Wolf RPG
Duck Lake I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Printable Version

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I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Kivi - April 30, 2015

@Khalifa (Dice roll for hunt here!)

Kivi had wandered away from the meadow where many of the other Dotharan wolves were staying. She was never particularly good with staying in one spot for to long, and it was boring looking at all those flowers everyday. She needed to go for a run and stretch her legs, and maybe even go for a hunt. Kivi smiled at the thought of her taking down large game all by herself, and eating until her stomach was full. In fact that wasn't such a bad idea, and Kivi wanted to make everything in her mind come true. She stopped at a lake to catch her breath from running, and take a drink to heal her dry mouth.

Just across the lake were two mother deer, and two calves. Kivi licked her chops and began to make her way around the lake toward the deer. The mother's looked healthy which meant it would be difficult to take down one of the adults, and the wolfess would just have to settle for a calf. Kivi carefully stalked her prey and watched from the shadows before jumping out of her hiding spot, and darting straight for one of the calves. She quickly caught the young deer in her jaws, and was surprised to see the mother run off instead of defending her young. After a few minutes of struggling Kivi finally felt the calf go limp, and she released it's neck.

She looked down at the dead deer, and smiled. It was all for her and no one else. Wasting no time at all Kivi sat and started eating as much as she could. She wouldn't let the rest of the meat just go to waste and so once she had her fill she would drag the remains back to the meadow. It might take awhile, but Kivi could eventually get the calf to the other Dotharan wolves. However for now she was alone, and so she feasted.

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Jace - May 02, 2015

Hope it's okay to join it said all welcome.

It wasn't often that Jace ventured far from the reaches of his mountain home. However, he found that there was a restless feeling on this day. So with a soft look at home, he headed towards the lower regions. The places he had traversed before with Bazi, and Ferdie and Leaf. He sighed when he realized it still hurt, but not as bad. Maybe he was finally getting to be okay with Leaf being gone. He would always miss her, and he would always wonder what could have been, but he could think on her without whining now. Jace figured he head towards the lake first then double around and come back up this way, to get home by nightfall or early morning.

Jace heard a rustling and continued down, his eyes taking in the surrounding area. He held his ears erect, shoulders down, and kept a weather eye on everything around. He didn't want to run into any hostile wolves, granted he could hold his own, but he'd rather not. He was rather tired of fighting, though it may feel good. It had been peaceful and quiet for sometime. What good was a warrior if he didn't keep his practice up. As he walked, the scent of blood mixed with another wolf, and though it made his mouth water, he chuffed to let whoever was in front of him know he was coming and he meant no harm.

He fell around the bend and eyes fell on a she wolf gorging herself. Rather than approach closer, he chuffed again. Then falling to his haunches he waited, far away from her and her kill. He didn't want the wrath getting to close to another's meal. That wouldn't be good.

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Kivi - May 02, 2015

Your fine :)

Kivi continued to stuff her face, until she felt like a balloon that was about to pop. A chuff filled the wolfess's ears, but she thought nothing of it. However when the same chuffing sound was heard again, the female lifted her head to see a dark male sitting a good distance away from her. Her dull honey colored eyes looked down at the deer calf one more time, before grabbing a bite and heading towards the stranger. Kivi forced the meat down her throat with one large gulp, and began to lick her blood stained muzzle.

Once she was about five feet away from the male, the wolfess turned to check on her kill. She didn't want any obnoxious crows or scavengers trying to steal her hard earned meal. It seemed the dark stranger didn't want to cause any harm, as he did chuff to let Kivi know he was there. Nevertheless the female was wary of the male and kept an eye out for a possible ambush or other wolves. 

The wolfess began to examine the dark stranger infront of her, attempting to figure out if he was threat. From what she could see, it appeared that this male had several scars to call his own. He did not look to be a Dotharan wolf in Kivi's eyes as many of her own kind had ivory and copper colored fur. There was only one way to know for sure if he was a Dotharan, and so Kivi put the male to test. "Shilta wux kampiun ve" she asked and raised an eyebrow curiously.  

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Jace - May 13, 2015

[quote='Kivi' pid='109816' dateline='1430584797']
Sorry my kids were sick this last week and college is nailing me hard core.

Jace went on alert when she looked, then came forward. He however did not run away, he just watched about himself. Making sure that she was friendly before he spoke to much to her. He tilted his head and dipped his muzzle to her, while she licked the blood from her muzzle. Her eyes were and odd color, but he supposed so were his.

Jace watched as she checked her food. A small smile went across his muzzle, and he studied her then. Nothing would bother it while the two of them were here, he didn't think anyway.  He didn't want to cause her any unrest, he had just wanted a little bit of company, even if it was a stranger. He was alone, she could probably smell others on him, but there were none to go after her here.

He raised wolfish brows and was a little astounded at the language that came from her lips. He did not know it, that was not to say he wasn't interested in learning. He found his curiosity peaked, he loved knowledge after all. Instead he just looked at her and said only one thing, What?

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Kivi - May 13, 2015

Kick sat as it seemed no danger was in the area, and she had a feeling this stranger meant no harm. She smirked when he asked what she had said, making it obvious that he was indeed not a Dotharan wolf. "I asked if you could understand me. Clearly you could not" she said with an accent. She wondered if he knew any other languages, perhaps ones she had learned on her travels. Kivi was curious about what the male was doing out here. Perhaps he was a traveler like herself, or maybe he justed need to get away from others? Several thoughts raced through the wolfess mind, some complete unrealistic.

Honey colored orbs went back to observing the stranger's scares. "Did you win those fights" she asked and tilted her head slightly before using her muzzle to point to his scars. Even though Kivi had very little scars, she was proud of the ones she could call her own. Sure they may not make her the most appealing female, but in a warrior's eyes it showed just how many battles she had survived. Another question popped into the female's mind. How had he earned all those scars? Was he protecting someone? Was he a rebellious wolf? Kivi kept her thoughts to herself and waited for the stranger's answer to her one question before asking him more.

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Jace - May 13, 2015

She smirked and though it rankled a bit, he didn't really mind. He was fine with not knowing the language, that she spoke. They were not friends or anything at the moment, so there was no importance on knowing it. Had he been more than just momentary acquaintances he would have strived to learn her language, and who yet knew maybe they'd be friends and he would learn. No I'm sorry I couldn't. Not a language i am familiar with. Jace was the latter more than the former. He just needed some time to himself. Working on something other than patrolling and trying to converse with those he lived with.

Jace looked down at his own scars in surprise. They were such a part of him, he often forgot they were there. Some I won, some were a draw. Did you win yours? She did not have many scars that he could see, but she was sure to have some. If she was asking about his, then she had to know where most came from. Most of the scars he had he was protecting someone, or the pack, a few were from his hair trigger temper and he supposed some could call him a rebel without a cause.

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Kivi - June 13, 2015

Kivi usually was very satisfied with others not knowing her language. She found it refreshing to know that Rakharo's Khalas were most likely the first Dotharan wolves to be in this area. It would mean they wouldn't have another horde to worry about, but it also meant that there was no fun in raiding. Unless of course they decided to raid the locals,  but she was sure they wouldn't quite have what the Dotharan were searching for. "That's quite alright, I wasn't expecting you to know it."

To her suprise it seemed this wolf had never lost a spar, since he said they were either wins or draws. Perhaps he had lost some and didn't want to mention it, or wanted her to think of him as as threat but she would never know. "Some I won others I lost" she said honestly. Kivi was not ashamed of her losses, but instead took them as as sign that she needed more practice. No one is perfect, but Kivi would sure as hell try to be.

RE: I Could Use A Hammer Right Now - Jace - June 27, 2015

Jace would be lying if he didn't find her more intriguing now that she had spoken a different language. It made him wonder where she was from, what her tongue was from. He was a curious wolf by nature, he couldn't help it. And he craved knowledge the way other's craved meat. Though he too liked meat, especially deer. I wish I did, it sounds intriguing. That was all he said on the matter.

Jace looked down at his scars again, and smiled crookedly. It was not a cheery smile, actually rather weakly. As he realized he was literally riddled with scars. Most i got protecting another, a few because my temper gets in the way. But I am not yet dead, and no one has been able to get me down, so I see that as a win. I do not see it as a loss. The only fight he could think of that he hadn't been protecting another, or his home was with Scimitar. And in a sick twisted way, he had been protecting his home and leaf, from his own temper.