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so Eden sank to grief - Printable Version

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so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 16, 2015

His decision to side with Tuwawi brought Malachi no reprieve from the guilt that filled his heart. Rather, his conviction grew only deeper, and the shame brought by Tuwawi's cutting words made his paws burn. He was a coward, and a traitor, and a fool. Not only had he failed Adlartok, but he had failed them all - and Larus most. He had looked for the boy, but that had not been enough. He should have told Tuwawi. He should have searched harder. He should have searched longer. He should have searched until his paws fell off - but he hadn't, and he had failed, and he had betrayed Tuwawi, and now that he had turned his eyes from @Scarlett and left her to fend for herself against the ember's words, he had betrayed her and Adlartok, too. He was not worthy of any of them, just as he was not worthy of his family, who had exiled him to start.

When the meeting came to a close he had slipped away from those gathered, not chancing a word or a glance toward Tyrr or Manauia or even Sen. He stole away quietly, but when he knew he had placed a small distance between himself and the dispersing members of Duskfire, the man had willed his paws to a tempered run. Scarlett's fresh trail guided him, and he let his limber legs, much longer than her own, carry him forth until his stricken gaze met her snow white blur escaping further from the Glacier's heart.

He did not utter her name, but with a final burst surpassed her and turned on spot to block her path. There was the chance she would take his approach as an attack, but it was a risk he would have to take. He could not hide the pain that darkened his face, and he hadn't the strength to try. The only breath that escaped him were his own laboured pants, trying to still the racing of his heart which pounded both from the run and from the overwhelming desire to dig himself a hole and disappear into it forever.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Scarlett - February 17, 2015

Scarlett felt horrible. Her body was gutted. She believed that she was welcome in this home but she was not. Once more there were wolves that didn't accept her. Wolves thought she was weak, that she was nothing. She was basically kicked out by a lower rank, and everyone stood by and watched. The pale female felt humiliated. She had to bite her tongue not to cry out. But oh how badly she wanted to. The glacier was her beacon of hope and now she was evicted from it. Scarlett had no where to go. No home. Then her mind reasoned that Kove would be there for her. Maybe she could go to Blacktail Deer Plateau. Koda and Kesuk lived there. And Blue Willow. She could help out with her babies.

Scarlett decided to discuss that with Adlartok first. The albino female had to make an emergency stop because before her was .. Malachi? Scarlett almost bumped into him. She instantly stepped back, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. Somehow it meant much to her that he followed her. Did he care? Her red eyes were casted away not knowing what to say to her former Alpha. He probably also had no where to go. She had so many questions. Were would Malachi go? Would he even leave? What would happen now? Why did he follow her? Scarlett just kept her mouth shut that is what she should have done. Now she opened her mouth and was kicked out by Tuwawi of all wolves.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 17, 2015

Ohh Scarlett ;___;

The surprise in her crimson eyes faded to grief and she turned away, but this time Malachi did not draw his gaze from the snow queen's face. Her turn was abrupt, but she had not been quick enough to hide her welling tears, and the pain radiating from her body flooded through his skin. The scathing words he expected to flow from her mouth never came, rather she remained turned in silence, her voice no doubt stolen by the grief of her exile and the hazy future that followed.

There were a thousand things he could say to her, a million apologies he could give. Yet nothing could fix what he had done to her. Silence passed, and then Malachi reached toward her - a slow gesture, stretching his muzzle toward her cheek with the intention to offer any comfort he could give, despite his own actions having caused the fate she now faced. "Scarlett..." he said, his voice tight. The words he had prepared escaped him, so he rumbled on with those that felt right to say, ones he needed to say and ones the queen needed to hear. "You're not a coward."

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Scarlett - February 17, 2015

Queen Scarlett I can't. And yes poor baby. But also Poor Malachi

The red eyed female looked at Malachi stepping closer. Somehow she wanted to yell at him and accept his comfort at the same time. She could see Malachi's pain too, at least Tuwawi did not attack him either, surely she did with words, but not with actual violence. Scarlett slowly frowned when the former alpha spoke those certain words. She didn't feel like she was a coward. She felt humiliated, yes, but she didn't feel like a coward. It was foolish of her to spoken out her thoughts but she had. And that was some progress. She now realized that all the wolves were laughing behind her back all along. She would never be accepted.

Her gaze turned away from Malachi, also turning away from his affection. She walked around him towards her den. The den she would need to leave now. "I know I am not," she returned quietly as she walked past Malachi. She couldn't help but to have the tears run down her face. "You can walk with me, but I want to go to Adlartok. I don't want Tuwawi to grab him," she spoke on that same soft tone. She was homeless now. No pack. No safety. Plus she had an injured youngster to take care of. "What are you going to do now?,' she asked, wanting a change of subject. Nothing what Malachi would say could make it right.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 18, 2015

This too shall pass ;_;

She frowned at his words, and he didn't know why, but she soon pulled away from the touch he offered and averted her gaze from his own. Malachi did not seek to press her further; to be the cause of more discomfort than what he'd already given was a thought the man could not bear. Though reason had sided him with the ember, he still held to the sentiments Scarlett had been unafraid to voice, no matter how quietly they rung in his ears. His loyalty lay divided, though his heart no longer stood with Tuwawi. Rather, what held him were those he had failed to protect - Larus, held by wolves he had been foolish to trust, ones vicious enough to leave bloodied heads on their borders for no reason greater than to invoke terror within their ranks. What held him were those who had come to Duskfire under his rule - Sen and Shalon and Raphael - who still called the Glacier home, and who now lived beneath the word of the Sveijarn. But that was where his loyalty split, because two of these now stood without a home, and he could not abandon them to the devices of the wild.

His gaze followed her as she brushed him by, and though she spoke words of strength, the softness in her voice crushed him and he drew to keep step beside her. He knew the trail well, and the subject of her pursuit. He had fought Tuwawi for the youth on the night they'd found him on Duskfire's edge, but now that the ember held the Glacier, Adlartok was no longer safe. The man bowed his head, knowing this, too, was of his doing, a product of his weakness and his high-strung emotion. Another innocent he had failed to protect, and this one's blood lay directly on his head. He had offered the youth a home and a family. Now if they were not quick, they would be digging his grave.

Scarlett's next inquiry met him like a gentle wave, and his decision was lost in the seafoam. But he spoke - perhaps because of the emotion still flooding his body - and did not conceal his thoughts from her, like he had so many times before. "I wish there was an easy answer, but there's not. I don't know where to go, or what to do. I promised you protection, and I failed to give you that. I can't leave you. But I failed to help Larus, and now his life is in danger, and it's all my fault. I knew where he was. I should have looked for him harder, but I didn't." He took a ragged breath, and his voice waned, "I didn't. I failed everyone, and you and Adlartok the most, and I can't make this right. I don't know how."

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

I just wanna hug Malachi

Scarlett was slowly turning more bitter. Malachi stopped her but for what? To tell her that he failed them? Well she knew that already. To tell her that his loyalty was split? She knew that too. Slowly the female filled with a bit more anger every second. The remorse she felt before was slowly fading. The woman was upset with what happened. She wanted to hold on to something but couldn't. She was kicked from her home, from safety. "You say you wronged us but yet you are still going to fight for her?," Scarlett asked with anger and confusion in her tone. Her red eyes didn't look so kind anymore. Tuwawi didn't deceiver Malachi's loyalty.

"Whatever Malachi. I just want to go. With Tuwawi leading this, it only means that Duskfire is no more. Not the duskfire I know. I worked my ass off for this pack and make everyone stay together. I was the glue. And now I am kicked out," she returned. She knew that Malachi was feeling bad already but Scarlett wanted him to know that she was of value. Since Tuwawi made her feel worthless. "Adlartok and I will find a new home, thank you for asking. I need to go to him because that crazy woman comes after us," the pale female spoke as she broke into a feverish trot. "I advise you to do the same. Tuwawi was horrible to you. Why stay and fight?"

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 18, 2015

well this went in a way I didn't plan for at all.

The wolf he was a year ago would have fought her, not with claws or fangs, but with words to counter the anger that embittered her voice. He would have held his stubborn ground, despite how clearly right she was. But Malachi only listened. A year was a long time, and he was no longer the hot-headed youth who had left the Vale, no longer the wolf who had torn his family apart by his quest for vengeance, so similar to what Tuwawi was doing now. His twisted sense of justice had led him to the mountains where his brother had died, his heart set on revenge. Benjamin had only followed because Malachi's own accusing words had spurred him to come.

Her words would have kicked him, but in the state to which he'd fallen they only inscribed themselves to the guilt already etched into his heart. Though laced with disappointment and pain, he could make out no malice, and this was what cut him most. Tuwawi had given him no respite, and if she cared about him at all, it was clearly not for who he was. If he had had the courage to stand with his resolve, he would have been tied to Scarlett's side by honour and not the cowardice he was now subjected to. He wouldn't have been allowed to stay to protect the others, not even if he tried.

He sped up to match her trot and let silence fall between them as they neared the winter queen's den. Tyrr had been ready to kill any wolf Tuwawi pointed her nose toward - but Malachi could not do that. Even if he stayed, he would fail them in the end when he could not deliver the killing blows the ember surely desired. And when life returned to normality, he would not be able to turn away the weak or vulnerable who came looking for a home. His body was tied to Duskfire, but the his heart was not.

"Duskfire is no longer my home." The words slipped from his mouth without hesitation, and he only felt numb at how right they felt. "I have to find Caiaphas, but not for Tuwawi." He turned his gaze to her, knowing his words cemented him, whether they labelled him a traitor or not. He would still scout, but not for the ember. He would fight when he deemed it right, and he would not kill those innocent of crime, no matter the wrongs of their leader. He did not know if that was the right way, or that was even the Kalderon way, but it would be his way. "How strong is Adlartok?" He queried, before adding, "Let me help you, at least for the start." If she refused him, he would press her no further, but he would offer her this.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Haha yeah Scarlett is a bit more.. bitter xD

If the white female knew that this would be happening that she wouldn't have believed it herself. She talking so boldly to Tuwawi and now currently even being rather unkind towards Malachi. She was pleased to hear that even Malachi didn't count Duskfire as his home anymore. Even though she wasn't a fan of Malachi at the moment, she wouldn't want him to suffer under Tuwawi's wrath. She couldn't be that angry with him. Then a frown settled on her face. Who was this Caiaphas he was talking about now. Frankly she didn't even want to know. All his family drama and history of the Sveijarns were making her sick. She didn't know who this name was and frankly Scarlett shut it all out.

"I don't know who this Caiaphas is and frankly I don't care. Did you know they despised me behind my back? Where you one of them that also faked that they liked me?," Scarlett then voiced. That was her biggest betrayal. She felt at home here and no one stood up for here. No. One. All followed the manic Tuwawi instead of her the sensible one. Not that she was one to lead but at least someone could have said something. Surely Malachi took her side until Tuwawi barked at him too. "Adlartok is strong enough. I am not a complete failure," she instantly returned, convinced that he was judging her now on her taking care skills. "Why would you help me? I can do this alone. I've--- I've always been alone. Me being a castaway isn't a secret and you know that too," she returned instantly.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 18, 2015

Understandably so xD

She frowned, but he didn't need to wonder long which words had caused her face to fall. His brows twitched inward when she attested to her ignorance of Caiaphas, and her words made him wonder if she'd listened to the pack meeting at all. He had mentioned the wraith by name, for she had been the one who had left the severed head on their border. He prepared to tell her this, but chose to remain silent, for Scarlett held no interest for the sea wolf now, and he didn't need to give her one. Caiaphas was no longer of her concern, and he would not change that.

His attention, rather, shifted to the accusation that followed, and this time Malachi did not stay stilent. "No." He said, voice firm, for he had known nothing of their contempt until the meeting, and even then their disdain for Scarlett was hazy at best. He could not speak for the others present, but he had never despised her, not even behind her back. "I didn't always agree with you, but I never hated you. I never faked our friendship, you have to trust me on that." It did not prove his point that he had fallen silent in the time Scarlett needed his support the most. He agreed with her words, but not in the way she had delivered them. And though he disagreed with much of Tuwawi now, he knew he could never despise her, either, even if her wrath ran strong against him.

She was quick to deny his help - hardly a surprise, but in this he did press her. "I wasn't calling you a failure. Heck, you're the best caretaker I know. But that doesn't change how hard it is what you're about to do. It's winter, and you'll be alone with an injured youth by your side. I want to help you because I just do. My parents cast me out, and I was alone until I found Duskfire, just like you. I don't think we're as different as you make us out to be."

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Scarlett - February 18, 2015

Your Inbox is full >D *Clings* Last post from me. Hopefully they will have a thread soon!

Scarlett was relieved to hear that Malachi hadn't faked his friendship. Scarlett wondered if it ever was called a friendship. It was more a collection of awkward meetings. Especially during her heat. She always saw Malachi as someone so much higher in rank. Someone with more value than her. But there were quite the same. Malachi wasn't some super alpha that ruled all. Now she just saw a crumpled young man that tried to find his own way in this world. A sigh left her lips. "Fine. I guess you can't fake awkwardness," she mumbled.

The pale female studied Malachi for a moment so see what his intentions were. Was he really trying to help? Well that is probably what he was doing after all. Scarlett was flattered by his compliment. She liked that but not enough to trust him again. "That is sweet of you to offer but I am not going to accept it. Adlartok doesn't like you very much. Plus, I never said that we are different. I think this is where our path goes in a different direction. Maybe one day we will run into each other again and I will greet you like a friend. I promise I will. But now I have to do this with Adlartok. Good luck with your scouting."

The albino then gave a quick court nod as saying goodbye to her former alpha. Maybe their paths would cross again one day. For now, Scarlett had to get out of this territory. She sped the last few meters to her den to fetch Adlartok.

RE: so Eden sank to grief - Malachi - February 18, 2015

Oops! Gotta go clear that out! Also, I really loved this thread <3 All the feels, man. All the feels.

Malachi did not know if what they had could have been called a friendship, either, but it had been something, and he knew it had been something by the way his heart ached when he looked upon her now. Though he could not see her thoughts, nor those of others, he would have been surprised at the way they had seen him: as a king, an usurper, as a higher being, and as someone with surpassing value. But he had seen none of those in himself, and had never felt more than a servant, and maybe that was why he had fallen: the Glacier was always Tuwawi's. It was never his. He had never been a king, and he was never meant to be one.

Her words tugged at his lips, and his mouth quirked to a faint smile. It lingered when she studied him - a souvenir of better days - and he waited in patience for her to give him her decision. He hoped she would see his reasoning, but Scarlett only declined his offer again. Yet he saw her reasoning, and though he wished to argued, he stilled his voice. If his presence would cause pain to either, then he would follow no further. They deserved better, and a fresh start, and it was clear his presence would only bring them memories better forgotten. Scarlett was capable, strong and compassionate, more a leader than he had ever been, despite what others might have had against her, and despite how she may have seen herself. Though disappointment filled him, he dipped his head, resigning to her decision with an aching acceptance.

"Then I guess this is goodbye, until next time." He said softly to the ivory queen - for there would be a next time, and it would be far brighter than this. Malachi stepped aside to offer Scarlett the trail's full reign and watched her snowy figure disappear between the towering pines that littered the Glacier's base. Adlartok would be waiting, and she had no time to spare. He murmured a quiet blessing after the one he had betrayed before turning his paws to wander through the forest for a final round. The paths did not breathe their welcome any longer, for the trees had heard his denouncement of them.

Malachi did not move far from the trail that led to Scarlett's den, but returned to trace the path to the empty site, lingering over the boughs that still held the scent of the duo, and followed their path to the border, but no further than that. Here their paths parted, but would be touched by equal hardship. The life of a loner was no life for a wolf, but it was this path Malachi turned to pursue. He had no master to bind him, and no queen to follow, for his heart would again be his guide. Setting his gaze toward the sea he lingered for a moment in the cool mountain air, frozen in a memory of what the Glacier had been. It would survive without him, for Tuwawi would make it her own. But his time was over. The tendrils of dawn reached their fingers across the pallid sky when the man finally shifted, and he lurched to face the horizon, his paws brushing the ground of Duskfire for their final time.