Wolf RPG
Mouthfull of Feathers - Printable Version

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Mouthfull of Feathers - Fallko - February 14, 2015

The eggchick was warm and safe and happy, so the little falconet chose this day to go exploring. Today she circled above a wolf land, where big families of wolves lived and peed on everything. That confused the girl. Did they perhaps have bladder issues? In that case, she felt sorry for them. Poor doggies.

The wolves did provide her with a nice food source, however. Today, she alighted on the half eaten carcass of a rabbit and began tearing strips from it's flesh and gobbling them up. Sadly, the creature was cold. She liked the summer better, when the carcasses were often still warm. The only problem was that they spoiled quicker.

RE: Mouthfull of Feathers - Somnia - February 15, 2015

Somnia had come to the conclusion that she had to get involved in pack life again, as her absence from it was becoming noticeable. So today, she decided to try her hand at hunting. She was a Gamekeeper after all, so why not start there? Her scent being near the caches would also prove she was trying to pull her weight again.

However, when she sniffed the air for traces of prey, the scent of already dead and cut open food met her nose. It seemed to be a rabbit by the smell of it. It would've been alright if it was large game like elk or deer laying around, for there were always leftover scraps. But small game should never be left lying around! It was small enough for it to be stuffed entirely in a cache, instead of leaving it around for the birds to pick it off. And indeed, when she came upon the half eaten carcass, there was a bird picking off scraps of meat.

"Shoo!" She demanded, rushing forward with a growl. There was a chance that a lesser predator could've killed it, ate their fill, and left it. But if it had been a pack-mate and Somnia figured out who was too lazy to put it in the cache, there would be a lecture headed their way on the importance of not wasting food!