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Broken Toys - Printable Version

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Broken Toys - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana looked down at the male she had just killed. It had been rather fun, giving @Tempo false information, making him let his guard down, pretending that she loved him. Ewww, as if. His face had been hilarious, the pain and surprise that crossed his face as she bent to kiss him, but slit his pretty throat instead. Fun.

Now, she stood a few feet inside the border, muzzle dripping crimson, standing over the stricken male. She laughed softly. licking the blood from around his lips. Her inner demons had been satisfied, at least for a while. So great was her bloodlust that she failed to notice the scent of @Meldresi lingering around her.

RE: Broken Toys - Meldresi - March 06, 2015

I think this looks fine. :)

Meldresi had watched, silently, as Morgana manipulated the unknown male. It was obvious to her, from the moment Morgana began to speak, what would happen to him. It was a situation she was familiar with: seduce the man, get close, kill him. But Meldresi had never done it to sate her own bloodlust, nor did she do it so quickly. The priestess seduced her targets for weeks, months, at a time before she thought they were ripe for the slaughter. But Morgana could learn. Older Sisters always taught the younger ones.

The priestess stepped forward, eyes glittering. "You did well." She said softly, head tilting towards the sprawled and bleeding figure. "Dispose of the body and then follow me. I believe you are ready to join the Dark Brotherhood, Morgana."

RE: Broken Toys - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana made quick work of disposing Tempo. She dug a shallow grave, hidden between a rock and a couple bushes. She would come back later and properly get rid of it, but for now, all her attention was on Meldresi. She would now finally join the supreme, and earn her place among them. Killing the love-struck male was only the beginning of what she was to do, she could do so much more when she had the mark. Dusting herself off, she followed the Priestess, eager to what awaited her.

RE: Broken Toys - Meldresi - March 06, 2015

The priestess made her way to the nearest opening that led into the labyrinth known to the pack as Mephala's Web. After passing through the darkness that was enough to deter even the bravest of souls, Meldresi found herself in one of the caverns close to her herb store and her unofficial healing area. There was already a crevice dug in the center of that cave ready for her to place the dye inside, all she needed were the ingredients.

Meldresi took a stop at the herb store, moving towards the wrapped dye leaves and moss quickly before backing out and walking towards the small cave nearby. Her Dark Brotherhood was getting full, she could tell. She had bestowed the mark three times in the past two moons alone.

RE: Broken Toys - Morgana Wolf - March 06, 2015

Morgana followed her Alpha way into the caves, unsure of where she was being led. Coming to a stop, she noted that she had never been at this part of the Web. Various herbs and ingredients scattered the cave, as if it were a personal collection, saved overtime. They continued walking, the herb cave had only been a quick stop. Meldresi stopped at another cave, this time probably going to use the ingredients she had taken from the previous destination to place the red pawprint mark upon Morgana. Morgana was curious to how the whole thing went down. No doubt she would have to swear her allegiance to the dark pack and its Brotherhood, but what was required of her was unknown. Did she have to do something after that proved her worth? Yes, Do whatever needed to be done in the benefit of the pack. She was ready.

RE: Broken Toys - Meldresi - March 08, 2015

Meldresi strode over to the small hole in the ground where traces of the dye from Burke's initiation still clung to the sides. The priestess dropped a few of the herbs in, and repeated the familiar process: grinding them up, dripping water from damp moss into the hole, and grinding again until the dye was thick and glistening in the hole.

She paused then and looked up at Morgana. "There are five tenets that you must adhere to as a Dark Brotherhood member. They are the only true rules you have to abide to." She said, mixing the dye gently with her paw. "One, never dishonor the Night Mother, Mephala. Two, never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. Three, never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. Four, never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. Five, never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do any of these is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis, the God of Death." She repeated the familiar words without fail.

RE: Broken Toys - Morgana Wolf - March 08, 2015

Morgana nodded in full understanding. Of course, I will do everything in my power to follow those rules and make sure my loyalty to the Brotherhood and the Night Mother never wavers, Morgana replied gracefully and with complete truth. All the rules she could follow without hesitation. She wasn't one for destiny or that stuff, but this, it was. She was born for this, to make sure the ruling of the Night Mother was never forgotten. To make sure that nobody forgets who is supreme. And she would do anything to in force that without the slightest hesitation. Sure, call her soulless, but she didn't mind, it was the truth. The supremacy would never be forgotten, now that she had the power to enforce it. She realized that now, she had responsibility. Which meant no running off AWOL anymore. But she didn't mind. Blackfeather Woods was her home now. Home isn't where you are loved, its where you belong. And she belonged there. She would stay loyal until her essence vanished from the earth to whatever hell she was destined for.

RE: Broken Toys - Meldresi - March 11, 2015

With Morgana agreeing without falter, like those before her, Meldresi accepted her into the Dark Brotherhood. The priestess drenched her paw into the bloody dye before lifting it and pressing it firmly onto Morgana's shoulder, and holding the appendage there for several moments before lifting the paw and drawing it away, leaving a perfect mark as always.

"So begins a contract bound in blood." Meldresi intoned the ancient words before her paw met the others on the ground. "Welcome to the Dark Brotherhood, Sister Morgana."