Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods pour la nuit est pleine de souvenirs - Printable Version

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pour la nuit est pleine de souvenirs - DeadLusa - April 18, 2015

Title translation: for the night is full of memories

  Icy blue eyes stared over and out into the distant world. Ears perked up and head looking round as she walked. Looking for anyone who had strayed through their lands. She had patrolled the whole day now, not stopping for a drink or something to eat. Probably went around the whole territory twice now. It was awfully boring, but she needed to take a long walk. Needed to take her mind off of everything. It was a nice change of schedule. Usually she wanted to hunt and keep the caches full, but now she wanted to keep any foreign scents out.

  She stopped, panting from exhaustion, to sit down and catch her breath. The rays of the sun were starting to disappear and the moon and stars took over the sky. "Temps pour la lune de jouer," she spoke to herself. "Doux Crépuscule montrera une fois plus son visage. Ses enfants étoiles dansent le long de ses rayons avec joie." Every time she was alone, she wanted to speak French to herself. To never forget the language her father had taught her just as Bruke had advised. And she wasn't willing to forget either. She loved her father and all the things he had done and taught to her. Her father was indeed great to her. "Je aimerais avoir le temps de dire au revoir..." Her voice was quiet as she spoke those words. From time to time, she wished she could go visit them, but they were to far to get to. Way to far.

RE: pour la nuit est pleine de souvenirs - Kenneth - April 24, 2015

Forward dated to present date?
[Image: vvNquMD.png]

kennethIf wolves could sweat, the ebony prince's body would be covered in those droplets now, he had just finished training. Battle training. With no one. It was a combination of lunging, pouncing, leaping away from imaginary claws and fangs. It would've been better if he had a companion with him, a sparring partner, but he did not have one, and he learnt that fighting with no one was better than not fighting at all. It was a well needed practice for the exiled prince, he needed to keep fit to help the pack. To serve it as best as he possibly could.

kennethNight arrived and it was only then when he stopped training and began walking, allowing the coolness of the midnight breeze to soothe the heat from his body. Kenneth walked and walked and walked through Blackfeather Woods pack lands, he would allow himself a few hours of sleep later and then he would hunt and fill the caches of the pack and maybe if he had time, patrol the borders.

kennethRest was hard to achieve when you were Kenneth Borealem. A voice alerted him of a presence nearby, he was downwind of whoever the person was and so he knew they would not know he was there. It was speaking an unfamiliar language but it was a Blackfeather Wood's wolf, a packmate he had not met before which was not surprising considering the fact he was new to the pack. Ken stayed in the shadows, making sure she did not know he was there and only when she seemed to have stop speaking did he creep out, like a panther slowly revealing himself.

kenneth"You have a nice voice," he said in his soft, confident tone.

RE: pour la nuit est pleine de souvenirs - DeadLusa - April 24, 2015

I'll forward date this :)

  Soon a black wolf came out from the shadows. Her fur bristled out of surprise. At first she thought the male was Crescendo, for he had a similar appearance. But the male had an unfamiliar scent, still a scent of Blackfeather though. To be honest, she didn't want to see the male again. It would make to much drama between him and Grim.

 She smiled at the dark male. "Merci." It came to mind that he most likely didn't know the language. "I mean thank you." The girl stood up to face him eye to eye. "My name is Lusa. Third in command in the ranks." It was a habit of her to pronounce her title to others. "You must be new around these parts of the wood."

RE: pour la nuit est pleine de souvenirs - Kenneth - April 27, 2015

Kenneth smiled faintly at the female when she announced that her name was Lusa and she was the third in command in the ranks, which probably meant she was the Gamma of Blackfeather Woods. The male dipped his head politely to her, shifting slightly, making sure his stance was submissive to her. Ranking, to the proud wolf was very important and though right now he was low in the ranks, he would make sure to rise with time. But he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to say 'for now' in case he upset her. The Gloom did not need enemies in his own pack.

"Yes I am," the ebony prince said, "the name's Kenneth." The obsidian male smiled briefly at the girl, she was pretty alright but she wasn't his type so he made no move on her, a wise decision. "Nice to meet you."