Wolf RPG
Fox's Glade Rolling Thunder - Printable Version

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Rolling Thunder - Nochtli - May 13, 2015

Here we go! @Raezho

Her patience was improving, her feet healing nicely. With Citali's help, the aches had been slowly melting away. While she was a scout, the dark Amazon had not made a journey like that before, pointlessly wandering until they found their Prince. Hopefully, she would never have to do something like that again, though right now, she would not hold her breath. Who knew was Tezcacoatl would decide to do at this point? She certainly didn't and the fact that he was suffering from amnesia...

She shook her head, focusing on the trail she'd picked up. It was musky, slightly pungent, and overall unfamiliar. In their homelands, there had been no smells like this, though she'd caught fleeting glimpses of her quarry. Small, red and black, quick. Like bandits, or thieves. Briefly, she wondered what they'd taste like, but knew that at the end of this, she would experience it all the same.

Her scent was 'muffled' by the coat of mud she'd caked on her body by her venture through the mud and marshlands, only her back and head untouched by the wet dirt. Creeping through the glade, she stuck to the shadows and underbrush, slowly moving forward as she tracked, her ears swiveling as a soft roil of thunder rumbled overhead. A smile carved on her angled face, Nochtli moved forward again, pleased with the coming rain. The storm would cover her scent better than any mud could.

RE: Rolling Thunder - Raezho - May 14, 2015

I actually have no idea what creatures you were talking about, so this post might be brief

Tasting the air, Raezho knew a storm was coming. Immediately, he scrapped the ironweed he found into a dry corner under a small pile of wood. The could be used for aching joints. And he was sure he heard an elder complaining a while back.Sighing, he looked around, wondering if he had wandered too far from where everybody else was. If he had done so, he might need to spend the night away. Didn't want to travel in the rain it would probably ruin all of his gathering efforts.

His stomach growled, making him wince. Might as well go hunting. He rose from his little herb corner, a small part of the meadow filled with flowers in. He had came here in the hopes of finding other flower like herbs. Many herbs were flower leaves, so he thought this might be a good idea. But watching this night fall and scenting the storm coming, he's probably do better staying out here. It's not like he couldn't just sleep under that one tree he found close by. It had a small gap underneath it. He would survive.

As he started to pad off, knowing he would be able to scent some prey from far off. Somewhere above him, the first sounds of thunder began to crash, almost bringing a smile to his face. Hunting in the rain could be dangerous or could get him sick. But at least the rain will be able to wash off his scent, making hunting easier for him.

RE: Rolling Thunder - Nochtli - May 21, 2015

Foxes! Nochtli hassn't seen one before so I just didn't use the word. Sorry! Also, apologies for the wait. I also find it funny that she's talking so much when she doesn't speak the same language as him. xD /babble

There was movement in the near distance, causing an ear to swivel and listen to things in that general direction. Half of her was tempted to move, to reorient her position and take a new vantage point; she didn't want to chance losing her prey. Presumably, the mall red creature's den was not too far off, for their scent had grown strong the closer she creeped. Now though, she paused, waiting to see what else was coming her way.

When not appeared, the girl frowned, standing to quietly slink over to where she'd heard the sound, head turned to peer off into the distance to her left.  'Nothing there...' Of course, if she'd been watching where she was going, she'd have seen the other wolf. As it were...

"ShitSorrySORRY." There was confusion. A tangle of limbs. Disorientation. And a lot of apologizing. "I should have been watching where I was going I'm so sorry fuck shit gosh I'm sorry." Extracting herself, she gave space for the other to get to his feet, her ears laid back in her apologetic state. It was about then that she remembered that she'd been trying to be quiet. "Damnit! They're probably long gone by now..."