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Blackfoot Forest whisper - Printable Version

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whisper - Tonravik - March 13, 2015

Tartok wolves have just been hanging around here, but anyone's welcome at this point :)

For the while, the Forest would host she and hers up until she decided what the right course was. Leading was in her blood, and how cold it had run when she had climbed upon the glacier and stared into the face of its leader... There was no doubting that inevitably she would lead again, the only question was when. She had some behind her, but certainly not enough. Still, humble origins were where her mother had started. Only a few wolves, against the entirety of the Valley. The war started by her mothers sister. In the end, Tartok came to be victorious, and it yielded in her conception and an empire.

Perhaps she could begin now.

This she humored while marched through the terrain, head low to the earth as she sniffed the ground. For the moment, she tracked a wayward fox that had scavenged on a meal she had hunted days ago. The Tartok woman would have none of that so long as this forest hosted her.

RE: whisper - Jamie - March 14, 2015

jamie wants to do some exploring, mind if I let him wander in?

Jamie was walking around Rising Sun Valley when he spotted a forest. He hasn't been there yet, as he had only been in the valley once. Jamie smiled a little when he remembered Pantaleimon, the wolf he had met here. He wondered how things were going for him, and if he had gotten to the coast yet. Jamie didn't really like the ocean, but he honestly did not know where it was. He walked into the edge of the forest, then smelling a bunch of scents. There were always some loners lurking around, but most of them were harmless. Jamie looked around the dark forest, as a fox scurried past him in the dark.

RE: whisper - Tonravik - March 16, 2015

Not at all!!!

Her ear twitched as she heard the sound of scampering nearby. Tonravik's head swung upward and her muzzle pointed in that direction, and she was all but the withdrawn blade prepared to drive into its opponent. The wind was in its favor, but its noisiness was in hers. The bear of a wolf felt her muscles coil and then, she was loose.

Groundeating strides took her toward the fox, that yipped in surprise as she gained on it. Tonravik paid no heed to the wolf passing through (though surely he would have been the victim if this place was her own). In a perfect display of power and prowess, she was upon the vermin, her fangs the proverbial reapers scythe as she brought its life to an end. Tonravik wouldn't let the body go to waste; she dug in while it was still warm.

RE: whisper - Jamie - March 17, 2015

Jamie could barely see a blur of black leap past him. the figure carried the scent of a wolf, that Jamie could tell. He can make out the figure pouncing on the fox and sinking his or her fangs into the fox's skin, the fox struggling little as bled and eventually died. This wolf seemed like an experienced hunter. Each wolf has a story, even the loners and the misfits. Jamie was intrigued now, by this wolf's sharp skills. He was all the way out here at Rising Sun Valley, right? It didn't hurt to at least say hello, like what he did with Pantaleimon. Some wolves look dangerous but certainly aren't on the inside. Perhaps this wolf is similar to him, but then again, you never know who you will encounter in the wild. "Um, hello." Jamie gave a shy hello from a respectable distance away.

RE: whisper - Tonravik - March 19, 2015


It didn't take long for her to eat the important bits that she wanted to ingest. By the time she had, the other had approached and kept a respectable distance, his soft hello met with a disinterested look. Tonravik ran both hot and cold the past couple of days, her aggression increasing tenfold but so too did her tolerance of the opposite sex. She kept away even from Echelon as of late, being not in the proper mind to linger around other women without snapping at them.

But right now, her blood ran quite cold. Tonravik had no interest for company and her lobes twitched atop her head as she watched him, a solid sentinel above her dead fox. He tread on thin ice. Her ears cupped as the regal wolf watched him further, listening to see if he would say anything else but hello.

RE: whisper - Jamie - March 19, 2015

XD jamie might die of curiosity lol 
The wolfess did not seem to respond to him. She did seem like she was listening to him. Perhaps she was one of the crazy lone wolves, or maybe not. She had dark brown eyes, like the colour of the earth and her pelt made her blend in with the shadows of the forrest. Her gleaming eyes seemed to hold secrets, of her soul and past. Jamie was intrigued with a feeling that send shivers down his spine. He had to know more about her, although something told him that it was dangerous to poke this wolfess. Jamie could just give a brief introduction or something and if she replied, it would satisfy his curiosity and he could get out of the woods before things go downhill if it does. "My name is Jamie Glade. May I ask what is yours, madam?" Jamie used the most polite tone he could muster and gave a small dip of his crown in greeting. He made it clear that he was here in peace.

RE: whisper - Tonravik - April 17, 2015

The inky black wolf blinked as he supplied her with his name, but she remained statuesque other than that. His question was met with stillness and silence, supplicating him with her obvious answer. No. Tonravik hovered over her kill, not sure what exactly his intentions were but neither did she care for them. Her eyes were unmoving as they remained upon him, a breeze playing through the trees that somehow accentuated the fact that she hardly moved, except for her chest which slowly rose and fell as she breathed. That, though, could hardly be seen in the shadows.

The Tartok matriarch was not annoyed by his presence, but could grow to be if he continued to speak. Tonravik was fine with silent encounters, and only wanted to enjoy her meal without her ear being talked off. Of course, he wasn't that talkative; but already he had spoken more than Tonravik had in, well, the week alone. The dark woman gave him a pointed look: what do you want.