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Blackfeather Woods don't get many white eyes around here - Printable Version

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don't get many white eyes around here - Kenneth - April 23, 2015

[Image: vvNquMD.png]

kennethThe ebony prince had just finished patrolling the borders of Blackfeather Woods and spent the rest of the morning filling up the caches, eating none of the food he caught, or the ones in the cache for himself. If wolves could sweat, the exiled wolf would be covered in it already, probably drowning in them. Kenneth did not relax until he was certain most of the caches were full and the pack would be well fed, and right now, to him, there were still more prey to catch and more caches to be filled. He knew he had to work hard to earn a place in the Woods, and so that was what he was going to do.

kennethBrows furrowed in concentration and exhaustion, fierce white eyes narrowed as he stalked the prey through the thick woods that composed of his pack lands. He blended in almost perfectly into the shadows, thanks to the darkness the lands provided, and the clouds that covered sky today. Things went made for the exiled prince when he reached one of the lighter parts of the forest, covered in a carpet of blood red bushes. His shadow fell threateningly over the prey he was chasing and it immediately ran.

kennethLuckily the white eyed male was an experienced hunter, having hunted all by himself for his entire life, nobody liked to feed a black bastard, even if the black bastard happened to be the son of the Alphas, the prince of the pack. A black wolf was no prince in the northerner's eyes. All black wolves were bastards in their father's eyes. However, Ken thanked whatever deity was up there that he had not been pampered as a child, as his experience helped him now.

kennethKenneth ran after the prey, midnight paws skimming easily over the carpet of bushes and he pounced with a cat like grace, making him look almost like a panther for a second. Gleaming alabaster fangs sank into the animal's windpipe and killed it instantly, he straightened up and shook his black fur free of any debris. Hunger gnawed at his belly, but it was mild so he ignored it. However, any passerby would notice he had not eaten for the entire day. It was late afternoon by then, sunset soon arriving.

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Meldresi - April 23, 2015

Meldresi sensed something familiar about the new recruit the moment she saw those pale white eyes of his. His Arctic heritage strengthened the feeling tenfold. It was possible. Very possible; he looked very much like an older version of Damien, a black version of Bane. She watched in silence as he hunted, not hiding intentionally, but melting into the shadows as she normally did.

While Bane was a fighter, this wolf, regardless of relation to Bane, if at all, was a hunter. He quickly overcame his prey and dispatched it with ease, allowing Meldresi the opportunity to speak with him. "That was a fine kill." She said as she left the shadows.

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Kenneth - April 24, 2015

[Image: vvNquMD.png]

kennethThe familiar voice of his leader alerted him of her presence, eyes of fresh snow alighted on the form of Meldresi, he offered her a faint smile of gratitude and a dip of his head in thanks to her compliment. Trotting forward with the prey in his jaws, he dropped it in front of her, "You can have it," the ebony male said softly, respectfully. Normally he would've cracked a sarcastic joke or something annoying but this was the Alpha, and he did not know if she appreciated such things. "If it was a wolf, it would not have been a good kill, too messy. I still need to perfect it, in case I need to kill someone."

kennethThere was something he wanted to ask Meldresi the moment he heard the rumours flying about, he had heard them when he was a lone wolf, and he still heard them now. "I've been wanting to ask you something," Kenneth said, his voice naturally soft but still managing to retain the quiet confidence he emitted and carried loud and clear through the air. His stance, though respectful and submissive to his leader, was still full of pride.

kenneth"Is it true a Brotherhood resides in this pack?" He asked with concealed curiosity.

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Meldresi - April 26, 2015

She smiled courteously to Kenneth but shook her head at his offering. "It is your kill." She said. "And I am not hungry at the moment. But thank you for the consideration." It was good to know that she was not surrounded by psychopathic, mindless wolves in her pack. Though she wanted killers, she wanted rational thinking killers. Kenneth was one of them. He bluntly stated it, commenting that it was a sloppy kill, if the hare was a wolf. "Sometimes you can employ sloppy kills to benefit yourself. You can make it seem like a wolf died during a fight, when it was really an assassination." She had seen this tactic being used firsthand numerous times, and it usually worked to throw wolves off of a killer's trail.

"There is." And wouldn't you know, she had another prospective candidate to bear the mark. It had been far too long since a new Dark Brother joined the Brotherhood; she now only had herself, Burke, and Kove. Kove was in another pack, and Burke was injured. Her pups, who she knew without a doubt would be inducted as soon as they were old enough, were far from their first year. She needed fresh blood in her Dark Brotherhood. "We call ourselves the Dark Brotherhood, worshippers of Mephala and Sithis, and we style ourselves as assassins, spies, and poisoners. As well as priests."

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Kenneth - April 27, 2015

Meldresi politely refused his gift which the man was secretly thankful of, he was starving after all and though his first thoughts had been to deposit it into a cache, his hunger gnawed at his stomach and he decided to have this kill for himself. It was not selfish, after all he had already hunted for the entire day and surely, he had filled the majority of the caches already. But he would not eat until his leader was gone, it was simply...not respectful for him to do so now. So, the exiled prince listened as Meldresi advised him, saying he could make it seem like the wolf died during a fight when it was really an assassination. A ghostly smirk flitted over his maw, "I'll keep that in mind," he said.

And he would.

The dark priestess revealed that the rumors of this Brotherhood was indeed true, it was called the Dark Brotherhood and they were worshippers of Mephala and Sithis, probably some kind of gods. What really caught his attention was their professions, either assassins, spies, poisoners and priests. He discarded the job of priest immediately, he did not think he was suitable for that kind of thing. Kenneth saw himself as a wolf who was more physical in things, spying and killing seemed to suit him better.

"And how do I join if I want to?"

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Meldresi - April 27, 2015

"By killing." The recruitment of the Dark Brotherhood was simple: find a very good killer, attempt to recruit him, and then initiate him. There were no other ceremonies besides the placing of the pawprint on the left shoulder, and with that, a new assassin could be born in mere moments. "A wolf preferably, but dogs and hybrids count as well. In any fashion." The rule was wolves only where she was born, but in this diverse land, she didn't see why another sentient canid could not count. "Though I would prefer that you stay with the pack a little while longer before you officially join."

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Kenneth - May 12, 2015

So, they got into the Brotherhood by murdering, probably in cold blood. Killing another one of their kind. Kenneth was no stranger to the arts of killing, he had sliced many wolves throats open with his fangs, ripped pelts with his claws, watched the light in a wolf's eyes fade away as the life left them. But those wolves had been ones that he loathed and hated, and he killed only in war. Would murdering someone he did not know, someone he held no grudge against, be the same?

Ken didn't really know if he wanted to find out. Meldresi said a wolf, one of their kind was most preferable but hybrids or dogs could count as well. However, she would like him to stay a while longer in the pack before joining. The exiled prince knew why, loyalty was important in such a brotherhood and he would prove his loyalty by staying in the pack. "I see," he said in a thoughtful tone, turning his white gaze towards his leader, the eyes that resembled his twin greatly.

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Meldresi - May 12, 2015

When his eyes met hers, Meldresi couldn't help but think again that there was a strong possibility that he was related to Bane, perhaps his brother. They were of an equal age and form, though Bane had grown more muscular than Kenneth. And she had only seen those eyes in three people in her life: Bane, his son Damien, and now Kenneth. He had to be related.

But Meldresi would not pose that question now. She had no semblance of Keith's relationship with his littermates, or Kenneth with his. Perhaps she would tear open a wound with such words. "The Dark Brotherhood is not only made up of assassins. There are spies and priests as well." She hoped that they would have more of those in the future, besides Cicero and Potema. "But they all are initiated the same way; training for the other classes comes after."

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Kenneth - May 17, 2015

Meldresi proceeded to inform him that the Dark Brotherhood was not only made up of assassins, but spies and priests resided there as well. Priest did not appeal to him one bit, Kenneth was not a wolf who dealt with religion, he was a more physical being. Being a spy, he could consider, he was an expert at hiding, having grown up in an environment where as the victim of bullies, he had to learn to escape and blend in. But he was not that eloquent, being an assassin still seemed like the best option.

But there was still time to consider, after all, Kenneth wasn't going to become a member of the Brotherhood immediately. He had to stay in the pack for sometime, make sure Meldresi knew of his loyalty to the woods before he attempted a murder, no a killing. If he had to kill, he would make sure the other was deserving of his death. The black prince knew that that was not what the Brotherhood wanted, but he was not sure if he could murder just yet, only time could tell. 

"Are there any current priests or spies in the Brotherhood?" he inquired with a tilt of his head.

RE: don't get many white eyes around here - Meldresi - May 18, 2015

"I am." She said simply. "Sadly, it will be a while yet until there is another, fully trained priest. My daughter Potema is training to be one herself, but is no where close to finishing her training." But Potema was advancing quickly. She had a sharp mind, and devoured information as if she was starving for it. Perhaps one day her daughter would surpass her, but the dark priestess did not mind that. She wanted her pack to grow in strength, and to have a strong religious leader was a part of that

"My son Cicero is training under Burke to be a spy. You might notice him skulking about, watching you for a brief moment, if you can detect him at all. It's all a part of his training." She could not count the number of times she felt those mismatched eyes on her from afar. When he was younger he would proudly reveal himself, but now he would simply melt away into the shadows, without a word. And she was proud of that.