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Blackfeather Woods light can be harsh, cruel and blinding - Printable Version

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light can be harsh, cruel and blinding - Kelorth - March 26, 2015

@Burke Set before this thread :)

Whispers in the woods brought the young Dragonblood news of this pack, of its strange cultures though not nearly as strange as his own. If an outsider joined his natal pack, unaware and blind of its customs, they would be even more surprised than himself. But then, the ghost knew only but a sliver of this pack's secrets and the boy's natural curiosity drove him to know more and more. It sounded interesting, despite the fact he knew almost nothing about the place. It could be boring, maybe the rumors only spoke of the most interesting parts.

Kelorth did not know, he simply wandered through Blackfeather woods, deep in thought, fierce blue eyes scanning his surroundings warily. His posture was proud, but not the stance of a leader or a higher rank, just simply one who was proud of their pack and themselves. His thoughts wandered then, to those of wondering which trade he should go for. Outrider caught his attention best, for it was adventuring and exploring that he loved, as well as fighting. He did not think of himself as a Counselor, unless the advice the wolves wanted to hear was 'deal with it.' Because that was the advice he gave himself.

RE: light can be harsh, cruel and blinding - Burke - March 26, 2015

Thank you for starting!

Burke walked through the forest with a hare hanging dead from his mouth. The tank of a male could have mastered his gamekeeper trade by now but that didn't mean he wanted to master in that. He wanted to master other skills he had. Warrior was of important but also becoming a Counselor to the pack would mean much to him. His calm mind usually helped him to think rationally. He made sure to stay friendly with all his pack mates and make sure he knew them well to give them advise. This also meant that he wanted to guide new members to certain trades and tasks.

He figured it would be nice to have someone more familiar with the pack explain how things worked around here. The charcoal male dumped the hare on one of the caches before he realized he was close to a scent he wasn't familiar with. Burke walked towards the male and then studied him with his pale eyes. It seemed he was accepted in their group. The large male greeted the other with a chuff. "Hello, I assume you are new?," he called out with his husky tone.

RE: light can be harsh, cruel and blinding - Kelorth - March 27, 2015

He was thrust out of his thoughts when a voice spoke, killing the silence that hung through the air. Kelorth looked up and saw a large greyscale male with a docked tail and pale blue eyes. "Yes, Meldresi accepted me recently." the ghost replied, making sure his posture was one of submission and to avoid the other wolf's eyes as a gesture of respect to a higher rank. It was only then, when his eyes wandered, did he find the red pawprint on the man's shoulder and was immediately brought back to his previous thoughts about the Dark Brotherhood. This man sounded like he was a veteran of the pack and the mark of the Brotherhood simply proved that.

"I'm Kelorth, may I ask about that red pawprint on your shoulder? Someone told me it was the mark of the Dark Brotherhood but I am not really sure about what that really is." The ghost's tail wagged a few times as a gesture of friendliness wondering if this tank of a male could be his friend, or at least an ally he knew could have his back. He did not need backstabbing assholes where he was living and the Dragon would make sure he had no enemies here. 

RE: light can be harsh, cruel and blinding - Burke - March 27, 2015

Burke nodded courtly. He hadn't seen Tanith for a long time, she probably went away without saying goodbye. This male probably taken her place. Burke could understand why she might have left. The dark brother studied the other. The pale coat reminded him of Kove. "Nice to meet you, Kelorth. I am Burke. Gamma of the pack, and right under Meldresi," Burke introduced to the other male. His pale eyes studied him for a brief moment. Then that question came. Burke wasn't really allowed to talk about it, but since the male already mentioned 'Dark brother' in association with the mark he would give the male some information.

"The members of the brotherhood are indeed marked with a red paw print. I am not allowed to talk about it much. The priestess will see if your actions are fit to be a dark brother," Burke explained. He was not going to tell him what he needed to do. It would need to come naturally to the male and then he would be recruited for his actions. The large male tugged his lips into a smile. "I will tell you this. The dark brotherhood is a tight knitted group that serves The Dread Lord and follows his desires, which they achieve through the word of the Night Mother." That sounded very vague but it might help the new wolf on its way. Once he would know what the lord of the dread did it wasn't that difficult to figure out what to do.