powerless animals that are not food wasn't something he enjoyed. He rather avoid it but if that wasn't a choice then he would do what was necessary.

Once he couldn't see it anymore he continued to explore the area as he was before encountering the cat. Maybe he'll be lucky enough to find another snack without it being taken by another along the way.