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Shadows Blink - Printable Version

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Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

Morgana silently loped through the forest of ghost's and shadows. She had been traveling for days before coming across the packs lands, where she had been accepted by the dark alpha. Currently she was looking for something to fill her growling stomach. The tempting scent of rabbit made her smile. She sniffed out the hiding place of the fuzzy creature. She hunched down, silently waiting for the right time to pounce. She pounced, her long nails digging into its back. It squealed, blood spewing across her muzzle and down her front. She tore it apart, devouring the small, delicious creature...
Sometime later, she sat down, cleaning herself of the thick blood that coated her muzzle and paws. She looked around, alert. She was always alert. From a young age, she had learned never to let her guard down. Ever.

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

[size=xx-small]Welcome to Wolf Andrea! : )[/size]

Sadly, none of the fae's in his pack seemed very interested in him. So when the scent of another, unknown fae met him that morning, Crescendo smirked. Another chance to try out his skills of seductiveness. The shadow made his way through the dark woods, rippling like water between trees and down small inclines. Before long, the dark, well groomed wolf arrived at the scent of the fae. Another shadow for the dark queen's army. He stalked toward her, tail high and ears shoved forward in quiet authority, but authority that expected to be submitted to. "Greetings, dark beauty. I am Crescendo. You are?" He smiled at her then, one that spoke of cunning and darkness, the same look his silver eyes almost always contained.

RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

I turned, barring my teeth at the large black wolf. He smelled of the same pack, I relaxed. But I didn't let my guard down. I am Moragana. If you are in the right mind, you will leave me alone. I had learned to deal with wolves like him.

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo's eyes narrowed, but no anger entered his silver optics. He studied her for a few moments before saying. "You're no weakling." he admitted almost reluctantly. "I respect that." Satisfied that she had passed his little test of will, the handsome male relaxed and sat back on his haunches. "Welcome to Blackfeather woods, Morgana. Be strong, and you will be rewarded. Weakness is not tolerated. Always respect those with the mark of the brotherhood, they are above you and deserve your respect." His expression was neutral, silver orbs impassive.

RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

I stared at him with intent. No doubt he was handsome. But he was fierce and ruthless. I could tell his character. I felt attracted to this male. He seems like my equivalent, only.. male. I'll try my best. But if its one thing I'm not, its weak. I gave him a sniff and walked around him, his eyes following me. He was strong, but I bet I could out run him.

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

"I'm glad to hear it." Crescendo said gruffly, and stood. "Lets see if you are." Without warning, he leaped toward her, pelt rippling as he made a grab for her shoulder. His goal was not to clamp down, but to push her over at least. His eyes carried every hint of cunning he possessed, and where evaluating, searching. Lets see if she was as strong as she said she was, he thought briefly. As he leaped, His bite wound stung, but he payed no heed.

RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

His sudden move shocked me, but not enough to stay still. Crescendo barreled into me, and I hit the ground hard. I twisted and kicked up, hard. Hopefully one of my kicks would find it's way into his soft underbelly.

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015


Crescendo's lunge made her topple, however, his brief moment of satisfaction was cut short when Morgana delivered a hard kick to his soft belly. With an "oof" Crescendo was propelled over the fae, landing on his stomach. He winced, but twisted quickly and lunged for her scruff. She was strong, this one, and he was unsure if he would succeed. He however, would not stop fighting until she was exhausted, for the male hated to lose a fight. He had done so only twice, and sworn revenge on them both.


RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

She knew he would try and lunge at her neck. She ducked down, hoping to catching him underneath and flip him onto his back. He would most likely do some damage to her back , but it was worth the risk. She would not let him win.

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015


This girl was as slippery as a seal, he mused. One day, she would make a great fighter. However, Crescendo was still the better of the two, and pack life had strengthened him.
As Morgana crouched, Crescendo simply aimed for her back. He planned to trap her underneath him, but he would then be at the mercy of her flailing paws and claws. Hopefully she wouldn't flail to much, he mused. He collided with her back in a bone jarring [b]thud


RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

As his teeth collided on her back bone, she took this opportunity to think about her next move, flipping him over onto his back making him trapped underneath her or maybe something else. But she would have to think quick...

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo was stomach down on Morgana's back, and when she didn't move he adjusted his position and tried to grab her scruff with his teeth. She was trapped underneath him, so hopefully she wouldn't wiggle to much as to allow him to somehow miss her scruff.

Even though he hated to admit it, he was growing tired. He cursed himself for being so out of shape, and promised to grow stronger. Life in the pack had softened him a bit, he realized. he would quickly make it up.


RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

Morgana was trapped. And she knew it. But she never gives her opponent the glory of beating her. She had just enough room to stretch up and give him a nice scar on his ear....

RE: Shadows Blink - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo growled as she somehow twisted and nipped at his ear. Hot blood spurted from the wound, and Crescendo was reminded of how he had threatened to rip Star's ears off. He jumped off her, scruff in muzzle, and placed a paw on her back. He released her and stalked backward. "Good fight, Morgana. You have potential." His ear stung badly, but he ignored it. He noticed a small scratch on the beautiful faes cheek, he cautiously leaned in and gave it a couple soft licks. Wordlessly, he stepped back, silver eyes on hers.

RE: Shadows Blink - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

Morgana could help but to blush at his praising words. Why do i feel like that? She felt like she wanted to please him. She walked up to him cautiously and gave a lick to the bleeding cut she had given him. No doubt by morning a scar would take its place there. Forever reminding him of our meeting. She turned and loped away, no other words said. She knew they would meet again. Hopefully under better circumstances.