Wolf RPG
BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) (/showthread.php?tid=7255)

BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) - Juggernaut Dog - February 02, 2015

Juggernaut's view of the world was very simple and child-like. He didn't understand much of this big, bad world out there now that he was free. At least he understood that those two-legged creatures called humans weren't around anymore which created a bubbly, happy thought. Still, he felt all alone all the sudden when he left his dog comrades to do some exploring of his own. It was a crazy world out here, too big and too complex to understand. He was like a gold fish, thrown into a big, vast ocean; definitely lost without a sense of direction.

Thus when he walked through these unknown lands, his senses felt overwhelmed by all the sights and smells. His eyes tended to wander everywhere and anywhere. With about the attention span of that same gold fish, the German Shepherd suddenly growled at a raven who was eating the leftovers on a carcass from a deer. "BIRD - EE.." Juggernaut said out loud while rushing over like a rampaging puppy; almost as if that bird wanted to play.

RE: BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) - Charon - February 09, 2015

Horizon Ridge was one of Charon's favorite places in the area. He loved to come up here and watch the giant ocean. It seemed to have no end, which was pretty amazing. From up at the Ridge, it seemed to be even bigger than it already looked when Charon watched it from the beach of Stavanger Bay.

The pup of nearly 5 months (who was almost the size of the adults now, except for his youthful features, larger eyes, ears, nose and paws, and lanky limbs and overall awkward youthful appearance) heard a lot of commotion nearby just as he'd climbed up to the Ridge. He saw the carcass of a deer, with a raven on top of it, and suddenly saw someone — or something, he wasn't sure — approach while loudly shouting 'birdy' at it.

Instinctively, Charon duck down and watched the raven fly off, but on the other hand, he could use a bite from the deer carcass and besides, Charon wasn't only very curious about the strange creature, but he also was a notorious bear fighter, so he shouldn't be scared. "Hey, you!" Charon shouted at the other animal, who looked sort of wolf-like, and he approached, though staying at safe distance in case the animal would attack. "Who are you? Where'd you come from? Did you hunt this?" 'Cause if he didn't hunt it, that meant it was also Charon's. He concluded, though with a voice that betrayed he thought this to be a positive feature (because different was cool!), "You look funny." Because Charon had never seen a wolf... or other being... that looked like this.

RE: BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) - Juggernaut Dog - February 13, 2015

Of course the bird wanted to play, otherwise it wasn't so tempted to sit upon that dead carcass, tantalizing his inner child. "BIRD - EE.." He once more shouted but the hollow depth of his masculine voice scared the bird away before he had any chance to come closer and catch it. Or play with it. While rushing towards the bird his oversized paws nearly tripped over a branch that was wired upon the ground.

With the fickle concentration of that of a gold fish, Juggernaut had ever since forgotten the bird when a voice shouted a 'you'. Well wrong, that wasn't his name! In immediate defense, Juggernaut shook his head, as if to say 'no', while adding. "Me, Juggy Naughty." Somehow the word 'naughty' caused a secretive smile to appear and his leathery lips to curl into a roguish smile.

"I KNOW YOU!" Juggernaut said out loud, having already forgotten and not really comprehending what hunting actually meant. He wasn't about to claim the deer carcass as his own, though he would get fiercely protective if he was actually hungry. Squinting his eyes together while trying to recognize Charon, the German Shepherd suddenly began to wag his tail. Charon looked like an adult, although with juvenile features. Yes, that was his long lost friend from the lab. Shouting out loud, he added; "POODLE, POODLE, POODLE. YOU POODLE FRIEND."

RE: BIRD - EE (Horizon Ridge) - Charon - February 13, 2015

"Yes, it was a birdy," Charon confirmed and he looked to where the bird had flown off to. Was a bird, until this weird-looking wolf that seemed mentally retarded came along and chased it off with his loud squawking. Not that Charon was so attached to the bird, so he cared a lot less that it was gone than the weird wolf.

The weird wolf introduced himself as 'Juggy Naughty'. Charon wasn't sure if he was called Juggy and was really naughty, or if he was called Juggynaughty. "Are you naughty, or is it part of your name?" Charon asked. He began with "I'm —" but then Juggy said that he knew Charon and studiously stared at him, so Charon waited. He was pretty sure he'd remember meeting Juggy before, but he decided to wait (maybe just because he was curious if Juggy actually would know his name).

"Poodle" wasn't very close to the truth at all, but Charon decided to humour Juggy and said, "Yeah, that's right, my name's Poodle! It's soooo good to see you again, Naughty Juggy!" Nobody had ever been that excited to see Charon, so even if he wasn't really Poodle, he decided to play along with the lie. Charon put on his most excited face, tail wagging, while waiting to see how Juggy would respond.

The two talked and played for a short while before Charon went home again, riled up and excited after having seen such a very strange wolf, but with lots of exciting stories to share with his pack.

fading this out since juggy's gone :c

@Juggernaut if you were to pick him up again, let me know, i'd love to write out this thread further and/or have another one -- he's adorable!