Wolf RPG
Snowforest Taiga Breath of Terramorphous - Printable Version

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Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 01, 2015

@Citali heehee. <3

Mountains in the distance, the burden of their search hung heavy in the air. Her feet hurt and she was this close to saying screw it; they'd lost him. They'd go back and face the fury of the Queen. Maybe they'd die. Maybe they'd get tortured. Fine. It was better than this senseless wandering, wasn't it? Ugh. It had to have been,because she was hella fed up with this stupid journey. The Prince had escaped them and this wild goose chase was not all it was cracked up to be.

With a huff, Nochtli turned on her heels and lengthened her stride to run back to where she'd left Citali, who had finally found some useful herbs or something. Maybe drugs. Nocta wasn't sure. "Cita!" Too worn to track the girl, the normally light footed and graceful Amazon blundered over the terrain, making no effort to stay quiet. "Citaaa!!"

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 01, 2015

"I'm gonna fucking kill the little bastard..." she grumbled, digging around in the dirt beneath a shrub. Her paws were working over time, throwing dirt this, that and the other way as she scrounged around for the roots. "I'm gonna sew his asshole together and rip him a new brand new one." She wrapped her teeth around the base of the shrub and tugged, snapping off the dry edges of the plant. She tossed it aside and went back for more. "Fucking princes and their fucking wanderlust."

"UUUaADHHHGHHH!" She yanked, snapping the damper roots free. The momentum made her fly backwards as she stumbled across the cold earth. It wasn't the most graceful of moments, but she was past caring. She felt like a heathen. A fucking heathen. She was not cut out for this lone wolf shit. She wanted her pack back, but first she had to find the little shit.

"Over here Noctapuss!" she called, picking up the bundle of roots and carrying them back towards where she'd parted ways with her guardmate. She joined the black wolf and spat the tangle on the ground. Picking up one of them, she carried it off a little ways and lay down. With both paws around the base of one, she began to chew, eating the wretched thing. "Eat up. That there is naturally energizing. We're gonna need it if we're gonna find the brat."

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 01, 2015

If anyone wasn't quiet, it was certainly her companion. How she hadn't heard the female, Nochtli wasn't sure but as soon as she did, she veered off towards the sound of her voice, anger and all. They were both struggling with this lone wolf thing, too used to the structure and the companionship of their homelands. Not cut out for any of this, Nocta was 90% ready to throw in the towel. Go home. Admit failure. 

"Ugh, plants again, Acetaminophen?" Her voice, a tad whiny, cut the air as she eyed the crap that Cita dropped. "I'd rather eat a weasel. Maybe a bison. Or a jaguar. Anything, even if it's muscular. As long as it's not green." She couldn't stand plants any longer, but with their waning strength, hunting had been a bitch. Especially the small stuff, since it was so fast. With her feet hurting like this, there was no way she could have caught a squirrel or rabbit. 

She sighed, snatching up the roots in her teeth and began to chew, wrinkling her nose at the bitter taste. "We fin' 'im, 'm gonn' kill 'im 'n 'ave 'dinner," The female announced around the dirt-covered plant in her mouth. "Chew 'n 'is bones." UGH. She got a squelch of bitter, rooty, plant blood, her eyes screwing shut, shuddering as the taste slid over her tongue. Gross. Gross. Gross. Swallowing, she peered at Citali, a pathetic expression on her maw. "Doesn't any of this shit taste decent?"

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 02, 2015

Her face fell flat. Yes. Plants. That's just about the only thing she was good at. Oh. And blood. Cleaning up blood. Causing blood. A growl escaped her throat; a deep guttural sound that rattled down to her core. If she ever got a hold of that little dip shit there would be tons of blood. Tons of causing it. Tons of cleaning it. Aw shit. Now she was itching in anticipation. They better stumble upon him fast.

"Who cares what it's called, just eat it," she snapped, frustrated for a number of reasons. Tired. Hungry. Exhausted. Sick of wandering around without a home. Truth be told, she was glad she and Nocht had stuck together in this little excursion. She was fairly certain if she'd done this on her own she'd have already gone insane. "Lucky for you, that root is brown. Eat up."

Citali gnawed at the tangle of twig. It was bitter. It was awful. Like most good things, it was hard to stomach, but she forced it down anyways. "Not worth it," she said between bites."Dipshit probably tastes like shit." She worked at another end of the root, softening it up. "Be'er off cat'hing er 'abbit." Ugh! But a nice bone sounded sooo good right now. Man what she wouldn't give for a good femur.

"Fuck this. No. It's all terrible." She lowered her head to the ground, tucking her nose beneath a paw. "The ground is so cold..." she groaned. "I can't find anything sweet or juicy or succulent as things were back home." She wasn't sure that was something she'd ever be able to come to terms with. "Finish that so we can find us something real."

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 04, 2015

A huff left her, sad and dejected. These teeth were made for meat, not green or brown or whatever color these stupid plants happened to be. Silently, the girl swore to herself that after this, after their heinous, ridiculous, exhausting journey ended, she was never ever going to eat another plant for as long as she lived, unless it was her undeniable last resort, like it was now. How any animal ate this crap was beyond her, especially when it was all they ate. Gross. But at least the end-product was enjoyable. Yeah, there we go. 'Pretend it's meat, Noct. Yummy, warm, fresh meat.'. Maybe she'd get through this after all.

Somewhere along the line, the dark female tuned back in to what her companion was saying, and then immediately scolded herself. This was how she knew it was bad; Nochtli never spaced out on others, especially not when she respected them. At the very least, she'd managed to zone out while finishing that disgusting piece of 'food'. 

With another breathy sound, Nochtli rose to all-fours to bring herself to Cita's side, nudging her shoulder gently. "C'mon. Between you and me, I'm sure we could at least catch a rat or something." While Nocta was not overly familiar with what wildlife made their homes here, there had to be something edible. Right? Giving her another touch of encouragement, the scout moved forward, her tail wagging to try and garner some sort of hope from Citali. They needed to get moving. Staying in one spot at this point would likely be fatal to their cause.

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 06, 2015

Okay. Enough of this. Her jaw hurt and that root so wasn't happening. She finished off what she could and abandoned the rest of it to whatever fate may fall upon it. Perhaps there were rabbits around here. Their giant front teeth were far more adept for plant life than their fangs and canines. They did require meat. Truly. Unfortunately, this area was about as barren as a crone and no body wanted to fuck with old and ugly.

"If they even have rats," she murmured, leaving the root behind. She lifted to her paws, pressed past their tenderness and moved to join Nochtli. "I haven't even seen a damn rabbit in days." It appeared as though the female had picked a direction for them. Citali was content to follow after. At this point, they were just hoping luck would find them. They'd lost their prince's scent weeks ago. They just weren't talking about it.

This terrain was awful. Terrible. Dreadful. She wanted a forest again. She wanted trees. She wanted grass. She wanted birds overhead that weren't circling and waiting for her to die so they could pick apart her corpse. She glanced skyward. Those buzzards were hovering. Even with the wide, open space, they were crowding her. "I'd kill to find a tree."

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 09, 2015

"We'll find something." The assurance left her mouth even while she doubted such things herself. It had been a while since either of them had enjoyed a proper meal. There had been some kind of rodent about a week ago but they had shared that and while it had curbed their hunger a little... to share it between the two of them had made it less than satisfying. But they were in this together and Nochtli would not feed herself before her companion, who had slowly started to work her way up to friend over these many weeks. So her 'maybe' went unsaid, a pinprick of hope that they would find something blossoming in her chest as they moved.

She did miss their forest, a frown pulling at her expression as her eyes cast over the terrain, searching for the very thing Cita wished for. Her pace picked up, heading over to a nearby boulder to gain height, clambering her way up to it's crest so that she could stick her nose in the air, scenting. While she could track game, maybe she could track a certain topography too.  

A few moments, closing her eyes to concentrate and... "This way!" She hopped off the boulder, stretching her long legs out into a light run, sure that Cita would follow at her own pace. Approaching a rise after several minutes, Nocta found herself rewarded as she hit the top and looked down to find more green than they'd seen in a while. "Come on Cheetah! I found your damned trees!" Her tail wagged, proud that she'd at least been able to cure one wish. "Not a forest but... Maybe we'll find some food." She was hoping, again, that there was food where there were trees. There had to be. Right?

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 11, 2015

Ugh. She hoped so. She'd give a kidney to be hovering over the corpse of a buffalo right about night. Hell, she wouldn't even blink twice if it was the last known bison so long as she had something in her stomach that would give her the illusion of feeling full again. They'd been really good about searching and less good about hunting. And this far north? Ugh. She wanted nothing more than to turn around and look for something edible again.

Her ears lifted and Noct seemed to gather inspiration for something. Her dark companion jumped up on a rock and used it to survey the area and scent the air. Citali lingered in the shadows beneath it, content to brood as she occupied herself with unpleasant thoughts and tried to remember all the wonderful things she loved and was missing. A den. A full stomach. Trees. Birds that had better things to do than wait for you to die... Didn't feel like too much to ask for.

She was starting to deflate a bit when Noct found something. "What is it?" she asked immediately, perking back up a bit as the woman elaborated. A tree. Not a forest. But more than one. Oh gosh. It sounded like the start to a lucky day. "Where!? How far!?" Those were all very important things, but as long as Nochtli was leading the way, they were in relatively good hands. "Go. Go. Go! I want to remember what they look like!"

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 13, 2015

Go go go. She went. She ran, pitching full speed into the sparse land where the first trees they'd seen in days loomed over them. Generally, where there were trees and vegetation, there were critters, no matter how small. They would still be a meal and that was the important thing. They were running on fumes now and to go much longer would push them both to the edge, making them irritable and nasty and endanger the bond that they'd forged over the last many weeks. 

Slowing, the dark female scented the air again, this time her nose closer to the ground. There was something. Something... unfamiliar and... prey. Definitely prey. Her legs carried her, a swift trot as she tracked this prey, this unknown. Much too hungry to focus on anything more than the thought of food at the moment, Nochtli's encounter was sudden and quite startling, a yelp pitched high as she scrambled back. Pain lanced through her nose as she leaped back, paws automatically moving to cover her nose, which only made her yelp again.

Eyes crossed to stare down her snout, a panicked sound coming from her as she realized: "Th-There's things stuck in my nose! In my nose!!!" Crumpling immediately to the ground, Nochtli practically squirmed as she tried to gingerly get the spines out of her muzzle, soft ow ow ow ow's repeated like a mantra as she absolutely ignored the infernal creature that bumbled off the other way.

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 17, 2015

Go, go, go she went. Nocht picked up some unknown last reserve of speed and took off. Citali lumbered along behind her amazon sister and followed her as closely as she could. Damn. That girl was fast. Behind her, Citali felt slow, but that was likely because she wasn't made for speed. And she was dying. Slowly. She could feel her hunger sucking the life out of her. It made her feel lethargic and almost dead.

Nevertheless, Nocht slowed as soon as they entered the miniature forest. Citali loped to a stop and perked her ears forward, listening as her dark sister took inventory on something she'd found. Citali lowered her nose, searching too. Oh there it was. The scent of something. And it moved. The scent was fresh and roaming. That meant life! They'd found something and it lived!

Nochtli took off again and then suddenly she was on the ground rolling. A blur of white and brown was taking off in that direction while her sister writhed. "Who cares! It's getting away!" She nipped at the girl's flank. "Suck it up. You have to get the thing!" Nocht was by far the better hunter, but Citali could herd. She took off in the direction of the forest creature to see about cornering it.

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 21, 2015

Citali didn't stop and honestly, the dark wolf didn't blame her. This was their first chance at a warm meal in far too long. Clapping her paws together in front of her nose, Nochtli grasped the bothersome, painful, wretched spines that had lodged there and yanked, yelping as they slid free. "Ouchouchouch. Gods, that smarts." But she was up and moving again, cringing slightly as the brisk air of the land touched her newest wounds. 

Coming up on Citali's side, Nocta darted in to surprise the cornered creature, quickly swiping a paw at its unprotected face before leaping back to avoid the spines again. A quick glance at Citali and she gave a simple command. "Distract it." If Citali could keep the creature's attention, Nochtli could get in there and overturn it to get at its belly. 

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 22, 2015

She paid no attention to the commotion that was Nochtli behind her. Citali'd already said she'd get those spines out after they caught the thing... so catching the thing they would have to do! She sprinted after it and managed to trap it up against a rock wall. That left very few directions for it to go, which meant victory was near. All they needed now was to catch it and fortunately for her, Nocht was on her way again.

"Ready for you!" she announced, keeping her distance from those quills. Her sister swatted at it and barked an order. Distract it? What was she supposed to do? Dress in drag and do the hula? Citali scoffed and did the next best thing. "Hey pokey thing. I got a nice grass blade food stuff for you!" She grabbed whatever green thing she could find in her mouth and began to wave it back and forth.

"Crum an gib et."

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 25, 2015

Quote:What was she supposed to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?

Nice Lion King ref. xD

They cornered the creature and without fail, Cita followed the instructions given without a moment of hesitation. Whether it was the... grass Citali waved around or the commotion she made, the thing turned her way and advanced, giving Nochtli a chance to dart in and swipe at it rather forcefully. Her aim was to overturn it and after the dust settled....

"Yes!" Her exclamation was followed by a quick movement, pouncing to land atop the thing and immobilize it. Teeth snapped, delivering the fatal blow as the creature squealed. With a triumphant, if bloody smile, Nochtli tossed the kill to Cita. "Chow time, Cheetah!" Finally.

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Citali - May 28, 2015

She waved her grass thing green bunch at whatever the little creature was. It was either stunned by her absurdness or terrified or something, but the poky ball ended up in such a position that Nochtli was able to go in for the kill. Citali dropped her green bundle and helped where she could until finally the thing was dead. She gave a little dance as she bounced around on her paws. It was dead. They could eat. Hallelujah.

Her dark sister tossed it. Citali leapt up and snagged the thing within her jaws and gave it a good shake. Dead. Dead and ready to eat. Her mouth salivated as she sat down with it, stole a chunk, and passed the rest of it back over. "What is this thing?" she asked, not familiar with the spiny creature, but it's underbelly was soft. They could eat it from there. "Your nose good?"

RE: Breath of Terramorphous - Nochtli - May 30, 2015

While it was a small meal, the pokey thing would certainly be enough to tide them over. The smell of hot blood made her mouth water and she slunk closer, pulling the meal to her after Cita had snatched a bite. "It'll be fine. Just a sore, I think. I'll let you know if it gets worse or weird." The girl was no stranger to injuries and if anything should happen, she had Citali there. "Thanks though." Her gratitude was spoken quickly, much more concerned with their food. The two Amazons passed the creature back and forth until all that was left were bones and spines, neither of which they needed.

Finishing up here, the pair moved on in their search for their lost Prince, heading into a mountain range to try their luck there.

Thread end.