Wolf RPG
Where am I and what am I doing here? - Printable Version

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Where am I and what am I doing here? - Ryker - March 19, 2015

Ryker had been travelling a while. He really had no destination. He was just walking. It had been this way for some time now. He'd been on his own for longer than most wolves. Having lost his mother when he was almost 6 months old meant he had to learn pretty much everything on his own. He didn't mind the solitude left him time to think. Some part of him longed for a friend though. Someone he could relate too.

He wandered through the field keeping an eye out for other wolves. Out in the open he was vulnerable. No where to run or hide. He paused for a moment scenting the air. Nope no packs around here. He sat down by a small creek and grabbed a drink. Then stretched and kept walking.

It was late afternoon and the sun was almost but not quite setting on the horizon. His paws were aching and his stomach growled. He just realized how long it had been since he'd eaten. He hadn't tried to hunt for at least a week or so. He looked around for a moment as if seeing what sources were available. Ryker spotted a small rabbit and easily hunted it down. It would do. For now. He lay down and began to eat.

It was very quiet. Almost too quiet. It was spring he at least expected to hear birds. He didn't dwell on the thought too much though. He just ate his fill and lay there resting in what was left of that days sunlight.

OOC: Yay finally made a post without the internet dying. @Keil

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Keil - March 19, 2015

Keil felt more content than he had in a long time. His belly was full and for the first time in longer than he cared to admit, he had a family. The day had gone smoothly. He had awoken to the warmth of the sun tickling his back. The morning was spent lazing around and exploring his new home. He was enjoying the spring. Not that he minded winter, but his did tire of the snow. He didn't particularly like having his paws freeze. Keil slipped past the trees, coming upon an expansive field. His trek had taken him outside the pack's borders, but it was of no matter. He would return by the time the moon crested in the sky.

A breeze drifted through the grass, the whoosh of the wind a glorious sound that echoed across the field. The air ruffled Keil's scruff, penetrating the thick fur down to his skin. He sighed deeply. Spring was nice indeed. Keil stopped and dropped to his haunches. He absently scratched his ear before laying on his back and rolling in the grass. It tickled his spine, and he loved it. Twitching his hips back and forth for good measure, he stood. Shaking out his coat before moving onward. He inhaled, detecting the odor of another male further ahead.

Curiosity drove him more than anything. He quickened his pace into an easy lope. It wasn't long before he crested a hill, finally seeing the source of the scent. It was a young male, no more than a year or two if Keil had to guess. The wolf was gorging himself on a fresh kill and Keil smiled to himself. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun. Lowering himself, Keil stalked closer. The wind was behind him so he knew the younger male would probably smell him first but that couldn't be helped.

Finally approaching the wolf, Keil sprung out of his crouched position. "Boo!" Keil shouted, a laugh decorating his voice.

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Ryker - March 19, 2015

Ryker was peacefully eating his kill when he picked up the distant scent of another wolf. He lifted his head ears twitching. He spotted a shadow moving through the grasses towards him. What on earth.

Ryker picked up what was left of his kill and stood up backing away slightly. Just then the figure jumped out of the grass in an attempt to spook him. Ryker was vaguely amused. Decided for the fun of it to act at least remotely startled. He dropped the kill and jumped back slightly. "Ha, Ha very funny," He said with an amused look on his face.

He couldn't decide whether this wolf was a threat. He was slightly nervous but he didn't let it show. "Next time, might wanna make sure the breeze is away from me. I wouldn't have picked up your scent had you come from the other way." he muttered. Advice couldn't hurt right. Ryker took a quick glance at his half eaten meal. "You can't have any," he muttered slightly defensive.

He hadn't eaten in a long time and this male looked like he was well fed. He was a pack wolf because there were other scents mixed in with his own. Ryker pawed the kill a bit closer to himself.

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Keil - March 19, 2015

Keil's ears twitched forward. Yes, it had been funny he thought. He eyed the young wolf, clearly protective of his kill. Keil had no interest in taking his food, he knew all too well the life of a lone wolf. Yet another reason to hate the winter, he mused. The prey was scarcer, and without the aid of a pack, much more difficult to catch. "I thought it was hilarious, stranger," Keil barked, his voice filled with mirth. He coughed awkwardly, fighting the grin from his lips. His body shook from barely restrained laughter.

"I did that on purpose, you know. I let you smell me." Keil leaned back to sit, his tail loosely curled around his back paws. The sun peaked out from behind a cloud, catching Keil's eyes and causing them to glow silver. He paused then, taking in the stranger before him. He noted the scar across his nose and the corner of Keil's lip twitched into a tiny frown. It was rare to find a wolf nowadays without any blemishes from battle. Keil himself bore scars, but none so obvious.

The stranger moved his kill closer. "Relax pup, I don't want your....rabbit," he quipped.

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Ryker - March 19, 2015

"I have to admit it was amusing, I'm just tired so my reaction perhaps not to your standards." Ryker stated. He knew the wolf would have had a lot more fun had he not picked up the scent or chosen to ignore it. "Why let me smell you. Ruins all the fun doesn't it?" He muttered tilting his head.

Ryker relaxed slightly when the wolf said he wouldn't take his rabbit. "Who are you anyways," the grey male asked. "If I am intruding I honestly mean no harm." He wasnt sure he was intruding though. He made sure to keep track of where pack borders lay. He was alert like that. Plus he would do ANYTHING to avoid fights.

Ryker bent down to take a few more bites from his meal. He wasn't trying to be rude. He was just. Very hungry. He never let his eye contact go though. He wanted to make sure if this wolf did want to attack. He was ready for it. Although by the looks of it. This wolf was just on a walk.

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Keil - March 19, 2015

Keil yipped in amusement. "Hardly. Besides, had I genuinely startled you, you may have gotten a heart attack. Or bit me. I'm not too keen on being bitten, thank you very much." He was having a hard time reading the wolf in front of him. He seemed slightly on edge, which was to be expected. Keil sighed, he felt a sudden unshakable urge to coddle the pup. He felt a shudder run down his spine at the thought. Keil was not the cuddly type.

Keil watched the wolf eat absently. He scoffed at the stranger's distrust, but he couldn't fault him. Being a loner was a rough life; certainly not any kind of life for a wolf so young. He supposed they might look odd to an outsider. The pup was a blend of black and silver speckled with various tones of grey, while Keil's coat was so bright it was almost glowing. Too bad there wasn't much shade out in the open.

"The name is Keidel. Kay-dell, emphasis on the 'kei', but everyone just calls me Keil. Who are you, pup? I can assure you that you aren't intruding. Then again I don't really have the authority to say whether you are, or are not."

ooc ;; well...I feel this post has been pleasantly awkward. my bad

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Ryker - March 19, 2015

OOC: Nah not awkward. Your fine xD If anything. Mine was awkward.

A heart attack. He doubted it. He was young. Too young for that. Bite well yeah that may have been more likely. "Yeah, your right. I would have bitten you. Heh," he chuffed. A small smile came upon his normally very straight face. He hadn't been happy for a while. He always had a very serious look to him. Ever since he lost his mother.

He frowned for a moment but the smile returned. He didn't like to think about his mother with company present. "My name is Ryker. Do you know the area well because i have no clue where I am." Ryker was relieved to know he wasnt intruding. "Wait, so if there is no pack here, but you are part of a pack. Where are you from?" he tilted his head as if trying to piece it all together.

This wolf was clearly. From a pack. But where was this pack of his? Perhaps he was on a journey to find a new home. Or just out for a walk. Ryker waited patiently for the white wolf to answer.

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Keil - March 22, 2015

Keil shrugged, his muscles bunching under his fur before rolling back into the relaxed position they had been in. The pup looked so innocent with that smile drawn across his jaw. Keil found his own mouth opening into a rather toothy grin. He couldn't help it. The brightness of the sun, the soothing breeze; a sigh escaped from his lips.

"Ryker," Keil repeated. "A strong name. I am not all that familiar with the area to be perfectly honest. I'm uhh," he paused, "new. I can tell you that you aren't that far from the border of Nova Peak. From what I gather, it's a rather newly established pack. Er, I'm actually their newest member."

Keil paused again to study the pup. A thousand and one questions popped into his mind, but he held his tongue. Too many probing questions could cause Ryker to become suspicious and Keil had no desire to pick a fight. Least of all with this lone wolf who was mostly just interested in his current meal. Though, Keil supposed one question couldn't hurt. It was mere curiosity, he told himself.

"So Ryker. Tell me how you came to be here exactly? And especially without a pack. You look too young to really be on your own."

RE: Where am I and what am I doing here? - Ryker - March 23, 2015

Ryker listened carefully as Keil answered his question upon his location. "Ah, I see," he was a little nervous that he was close to their borders but at least he wasn't trespassing. That would have been bad. "So your new too ha," Ryker managed a small chuff.

Ryker frowned for a moment at the question the wolf had asked. Of all the questions he could of asked. That was the one. Well. He supposed he couldn't leave that question unanswered. Any wolf would ask him the same. He wouldn't lie because that only results in bad things. That was one thing his mother had enforced the short time he had with her.

"I've been on my own since i was 6 months old. My mother was a lone wolf when she had me. My brother and sister died after they were born. I was the only one who survived. Unfortunatly my mother fell ill when i was about 4 months old. I did what i could to help her but she uh died," he paused for a moment taking a deep breathe. "I've been wandering since. That's when i ended up here," he shifted his paws underneath him. He was a little upset having to talk about his mother and stuff.

It sucked thinking about it but talking about it was even worse. He glanced down at his paws brushing one of them in the dirt. Almost a habit of his when he was upset or impatient. In this case it was the former.