Wolf RPG
Sweet Talker - Printable Version

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Sweet Talker - Scarlett - January 21, 2015

@Crescendo Goodluck ;D. I do backdate it just before her heat arrived. Just to be safe. 8D

Paws made a rhythmic pattern against the ground as the pale female chased after a hare she wanted for her lunch. The weather was once again fair for being winter. Especially down here in the valley it was almost hot with the think fluffy winter coat. The female landed skillfully on top of the fleeing animal and started devouring it on the spot. A quick snack she stumbled upon. Scarlett had decided that she would take a long bath to clean her dirty coat. She decided to treat herself with warmer water instead of the cold melted glacier water she usually dark and bathed in.

After there was only a pile of skin and bones the female continued her path. Her mind was on many things at the moment. The teenage girl she had adopted as her own had not shown her face in awhile. Same for other wolves she called her friends. She wondered if she should visit them. She wasn't really focussed as she moved the the lower part of the Arrow Lake. The grounds turned from soil to the muddy sand of the banks of the lake. The female had no qualms with the apparent cold and walked right in for her bathing time.

Her tongue started grooming out at the dirt and dried blood. Only on top of her head was difficult to remove stains of blood. The female focussed on her body first. Once she was sparkly clean she was even confident enough in the water to duck her head under and come up for air seconds later. Her head was less used to the cold. Scarlett padded to the bank and started shaking herself till her coat was back to being surprisingly fluffy. Well that was refreshing. The wind brought the first whiff of a stranger's presence to her. Scarlett sniffed the air but she did not know the wolf it came from. Her red eyes scanned around her in curiosity.

RE: Sweet Talker - Crescendo - January 22, 2015

The dark brute found female company to be more and more appealing to him, and had been wandering farther and farther away from the woods to get it. An especially nice scent met his nostrils this fine day, and licking his chops, he made his way toward it. As soon as he saw her, it took all of his self control to just sit opposite of her and greet her warmly. "Greeting, white beauty. I am Crescendo, and it would be an honor to know your name"


RE: Sweet Talker - Scarlett - January 22, 2015

The light colored female looked up when a dark wolf appeared at first she thought it was Sen who came to bother her with her bath. Yet, she realized really soon that this was not Sen. This was a strong black male that scented heavily of some pack. She lightly frowned as the scent was familiar to her in a way. How could this be? Maybe after a conversation she would know where this wolf was from. He didn't smell like any of the packs close to these lands.

Her red eyes kept his gaze, but not in a dominant way. Her white ears popped up in curiosity, directed towards the stranger. Scarlett had a very open posture. She always liked a chat with friendly strangers. Though seeing him lick his jaws made her feel a bit like a prey than someone who he was going to have a conversation with. Her ears fell back in her insecurity. Yet, they immediately popped back up when the male greeted her with 'White beauty'.

The skin under her fur heated up, and her red eyes fell down shyly. "Oh hello!," she greeted, lifting one front paw as she stood. "The name is Scarlett," she introduced, battering her red eyes up at the male. The male seemed okay. Her muscles relaxed a bit as she studied him. "Which pack are you from?," she asked.

RE: Sweet Talker - Crescendo - February 01, 2015

The black beast smiled coldly, his silver optics flickering. He circled her slowly, his moon-like eyes taking her all in. He stopped in front of her once more, forcing warmth into his eyes. "I am from the honorable pack Blackfeather woods, milady." he said smoothly, almost expressionlessly. As he looked down on her, he struggled to keep his emotions under control, from licking his chops again and muzzling her soft, white fur. She was beautiful, exceptionally beautiful, this one...

RE: Sweet Talker - Scarlett - February 02, 2015

The pale female looked up his silver eyes. Her red eyes studied the male closely. She wasn't entirely sure about his actions. No one had ever been so forward with her. Did he really like her or was it all an act? For now she didn't question it. Kove was from Black Feather Woods. She really should visit Kove! Her friend! How horrible she was for neglecting him. Her ears fell back in shame. "Black feather! Oh. My friend Kove is in that pack," she returned with a smile.

Scarlett wondered if it was really that honorable. She heard stories about the dark pack. But her friend Kove wasn't a brute like the rumors said so. Maybe this male wasn't a brute either.

RE: Sweet Talker - Crescendo - February 07, 2015

Crescendo would have some fun with her, he thought to himself. "Oh, Kove!" he said brightly. "Kove the murderer, torturer and assassin!" he leaned in closer, inside his was laughing. "I'm so jealous of him. Why, I heard he got to partake in a wolf hunt! I wonder what it must be like, to hunt one of the same species," Crescendo was fully aware that Kove had probably not shared those details with his friend. Never less, he was eager to do so for the warrior. He wondered why Kove had made friendly with this ball of sunshine. Perhaps he was attracted to those eyes? Crescendo certainly was.

RE: Sweet Talker - Scarlett - February 08, 2015

Scarlett's ears flopped back in shock. Kove..? A murderer? Torturer? Assassin? Her red eyes became comically wide for a moment before she liked like a kicked puppy. Scarlett was starting to like Kove a lot. Had it been all a lie? Obliviously she didn't think of the fact that the stranger could be lying. She felt a bit betrayed. What if Kove only wanted her for something else? No then he would done it already. Or maybe not. Scarlett was troubled now. "W-what? No Kove wouldn't do that!," she returned. "It can't be true!"

RE: Sweet Talker - Crescendo - February 08, 2015

Crescendo plastered on his best 'horrified/shocked face. Even though he might be exaggerating a teeny bit, Crescendo enjoyed watching the reactions of this fae. "What? He didn't tell you he was a Dark Brother?" He leaned in a bit closer, as if he were going to tell her a secret. "I've heard many things about them. They're not called the Dark brotherhood for nothing, you know." He hid a smile. Easy prey.

RE: Sweet Talker - Scarlett - February 09, 2015

Scarlett's ears flopped back and then shook her head. No he hadn't told her that he was a dark brother. She didn't even know what that title meant. She really didn't want to know. She wanted to ask Kove what it was. "Well maybe he is then," Scarlett returned, trying to change the topic. Although the female felt bad for being lied to. Kove was her white knight. He protected her. Why would he do that if he was a murderer?!

"I guess you aren't a dark brother since you have no mark," she pointed out. "Why are you so far from your pack?"

RE: Sweet Talker - Crescendo - February 11, 2015

Crescendo smiled at her feeble attempt to change the topic, but he rolled with it. "Oh, sometimes I just need to get away." He gave her a happy smile "Next time you see Kove, sweetheart, ask him about what he hasn't told you. You might be surprised." With a final grin, Crescendo whirled and trotted back the way he had came, chuckling quietly. Little did he know how much shit he would be in soon. Little did he care about the aftermath of this little conversation.

RE: Sweet Talker - Scarlett - February 11, 2015

Scarlett frowned softly at the male. "I will ask him don't worry!," she returned. Then the wolf just left without a friendly goodbye. Well that was strange. "Okay bye," she mumbled towards the dark wolf. She still had a weird feeling about him. Scarlett started to wonder now if Kove really was lying about this true self.