Wolf RPG
New day, new sun - Printable Version

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New day, new sun - Accalia - February 23, 2015

Accalia is new to DFG and wanting to meet her pack members. Anyone can join:)

Upon her arrival at Dusk Fire Glacier, she had met the alpha at the boarders, who had accepted her wish to join the pack. She had not known much of a pack life, for her last one had kept her in the dark, not at all asociating her with anything to do with the pack. She had simply lived in its land. To say the leased, she was over the moon to be accepted into the ranks, and even more excited to meet her pack mates. She reminded herslf not to get over excited in the presence of a fellow wolf, to avoid driving them away. She really didnt wasn't any enemy's at the time being, especially not from her own pack.

RE: New day, new sun - Sen - February 24, 2015

Exploration was the key to survival, or at least that was how it went in the dark wolf's mind. Each time she would leave, and when she came back there would be something new. This time, however, she hadn't left. She'd been there the entire time, waiting out her time before she deemed a day worthy for her to travel away in. Her legs never carried her overly far, as she liked being able to get back to the Glacier when needed, but the distances were still decent enough that she liked making sure the conditions were good for them. This time around, though, she wasn't sure when she would be able to depart again. Scarlett, someone she could call an acquaintance (maybe even a friend on a good day), had been kicked from the pack, and the dark woman didn't want to risk running into her. Sen had not stuck up for her, or backed her up in any way. She'd just stood there and watched as the scene played out, and didn't even go looking after her once she'd departed. A small part of her felt bad for doing so, but she was quick to shove those emotions away, pushing them deeper and deeper into her mind. They weren't important at the moment. What was important, was learning what she could about the rest of her fellow pack members. She knew little to nothing about majority of them, and felt the need to change that.

When an unfamiliar, yet also somewhat familiar, scent reached her nose, the obsidian woman carried herself at a steady trot in it's direction. It held the familiar scent that all Glacier wolves held, telling her it was, in fact, a member of her pack. Who it was, however, was another story. She didn't recognize the personal scent of the other, nor did she recognize her appearance once she'd come across the others form. Sen approached her with her head held high, a rarity for the darkened lupine, and gave a low chuff to make her presence known. "I don't think we've met before," she started, eyeing the other girl before settling herself a short distance away. Her coloring reminded her a bit of a red fox, but she would never say that aloud. Such words would be similar to a compliment, given the fact that Sen held a fondness for the tricky vulpines. "Name's Sen. What do you go by, ginger?"

RE: New day, new sun - Bassilth - February 24, 2015

Bassilth was settling into her new home especially well. She always seemed to fit in everywhere she went, and the pale wolfess always thought it was the Old Gods watching over her. Some wolves hate her religion but Bassilth has never been let down by her Gods, and she has no reason to doubt them. Her main purpose for leaving her former pack, was to spread the word of her Gods, but that is going to have to wait until she is well acquainted with other members.

While walking around trying to find an appropriate den, the pale wolfess caught onto a scent and started to follow it. However when she arrived on scene there was more than just one wolf. Deciding now would be a great time to introduce herself, the pale female trotted forward confidently. "Ahnok til (Hello there)" she spoke, but was quick to realize that these wolves most likely didn't speak Dovahzul. "Sorry, you probably didn't understand that, I'm Bassilth"the pale wolfess spoke and said her name full of pride and honor.

RE: New day, new sun - Tuwawi RIP - February 26, 2015

Party crasher! :D

Two new initiates had been welcomed into Duskfire following the banishment of Scarlett and Adlartok. The firebrand alpha was eager to wipe the slate of their treachery, however the greenhorns were young and the saffron matriarch questioned their capability. It was convenient that they had congregated to socialize -- their scents densely mingling not far off - and the Sveijarn wasted little time to march towards their location.

"Ladies," The queen addressed them in a stern tone as she emerged from between the pines. A shrewd silver eye studied them carefully, "patrolling the borders, I see." Which they most certainly were not.

RE: New day, new sun - Accalia - February 27, 2015

Accalia smiled politely, I am Accalia, new here. She didn't over express her emotions, for those would drive her pack mates away. Accalia was shocked in the presence of the Alpha, and quickly bowed, Alpha, thank you for accepting me into your pack. She turned back to the other wolves. And its a pleasure too meet you all. The first wolf seemed to be stern but fun, and the second, prideful and bold, but in a good way. Accalia considered herself good at telling character, and so far, she like these wolves.
She stared fascinated at the wolf who called herself Bassilth, she had never heard another language before. She quickly averted her eyes, not wanting to be disrespectful and continue staring. She wanted to keep herself in their good books. She looked at all of them, they were all so beautiful!! She immediately felt self conscious in front of these stunning females. Accalia was nothing special, that's what her old pack said. Eventually she started to believe them.

RE: New day, new sun - Sen - February 28, 2015

Sen's ears swiveled to the sound of approaching steps, though it was only when she heard voices did her head turn to see who was there. First came another female she'd never met before, who was speaking in a strange tongue, and next came the woman with the coat made of flames. She gave no verbal greeting to either, just a single nod of her head to acknowledge their presences. The darker being was still not use to the new leader of the pack, and she wasn't quite sure whether she liked her or not. From what she'd witnessed so far, she seemed a bit out of it, but maybe it was just an act, for whatever reason. What she said, though, had caught her attention a bit. “I don't do border patrols,” Sen stated, her normal grin not slipping into place for once. “Usually out exploring and looking to other lands, searching for things that are interesting to me. Doesn't leave me with much time to check for intruders.” It was a rare thing, but she didn't want to push the brightly colored woman at all, as how far she could bend without snapping was completely unknown, and entirely unreadable.

The raven coated girl returned her gaze to the one she'd referred to as 'ginger' as she shared her actual name. For a brief moment, Sen wondered what type of name it was an where it came from, before realizing she didn't really care. It was just a name, after all. “Hardly ever get to see newbies so early on,” she noted, looking to the other—Bassilth—for a faint second before turning her amber gaze back to Accalia. “Guess that makes this a pleasure. Sort of, anyways.”

RE: New day, new sun - Bassilth - March 01, 2015

Bassilth wasn't with the two females for long, when another wolfess showed up, the alpha. The pale female listened as the alpha spoke, and then the other female who thanked the alpha for accepting her. "Indeed, great thanks from both me and my Gods, for accepting me into your ranks" Bassilth said to her new alpha with a bow. Once she address the alpha her focused turned to the dark wolfess as she spoke.

Waiting until, the midnight female was done speaking, Bassilth once again addressed her new alpha. "Forgive me, but I was not patrolling the boarders, instead looking for herbs when I bumped into these two" she said very well for someone who didn't speak English much. Bassilth was indeed looking for both herbs and other wolves to chat with. The pale wolfess was working to become a healer in her last pack, and hoped she could continue her trade here. She would listen to any questions her fellow packmates would have, and answer them all as truthfully as she could.

RE: New day, new sun - Tuwawi RIP - March 14, 2015

Tuwawi's scrutiny inspected her company: the three young women who made up the bulk of Duskfire's ranks... though she was hardly impressed. Her shrewd and direct nature left little leeway to see a wolf's true potential, and the matron often took others at face value. Two were quite young and bright-eyed while the lean, dark female was aloof... even in the alpha's presence. Her attitude rubbed Tuwawi the wrong way who, as Sen assumed, couldn't be bent too far without lashing out not matter the wolf. Yet, Tuwawi was at a crossroads... with their numbers low and a thread imminent, she could not afford to kick and more members to the curb.

"The pleasure is mine, Accalia," she responded, her inflection flat and insipid which could make one question if it was truly a pleasure at all. The dark woman responded next. "Oh, what interests you?" Tuwawi jeered impolitely - her lip twitching into a forced smile. Yet, the last to speak - Bassilth - was more polite and reminded the Sveijarn to be civil.

Her weight shifted to better address the women. "I'm sure you all need no needing of my name," she said, voice softening, "but it is Tuwawi, for those who do. Perhaps, in time, each of you will find a task which... favors your nature," she said, eyes sliding to the inky Sen. "What have you all seen on your travels? I am sure we will need an emissary -- an outrider -- soon enough. And you," her visage turned to the pale and beautiful Basslith, "you were collecting herbs? I take it you have some medicinal knowledge?"