Wolf RPG
Emberwood restlessness - Printable Version

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restlessness - Bazi - June 14, 2015

Escapism was becoming Bazi's new favourite thing.

When she left her children in the pack's capable paws, she scrubbed away all trace of of them and Nova Peak in the river before heading out. It was a peculiar but necessary ritual. Out here, she was nobody - just a wolf on her way to the next adventure. Bazi had taken to wondering if her decision to settle at Swiftcurrent Creek had robbed her of something. Not that it had been much of a choice - if Jinx and Fox had not accepted her into the pack, she would not have lasted the winter. But still. Now she was a mother, a wife, and a leader - the time to experiment with life was past, and she might not get the chance again.

But she could at least pretend. Bazi stalked through the luscious Emberwood, bright against the dewy green. It was early morning, and there was still a mild chill in the air. The mountain leader wondered why no wolf had thought to claim the forest as their own; scattered tracks and scents told her that wolves passed through here, but there wasn't enough to suggest settlement.

Suddenly, she heard a noise. Bazi lowered her body to the ground and waited for a second. Nothing. Slowly, she crept forward, moving cat-like through the under-brush in the direction of the sound.

Feel free to be the noise. :)

RE: restlessness - Scarlett - July 11, 2015

This looked lonely! Moving it to present day? :3

Scarlett was quite the opposite of the other female. She wouldn't dare to scrub away the scent of her babies let alone her mate. She was very happy with them. But that didn't mean she needed a break sometimes. She loved to explore and go places. But now she was tied to her home with having children of her own. She loved being a mother, but from time to time it was good that she could let her mate watch her children.

Scarlett went for a trip down memory lane. Her paws carried her to Emberwood. She made a den here when she wasn't sure she would settle for Duskfire, and after being evicted from that same pack months later she came here for refuge with an injured Adlartok. She had done back to that same den. After that she made her pack with Kove. It was such an exciting time for her. Now everything had calmed down, the only excitement in her life were when her pups did something they hadn't done before.

The red eyed female looked around the orange glow that hovered over the forest. She reached the den she made, it had been occupied by others but other than that there wasn't anything exciting that happened to it. She moved through the bushes not really caring if she made much noise. As Scarlett moved through the bushes realized that there was a pale female before her, ready to pounce. "Oh. Hello," she greeted.

RE: restlessness - Bazi - July 16, 2015

She had not expected "hello". The sight of Scarlett jolted her, but Bazi did not lunge. She stared, blinked, and got slowly to her feet. It was like looking at her very own red-eyed twin. "Hello," she countered, upright now and trying to sound casual. "Pack wolf?"

RE: restlessness - Scarlett - July 17, 2015

Scarlett looked up at the pure white female across from her. Her red eyes on the female and then she nodded as a reply on being a pack wolf. It was clear on her scent so why hide it. She was proud of her home to be honest and of her babies. "Yes, and you?," she then wondered, because she thought the female was in a pack but she might as well be a loner. Who knows right? Scarlett tipped her head, still unsure if the female was friendly, she let the other know she was friendly by gently wagging her tail.

RE: restlessness - Bazi - July 18, 2015

Bazi did not know it, but Scarlett was far from home - Bearclaw Valley was further south than even Swiftcurrent Creek, and the Nova Peak Alpha rarely strayed further than the edge of the Dawnlark Plains. "No," she lied without any real reason to, studying the other wolf as discretely as possible. There were tell-tale signs that she was still nursing young; subtle markers that only a fellow mother would spot. No doubt Scarlett would know this same fact about Bazi if she chose to scrutinize her.

"My name's Wilder. I'm .. from Neverwinter Forest." Scimitar had spoken fondly of it and Bazi had vague memories of being there. "Not any more," she added hastily, layering her false timeline with more detail. "There was an invasion. We lost." The pale wolf blinked, and returned the other girl's cautiously friendly gesture. "Now I'm .. " Just enjoying the freedom? Hardly the words of a traumatized, recently bereaved widow. ".. tracking them," she finished with a hard nod. Yes, that sounded good - Wilder the Loner was tracking down the wandering ground that had decimated her family.

RE: restlessness - Scarlett - July 18, 2015

Scarlett's ears perked up when the female was quick to say no. She was a loner then. Scarlett had no problem with loners as long as they were polite, with the pale female before her it seemed she was. Scarlett's red eyes studied the other for a moment before sitting down. She had too much trust in strangers to be honest. "Oh! I am so sorry to hear that," the kind female spoke with so much compassion in her tone. She instantly felt bad for the other female. "If you need shelter I am the Beta of a pack," She offered. She had no clue the other female was lying.

Scarlett would always offer shelter to a wolf that was worse of then her, she would know that it would hopefully give her some friends or wolves willing to help her when she was in need. "But it is quite far so you might want to look for your family and friends," she spoke then with a compassionate smile on her face. Her red eyes looking utterly sincere.