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Blacktail Deer Plateau I don't dance - Printable Version

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I don't dance - Blue Willow - March 11, 2015


Blue woke with a start and looked about her. Wondering what woke her, it was nothing she supposed. However, the adrenaline that flooded her body, spoke differently. She looked at the children their sleeping forms, adorable in the early light. She even watched as one of the sleeping forms, kicked the other right in the nose. She snorted and shifted her weight.

Heading out of the den she stretched and stood looking around. The sun rose over top of tree tops with water dripping from them. She took a deep breath, Spring was here. Frankly she wanted to open her maw, and howl her joy. However, there was golden rays in the silence, so she kept it. Soon enough the silence would be shattered, with the chattering and calls of her children, as they chased each other about. She briefly wondered about it and then decided.

She called softly to Lasher. Today they would find the rendsvous sight. They would move now, thought it was bitter sweet it was needed. And besides her and Lasher could always take this sight back, after the children were old enough to be on their own.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - March 11, 2015

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he heeded the call of the plateau's queen, pleased by her gentle summons, and breathlessly swept into their little clearing with a brace of fieldmice dangling from his jaws. a paltry breakfast, i am afraid, he crooned as he dropped them at her feet, leaning in to sweep his tongue across her cheek in a wolf-kiss.

the willow seemed prepared to leave that day, and taltos ran through the litany of their past discussions, gleaning the most recent subject from among them. are we to search for this site today? he inquired.

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - March 14, 2015

Blue leaned into his touch, and smiled. Nonsense, it is just enough before we get started. Blue found that, thank goodness. As the kids grew, her appetite lessened. Finally, she would perhaps lose the little bit of extra pounds she had gained. Not that most would ever worry about that, and a fat wolf was a happy wolf. But she did not wish to be so bad, that she couldn't walk for hurt.

I think so. Spring is here, the babes are old enough, or at least they think they are to roam about among the territory. And there are many who haven't met them yet. And frankly they are getting to big for the den, especially the boys. Have you seen anything in your travels around the territory? I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgeable about it.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - March 16, 2015

gonna powerplay the kids..

i know of a few places, he murmured softly, gesturing that she should fall into step with him. gathering the children, he told them of the day's plans. they articulated their pleasure in their various ways, and pranced happily on small paws.

the small family set out, lasher pausing from time to time to gesture at some colorful bird or plant. at length, he fell back into step with his lover, his fond gaze lingering on their small trio. 

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - March 17, 2015

Blue smiled to herself, as the little family started out. The children chattered, as they skipped along beside them, under them, around them. Though both parents made sure to keep an eye on them. Blue couldn't help, the overwhelming joy that she felt. Not only was her lover a good man, but he was also a good father. He stopped random times to show them something, an animal, or a plant. The most attractive thing in the world, she felt anyway. 

It's a beautiful day. I'm so excited. She spoke softly to him.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - March 21, 2015

he smiled brightly at her. i am as well! he chortled, paws sweeping the ground in a half-dance as eilidh ran past the pair of them, with her brothers in hot pursuit. the day thrummed with the warmth of new spring, and again he paused beneath the branches of a birch to breathe in the aroma of the placid day.

spotting a small clearing not far off, he gestured with a tip of his muzzle. look there. it is ringed with flowers.

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - March 24, 2015

Blue watched his paws, and though she didn't quite understand it. She moved one paw the way he did, it was interesting. She knew she probably, couldn't be as graceful as him. She was just not that way, but regardless. It was a good day, and it deserved to be celebrated.

She heard him speak, and turned to gaze at the clearing. A small Oh, left her maw. She moved over to sniff at the ring of flowers, see if it was anything she could use. It was just that flowers, but they sure were pretty. Aren't they pretty, and they smell so good.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - March 24, 2015

he agreed with a low sound, and a cursory glance lent him the view of a stone-pile near to the flower-ring. "look," he murmured, trotting toward it. there was a small den below the rocks, stale with the scent of an old badger set, though no animal dwelt therein now. the space was large enough for one fully grown wolf, and assumedly enough for the children, though as they grew they would not need the constant presence of a parent within the den.

"what do you think, willow?" he asked, pinning casmir to the ground playfully.

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - April 01, 2015

Willow followed his gaze, then trotted behind him. She gave the stones a cursory sniffed, and then lent her nose to the flowers. She would not lie, the flowers were her favorite part. She smiled, and licked her lips and chuckled as he pinned Casmir to the ground.

Oh I like it, and the flowers will smell lovely. There is much potential here.

She sniffed again at the flowers. She slowly traversed the area, there was a beautiful view as well, and whichever parent was here could see all around. They would be able to watch for any threats. We can see on all sides as well. That is nice, but there is enough cover for bad weather.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - April 03, 2015

she set about with a logical eye, and soon found a flaw within the would-be shelter, one he had not thought of before. "i do not believe so," he murmured after passing his own gaze across the area. the winter was departing, but in its wake came spring rains and summer storms; it would not do well for the trio to be soaked in their skins.

"another place, then," he suggested, releasing a chortling casmir and snapping gently, playfully at a squealing eilidh.

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - April 09, 2015

Blue Willow hoped she did not offend. She had just been pointing out something, and she had really hoped there could be cover. Because it was beautiful here, the flowers especially. She nodded her head though, when he said another place then. She followed behind him, nudging all three children gently as they walked.

Occasionally, chasing them around. She even involved Lasher if he wanted to play. It was a good outing for all of them. Time to bond and find a home, at least where they would spend the next few months. All too soon they would be older and ready to find their own homes. It saddened her a bit, to think of.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - April 09, 2015

she had not offended him; he told her of his affection with a quick clip of his teeth gently upon her nape. the little family romped and laughed with one another, until a low incline bespoke the beginning of another potential space, and lasher slid down the slope with a merry chuckle.

tucked into the curve of the decline was a deep hole, bordered by stones and bounded by flowers. "how about this?" he asked softly, plume waving with anticipation above his hips.

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - April 14, 2015

Blue made a soft noise in her throat at his nip. She continued her romp and rouse with the kids. Happy to enjoy the day. It was a beautiful day, she laughed as Lasher slid down the incline, the pups and she following happily behind. 

Blue smiled down at the cozy little nest, and she sniffed at it, and followed around the flowers. She looked on either side, it was downward so bordered well by nestling hills. She nodded her head, I think this works very well.

RE: I don't dance - Lasher - April 19, 2015

wrap up here?

along with blue willow's pleasure, that of the children was palpable; they fell about playing in the flowers outside the den, and lasher chuffed at them, nudging the healer's dark cheek, he smiled at the romping pups. "so it is settled. this shall be our rendezvous site." the term was rather unfamiliar, but he knew it would become second nature in time. 

RE: I don't dance - Blue Willow - April 20, 2015

That's a wrap :)

Blue nodded her head, and then with a small smile. She reared on hind legs and tackled Lasher gently, hoping to push him to the ground. They could join in the children's play why not. Blue was an adult, but that did not stop her, from enjoying the day just as a pup would. Shew as an adult all the time, she deserved and so did Lasher fun. Perhaps later they could even celebrate other ways, but for now, she just wanted to play.