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j - diffuse - Printable Version

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j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - June 15, 2015

The wayward she-wolf was within Teekon Wilds once more – no true rhyme or reason. The beauty of her surroundings did not ‘call to her’ – she simply had yet to settle anywhere truly, after the avalanche at Northstar Vale.
Her paws swept close to the borders, though she did not stray closer. Ears pivoted upon her skull as her bright eyes glanced over the terrain before her – a reasonable place, possibly, but appearances could be deceiving. Summer was upon them, and the raven she-wolf was not in such a rush to gain access to a pack’s resources.. but the loneliness was wearing thin, even for her, and so tipping her slender muzzle back, the ebony rogue allowed a short song to echo across the air – requesting any that might be nearby.

RE: j - diffuse - Kove - June 15, 2015

It was good to be back. To be back home, to be back with his lover, and to be back as a leader. The last one was one he could live without if need be, but it was still a nice, added bonus. With it, though, came the responsibilities he already knew so well. Looking after the pack, making sure they had good wolves int heir ranks, and, also, going to greet any wolves looking to join. So when the male heard a howl echo through the walls of a valley—a sound he had missed while away—he stood up from beside the river and started towards the valley's entrance. Though he's met the female before, her voice was not one he could pick from a chorus, but hopefully that might chance with her joining. The Inuit believed he was going to meet a total stranger, but as he drew close enough to be able to see her, the loner's features registered in his mind. Only faintly, as their first meeting had been far from grand, but enough for him to know any stance of aggression was not necessary. He stuck only with the posture of a leader, tail raised up and ears pressed forward, though the way he walked was more casual than it would have been with someone he'd never seen before.

Kove came to a stop a short distance away, body hovering close to the valley's entrance. He knew her, yes, but only barely. It was not enough to trust her entirely, especially with his mate so close to 'popping'. "You called?" he inquired, giving her a quick look-over. She didn't look exactly as he remembered, but enough for him to know it was the inquisitive woman he'd pretty much been incapable of helping. "I can only assume you are looking to join?" he stated, though the end help a bit of a question to it. After all, she might just be looking for directions or information, though that seemed highly unlikely. Who in their right mind would go to the borders of a pack for directions? No one. No one at all.

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - June 15, 2015

These are all Raz thoughts, not mine. Good to have you back, Renee :)

Raziel was angry. Angry at his leaders..or partner and leader now. He couldn't believe that Scarlett would allow her absent mate to reign as solo Alpha once more, after leaving the pack for so many months. He had been the one that stayed loyal, the one that literally stayed, if she was going to step down, he should be the one who was Alpha. Not her lover, the always absent husband. He couldn't believe that the albino would allow her love for him to cloud her thoughts, she would give him back his rank after being gone for so long? Just 'oh you've done nothing for the pack since you're absent but since you're my husband, I'll just give you back your rank'. Simply fucking pathetic. 

Well guess what. Kove was no Alpha to him. He hadn't redeemed himself yet. Raziel did not care if he had a valid reason for leaving, it did not matter, that was not the way he knew, he knew the Roman way, the honorable way and that Kove was not a good husband. That, that was all he knew.

Raz's ears pricked as the howl rang through the valley and immediately made his way to the entrance, posture signifying his rank as Beta. He had hoped he would intercept the stranger first, but the Alpha was there first, with his tail raised. He had no right, no right at all. If Raziel hadn't made that vow to always stay by Scarlett's side, he would have left already.

The Roman contemplated for a moment, wondering if he should go forward or leave. Deciding to also confront the stranger, the greyscale wolf moved forward, his own stance one of a high rank. His expression stoic, revealing none of his anger towards his leader, he listened and observed.

RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - June 16, 2015

Assuming Kove is leader here, but I'm not sure what's occurring.. so don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything changed for you guys!

A leader emerged before her—his pale fur striking, but it was a wolf she faintly recognized. Recognition would stir upon her slender features, and the dark beauty would tilt her muzzle slightly, her green eyes sweeping over him as bemusement would soon replace recognition. They had never traded names – at least from what she could remember, but he had proven to be rather insightful to her regarding the very lands she currently sauntered. “Look who it is,” she purred, a small smile pulling at her lips.
He questioned her quickly – but before she could answer, a silver male slipped forward, his own stance regal. Already, her form relaxed even more in a submissive state, demurely and with subordination. The other wolf remained emotionless – a higher rank, perhaps? Guardian to their borders? Nevertheless, it would seem she had wrangled a welcoming committee of sorts. “Possibly,” she offered, not ready to commit to a pack she knew nothing about. “I am looking to know more of this pack before I decide.. I am Vega Kytan, a traveler for some time now. I wish to find a pack to enhance my ability as a warrior, and gain the knowledge as a healer.”

RE: j - diffuse - Kove - June 16, 2015

Nothing needs changed, aha. We've got everything figured out, so Kove would still be leader during this thread~

The male kept his gaze on her as a safety precaution, though he was sure such a thing wasn't entirely necessary. She'd seem decent enough during their first meeting, and the way she appeared now was very similar to back then, so she couldn't have changed too much. Plus, she seemed to recognize him, which made things even better. For Kove, it was easier dealing with someone he'd already met at least once before, because it gave him a better understanding of what to expect from them. He was about to respond to her first statement, but stopped himself before the words could form. His ears picked up the sound of movement, and he turned to see the silver man approaching. The new presence reminded him that, at one point, he wold need to make amends with the other male, but then was not the time for that. That could be done at any time, given both had time available, but who knew when another wolf would come along wanting to join. “Raziel,” he said, recognizing the Roman's presence with a nod before returning his copper eyes back to the female. He knew not how the other felt, nor could he really care at the moment, as they had more pressing matters to attend to—which involved staying focused on the dark-pelted wolf standing before the both of them.

Though the woman hadn't quite decided if she wished to join their ranks or not, the Inuit was still glad she'd at least stopped by. Or, rather, that she'd found the valley. “It is nice to meet you again, Vega,” the ghost started. He hadn't expected to see her ever again, figuring she'd just continue on with her travels, or maybe try to locate any who remained of the place she'd been asking about. Seems that was not the case, however. “I am Kove Apaata, leader of Bearclaw Valley, and that is Raziel, our beta.” He'd been told of the other's promotion, and wasn't against it at all. He'd proved his loyalty already, as well as that he was a valuable member to the pack. “I am sure you could do well here, if you're looking into those things in particular. There's plenty of plants here, ones that could be helpful to you if you're a beginner with healing. And I am sure Raziel would not mind have a partner around he could spar with whenever.” He nodded his head towards the silver lupine, either oblivious or simply wishing to ignore any negetive vibes coming from him. Kove had no issue sharing little information like that with the female, having deemed her an inquisitive being after their first encounter. Besides, she couldn't do anything against them if she chose to not join if all she knew was that their were plants. Seriously, plants in a valley? What shocking news that would be.

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - June 17, 2015

Raziel approached, his stance proud as he stopped beside the leader of Bearclaw Valley. Fierce teal eyes scanned expressionlessly over the newcomer's form, analyzing her, it was something he did to every new wolf he met so he could absorb all the details he could see and remember them for the future. The Roman withheld a sarcastic remark and a scowl when Kove said his name, knowing that now was not the time to argue or challenge him, he would confront the Inuit wolf later. Right now, his full attention was focused on the ebony wolf, his gaze seemingly drilling invisible holes through her.

So the female's name was Vega. That he would keep in mind.

Leader of Bearclaw Valley huh? You won't be for long. Outwardly though, Raziel remained calm and composed, observing the scene with bright teal eyes, listening with pricked grey ears. "I wouldn't mind at all," the Beta smiled and cocked his head in a birdlike manner before continuing. "I'm also a healer, if you wish to join, I hope we will be able to help each other."

RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - June 17, 2015

For a moment, the charcoal female found herself at a loss. Something emanated between the two – but she did not know either of them to even begin to discern why or even if it was her imagination. Kove, the only wolf she was semi-familiar with in the circumstance before her, seemed to ease her in to the idea that what she sought could very well be accomplished here, and her muzzle would tilt in the direction of the silver male as he seemed to echo the sentiment – perhaps even offering himself as a partner in crime of sorts.
He seemed formidable opponent – the scars that littered his body stood as proof to testaments, and Vega weighed her options carefully. She could continue her search.. learn about the other packs.. or she could remain with the one wolf who had been open to her questions since her return when she searched for Northstar Vale – not to revel in the company of her old pack mates, but to rue the day they had left her injured in the snows of an avalanche.
”I wish to hone my skills – it seems I can do so here,” she offered, her eyes drifting between the two, though never lingering upon anything more than their cheeks in submission. ”How can I prove myself to gain membership?”

RE: j - diffuse - Kove - June 18, 2015

The Roman seemed to be acting in a rather welcoming manner, which Kove appreciated. It seemed Scarlett had made a wonderful decision in choosing him as beta, even if the other did not always seem to see things the same way as they did. He kept his gaze on the female all the while, watching her movements and examining any expressions shown. She'd seemed like a good wolf when they met, and continued to even then. She kept herself in submission around the two higher ranked wolves, even before she was officially made a member of the pack. He believed it would be good to have her around, another warrior and healer. Though the valley was calm and no enemies around, there was no telling when, or even if, something could change. At a time like that, if such a thing ever arose, he would be glad to have the dark-furred woman around. When the question came up of how she could gain membership, he found the answer to be simple enough. “Simply pledge your loyalty to the pack,” he stated. Already had she shown submission, and, in turn, respect by doing so. The only thing left for her to do was pledge that she would be loyal to the pack, and she would be accepted in. That was all he felt that was needed, and all he would make her give.

To Kove, there was no need for anything extreme right at the jump. Over time, connections and bonds would grow, as would a stronger sense of loyalty, and that was what really counted in his mind. Sure, the woman could give empty words in response to what he'd said was needed of her, but over time, with the idea in her head, he was sure true loyalty would grow and flourish. That was what he wanted, and hoped for.

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - June 20, 2015

Truth to be told, Raziel was only welcoming to the newcomer because Kove was the Alpha of the Valley. If they did things the Roman way, she would need more than words and submission to earn a place in the ranks of Bearclaw Valley. She would have to prove her skills right there and then, not all of them, just a bit, to show them that she was not all words and no actions. But Raz still respected the Alpha and so he respected the way he handled joining wolves, it was just not the way he would have done it. 

"Pledge your loyalty and keep your oath no matter what," the Roman said, hardened green gaze fixed on the ebony form of the joining wolf. He hated oathbreakers with a passion, those with a good and real reason for breaking the oaths were fine as long as they admitted it. But those who broke oaths for no good reason would find an enemy in the Beta of Bearclaw Valley.

RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - June 22, 2015

Pledge your loyalty. It seemed such a nonsensical thing to creature like Vega, the wayward vagabond who had drifted here and there. She was disappointed to find that the two wolves before her held the same belief as others – swear you’re undying loyalty to only us.. as if life did not bring forward its own changes and shifts. As if by chance that she should steal away from the borders one night and not return after having served them, that she had done some great injustice.
Did every wolf live in the 18th century?
Her bright eyes flickered between them both then. She could easy shake her muzzle, state that she was not one who made lifelong promises to two wolves she only just met. Instead, she cast the silver one a perplexed look as he seemed to further expand the pledge to a life oath. “Can you define your meaning?” Perhaps.. Perhaps she was simply misunderstanding them. But surely, neither of them had been born in these very land s—and she would be far surprised to believe that they had not drifted through at least a few packs themselves..
Would that not make them hypocrites?

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - June 23, 2015

I have permission from Renee to skip @Kove

The ebony furred wanderer gazed at him, perplexed and asked a question, asking for him to define his meaning. Raziel wanted to say that he was only doing this because Kove was leader, if they did things his way, things would be much simpler and no unnecessary words would need to be exchanged. Words meant nothing to the Roman, actions did, and as far as he was concerned, pledging loyalty was useless. He preferred to let them in if they had the strength and see if they would be loyal, if they did, then they would be rewarded, if not, they could leave. But Kove did not see it that way, and for that, he was making the silver Beta extremely uncomfortable.

Curses and profanities crossed the Roman's head, but outwardly he remained as calm and composed as a wolf could be. Tilting his head, Raziel shifted from his high ranking stance into someone more comfortable and relaxed, fixing his bright green gaze on the loner who wished to join. "My leader here expects you to pledge your loyalty to Bearclaw Valley," he began. "Therefore, if you wish to join, you will be loyal to the Valley as long as you live here and call this place and this pack home. But if you choose to leave, you will be free of your vows."


RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - June 23, 2015

The wolf stepped forward – she could not read him, but she seemed to have touched a nerve of sorts. Or, perhaps even Kove had. Her ears slid back to her skull in a sign of further submission, though her slender face was still under the lock of a light frown. She took his words for a moment – still not clear if she chose to leave Bearclaw Valley, and they saw her within the Wilds, that she would be labeled as a traitor.
“The last pack I had sworn my allegiance to.. Northstar Vale,” she offered then, determining that a small ounce of insight to the two wolves before her would not hinder anything.. and might at least offer them perspective. “Left me for dead when a small avalanche swept over our home. Luckily, I had sustained injuries that I could at least walk with – and had a bit of help along the way with a lone wolf.” There was a small pause as she gave her tail a quick sweep through the air, her eyes shifting between the two. She had been a mercenary of sorts – though her nomadic lifestyle had caused her fighting skills to lessen. Her once nimble frame was losing muscle and instead, weariness was overtaking her. It was not a lifestyle she could continue for long..
“So I find it hard to offer my ‘undying loyalty’ to two wolves I’ve just met and know nothing about. Call me cynical – but I learned the first time.”

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - July 08, 2015

@Vega sorry for the late reply

The stranger female spoke, telling them a story of sorts. Saying that the last pack she had sworn her allegiance to was Northstar Vale, that they left her for the dead when an avalanche swept over their home, she was lucky that she could still walk and had a bit of help from a lone wolf. She also said that she found it hard to offer her 'undying loyalty' to two wolves she had just met and know nothing about. Raziel almost smiled and abandoned his stoic facade, and he would have done so if goddamned Kove wasn't there. She reminded him of himself.

"Not 'undying loyalty'," he began. "Just loyalty to us and the Valley as long as you live here. If you choose to leave, then it doesn't matter anymore. We won't treat you aggressively or chase you down for 'betraying us'. We'll part on good terms and as friends. What we ask, is simply for you to be loyal to us on your stay here." The Roman cocked his head, "What'd you say?"

RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - July 09, 2015

The silver male seemed to clarify things for her – and her eyes only briefly skimmed to Kove, who seemed to find silence in the current conversation. She felt a flutter of nervousness trickle in to her chest.. the thought of belonging somewhere once more was tempting, but her trust in others had truly been diminished by the Northstar Vale wolves.
Still, an opportunity was presented to her, and she had found Kove to be amicable enough on their first meeting. She could only assume his companion was the same.. and she found she enjoyed his company, albeit however briefly that had met thus far.
“I’m in, if you’ll still have me,” she determined then, offering a nod to the two wolves before her before allowing her form to slouch even further in subservience to them.

RE: j - diffuse - Raziel - July 13, 2015

Raziel found it amusing that instead of her begging to join them, he was asking her if she wished to join them. He was making a deal with her, instead of her offering her skills to him in exchange for a new family, a home. Oh, he liked her already. And by the looks of it, Raz decided that she would make a valuable member of Bearclaw Valley, that is, if she didn't leave in the end. They would treat her like family, actually, she was family because she was now part of the Valley and packmates were family in everywhere but blood.

Raziel's lips quirked upwards when Vega finally decided to join. "Welcome to Bearclaw Valley, Vega," the Roman said and brushed shoulders with her so his, and Kove's faint scent would be on her. That way, his packmates would not mistaken her to be a stranger and chase her off, she was one of them now. "I'll take you on a tour," Raz said and gave a nod to Kove. 

RE: j - diffuse - Vega Kyran - July 16, 2015

Her eyes would drift over to Kove, and then back to Raziel, who had seemingly took up the ‘steering wheel’ in her case. She would look back upon the conversation later that evening, when she settled, with a spark of amusement and awe. The ebony creature had promised not to trust so quickly – but somehow, the two males who had greeted her at the borders had made her feel more at home here than she ever had in the Vale.
With a nod, she allowed her shoulders to roll back in a leisurely stretch – her muscles taut from travel. With a glance of gratitude to Kove, and a nod of respect delivered to Raziel, the swarthy female fell in step just slightly behind him as he moved to give her a brief tour of her new ‘home.’ “Thank you,” she finally said, quietly, as they settled in to a pace.
Now she needed to work on showing her gratitude by contributing to the pack.