Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Tall Tails - Printable Version

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Tall Tails - Chaska - June 17, 2015

@June @Mason. Anyone else is welcome.

The grey wolf strolled up to where he suspected the alpha's den was. Chaska believed that, just maybe, he may meet the pups of Fitzdutiful. Perhaps even tell them a story. He sat on his haunches just outside of it, staying at a respectful distance, respecting their privacy.

"Hello?! Is anyone in there?!" he asked loud enough for anyone inside to hear him. He turned the side of his head towards the den, listening for signs of anyone.

RE: Tall Tails - June - June 17, 2015

June had been taking an afternoon nap when the sounds came into the entrance of the den. She couldn't fully understand the words that had been said but the intention was clear enough - come outside! She turned her heard towards her mother and father, checking with them that it was okay (she'd been outside once before without their say so and it hadn't been a pleasant experience) before getting up and prancing out of the den.

Well, prancing had been her intention - still a bit unsteady her prancing consisted more of taking a few steps, nearly falling, but carrying on. When she got outside she found a grey wolf waiting. Not afraid of those that mummy and daddy said were okay, she walked straight up to him and began to inspect one of his paws. Still fascinated with the smallest details, June gently tugged on the fur and claws with her little teeth that were beginning to grow strong, ready for the taste of meat to go alongside her mother's milk.

RE: Tall Tails - Chaska - June 17, 2015

Chaska cocked his head slightly when he saw a small, white pup with dark-tipped ears come out. It took a few steps out of the den, then unexpectedly came over to him. 

"Hello, little one" he greeted quietly. He felt his heart warm up at the sight of the youth. Her orange eyes and white fur reminded him of Fitz, so it was easy to tell that she belonged to him. His eyes moved down as she inspected his paw, than began gently tugging at it. He was careful not to flinch, and even managed a light chuckle. 

"Easy there. I would rather keep my fur on" he said, even though he knew that the pup would not be able to. At least, not just yet. He lifted his paw slowly so he wouldn't accidentally flinch.

RE: Tall Tails - Mason - June 18, 2015

Mason slunk from the den, following June who was already upon the stranger. He was less trusting than her, especially when he was with her. Mama and Papa stayed in the den, clearly at ease with Chaska’s voice. Mason moved low to the ground on short, yet lithe legs. His ears pressed backwards, descending halfway towards his skull. He peered at Chaska suspiciously, noting June was already playing with his paw. He appeared to treat Mason’s sister gently enough.

The boy with a speckled scruff moved around Chaska, staying a good metre’s distance. “Whoo yoo?” He asked sullenly. Whilst June was not yet understanding words and sentences, her brother had mentally advanced almost as usual for his age, despite being 2 weeks younger than his official age. Most of his flaws (few as they were) were limited to a slender body with shorter legs than average and pointed features. June, unfortunately, had borne the brunt of Raissa’s early labour and she was much slower.

Mason watched Chaska with careful eyes, glancing to check June was okay, before levelling his gaze on the male with the determined scrutiny of a much wiser child.

RE: Tall Tails - June - June 19, 2015

June didn't notice that Mason wasn't following her over to the stranger, so intent she was on obtaining the paw and experiencing the tastes that came with it. The words from the male rumbled into her ears, and she squeaked in happiness at them. As the paw lifted up, she heard Mason - her knight in shining armour - talk. Her attention distracted, and her prize out of sight, she tottered over to her brother sitting next to him.

She looked at his expression, then at the stranger. Back and forwards two or three times before trying to mimic the sullen expression on Mason's face. If he was doing it then she probably should too. "oooo" she repeated, asking who he was too and wanting to know if he was here to play.

RE: Tall Tails - Chaska - June 20, 2015

Chaska couldn't hold back a sigh of happiness as he watched the two pups. The male appeared to be the protective one. The grey wolf lowered his head to their level, his fore paws stretching forward, as the female pup made a sound. It filled his ears, yet he didn't understand what it meant. Perhaps they wanted to know who he was. He decided to start off with that.

"I am a friend. Chaska" he replied, saying his name slowly. Then an idea popped into his head. "Would you like to hear a story?" he asked. He loved to share his stories, and he thought of a few appropriate for their age.

RE: Tall Tails - Mason - June 24, 2015

As Mason moved to stand a metre from the stranger, June noticed. She picked up her frail white frame and moved over to where he was. She copied his stance and his words, as best she could. A twitch of smile graced Mason’s expression as he looked at his sister, then vanished when he looked back to Chaska.

The grey male lowered his head in (what Mason liked to think) was an act of submission. The boy’s tail lowered slightly, in they way he had seen his father’s do when lower-ranked members acted correctly. “Kay Chakka” he repeated in his best adult voice. He then plopped himself into a seated position and shuffled towards the adult. “Storrrrryyyy yes!” All of the sternness was gone, and suddenly his puppyish excitement showed through. Blue eyes were glued on Chaska, waiting for the story.

RE: Tall Tails - June - June 26, 2015

June never once stopped being excited by her new friend, Chaska. Even when she was copying Mason in how she assumed she should be asking her tail was wagging from side to side in joy. She loved having visitors, learning about them, finding what made them different to her .

Mason and Chaska both mentioned this thing called a story and June excitedly nodded her head up and down in time with her tail going from left to right. Yes she wanted a story too! Papa and mama told them stories every so often and she knew enough to know that, no matter what the subject, the carried her away. Stories were a way of living a life somewhere else. A chance to experience things that she couldn't physically achieve at the moment.

RE: Tall Tails - Chaska - June 27, 2015

Chaska was glad that the pups were ecstatic to here a story. So he pondered back over a series of stories he believed would be appropriate for them, then once he had found one, he  cleared his throat and began his tale.

"Once upon a time, deep deep in the forest lived two wolves. They were best friends and did everything together. One day, one of the wolves went into a dark cave and found a small white stone. The stone spoke to him, 'Thank you for finding me. I thought I was going to be stuck in the dark forever.' the stone said. The wolf was shocked to see a stone talk, 'You're welcome. I didn't know stones could talk.' he said. The stone laughed, 'Ha ha ha, I'm not just any stone. I'm a magic moon stone.' the stone said. The wolf looked at him in wonder, 'A magic moon stone! What do you do?' he asked the stone. 'I grant wishes. But you can't tell anyone.' the stone said. 'Not even my best friend?' the wolf asked. 'Not even your best friend.' the stone said. The wolf was sad he couldn't tell his friend but maybe he could use the wishes for his friend. The wolf promised not to tell anyone and carried the rock out of the cave." 

He took a breath and paused. He loved to do that on moments like that, just like his mother did with him. Also, he would need a lot of breath, because this was going to be a lengthy story.

RE: Tall Tails - Mason - June 30, 2015

June was just as excited as he was to hear the story. Chaska had a captive audience.

The picture Chaska’s timbre evoked was fascinating. When he spoke of the small white stone, Mason’s eyes flickered to June, and then back to the larger storyteller.

When the stone laughed, in Chaska’s deep voice, Mason let out a shrill “HA!” and his tail thumped steadily from side to side. He didn’t know stones could talk! Apparently only magic moon stones, though. He determined he would go and find one the very next day.

When the wolf picked up the white stone, Mason bounced around in a small circle whilst seated. At the sudden pause, Mason tipped his head sideways and alleged “If I find magic moo stony, I tell June!” he exclaimed, not quite understanding why the wolf in the story had promised not to tell his best friend. June was Mason’s best friend in the whole world. Blue eyes that were gradually mingling with orange gazed at Chaska steadily, waiting for the response that was clearly expected – WHY couldn’t he tell his best friend? He wasn’t going to accept it as willingly as the wolf in the story had.

RE: Tall Tails - June - July 03, 2015

Whoops! Forgot it was my turn!

The story gripped June's attention as she vividly saw the events unfold in her mind. The forest was dark, in a multitude of greens, and sunlight barely scraped through the leaves. The two wolves - though she had no description for them - were exactly like her and Mason. The male-version of June was the one to find the stone. The voice that spoke to him was deep, gruff, and it scared June a bit. She found herself cowering slightly when it spoke, her imagination adding to Chaska's impression.

When the wolf carried the stone out of the cave, Mason pulled June from her distraction. She had ignored his exclamation but his bouncing around distracted her, in the best way possible, and she smiled. Whereas he was quite fidgeting she had sat perfectly still, her eyes following the scene as it playing out in the clearing - the place that her mind had projected it onto.

Her tail wagged now, she wanted more story. She didn't particularly care about the reasoning but June would patiently wait for Mason's explanation to arrive before the story continued and she found out what happened to the wolf with the stone.

RE: Tall Tails - Chaska - July 03, 2015

He certainly enjoyed how the male pup was acting towards his story. It forced a light hearted chuckle from deep within. The female, however, was much more calm. But Chaska could see that she as well was excited. So with that, he continued on with the story.

"When the wolf went back to his friend, the other wolf was worried sick, 'Where were you? You don't usually go places without me.' he said. The wolf smiled and said, 'Oh, nowhere too interesting. I just went to look at rocks.' His friend was confused, 'Rocks?' he asked. The wolf nodded, 'Yep. Rocks.' His friend shrugged and they went to go on an adventure together. Little did he know about the magic moon stone his friend had. On their adventure they went into a maze and got terribly lost. 'This isn't fun anymore!' said the wolf's friend, 'I wanna go home!' The wolf saw how upset his best friend was and whispered to the moon stone, 'I wish we were back home.' And in an instant they were home. 'Wow!' said the wolf's friend, 'How'd we get home?' The wolf smiled and showed his friend the magic moon stone. 'I wished us back with this magic moon stone.' Suddenly the sun disappeared and the moon came out, 'I told you not to tell anyone!' the stone yelled, furious the wolf broke his promise, 'Now I will send you to the moon forever!' And just like that, the wolf was taken to the moon with the magic moon stone."

He paused once more. Soon, the tale would be coming to an end. He waited for their reaction of the story so far.

RE: Tall Tails - Mason - July 08, 2015

Mason practically jiggled on the spot like a jelly, waiting for the reason. Chaska did not address his question directly; instead he carried on with the story.

All tail wagging stopped. Mason’s eyes, already wide-set, began to protrude slowly outwards. The wolf had been happily telling his friend about the moon stone and it sent him to the MOON. There was the reason not to tell your best friend!

Mason risked a glance at June. He was quite frightened now. Tears welled in his eyes as he stretched his neck towards Chaska, hoping that the story would continue, and that the wolf would manage to make it off the moon. He shuffled on his bum until his fur pressed against June’s and he whined softly as he waited.

RE: Tall Tails - June - July 14, 2015

The moon could get mad?

June was as scared as Mason, the big thing in the sky cold turn against her at any moment and chastise her for doing something. It was a frightening concept for the little pale girl, and she didn't hesitate to let her tears fall down her wolf face. She tried to remind herself that it was because the wolf had broken his promise and as long as she didn't break any promises then everything would be okay, but that was hard for a young child to do.

Instead, she let herself be firmly entrapped by the story, and prayed for some sort of happy ending to this perilous tale.

RE: Tall Tails - Chaska - July 16, 2015

It seemed that the pups had been frightened by the story so far. Even though, he continued on with it.

"His friend was very sad and started to cry. But then he heard a voice, 'Don't cry. I'm okay.' said the wolf. His friend looked up and saw the wolf in the moon, smiling at him. 'But you're in the moon! How can we be friends if you're so far away?' he asked. The wolf smiled and the moon shone brightly, 'Whenever you see the moon and start to miss me, just howl, and I'll hear how much you miss me and we can stay friends forever.' the wolf said. His friend looked up at him and let out a loud howl to let him know how sad he was, and when he was done, all the sadness disappear and all he felt was happiness. And every night, he howled up at the moon to tell his friend that he missed him."

With that, he finished his tale. Personally, he thought he had done well, using his imagination to create such a story. With that, he sat himself up and awaited their response.

RE: Tall Tails - Mason - July 21, 2015

Mason wasn’t entirely sure how he felt when the story had finished. He sat dumbstruck for a few moments. So that was why his dad was teaching him to howl. In case any of his friends ended up in the moon. Mason was glad that the wolf still got to talk to his friend, but the thought of June ending up on the moon made him panic. He felt his heart flutter and tried to calm it – they would only go to the moon if he told them about the magic moon stone.

Mason swallowed his fear and managed a smile, although it appeared pasted on his muzzle with a certain frailty. “But he gotta see his friend still, so’s he musta been happy.” Mason managed, and his tail began to wag again. “An’ that’s why we’s howl.” He added.

Suddenly he tilted his head back and let out a wavering note, closing his eyes as the sun threatened to burn them with its rays.

RE: Tall Tails - June - July 21, 2015

It was a terrifying end but June understood the message loud and clear. She wouldn't break promises, she would never ever promise something that she did not think she could keep. The youngster curtly nodded her head at the end of the story, before Mason had said anything. She looked that him, wondering about his interpretation of events. That was what he thought? How had she come to a different conclusion? It made her doubt her take on these events but she grew herself up tall and said her words.

"That why we don break pomises." Her voice was quiet, but still cut through the air. It was rare for her to talk to anyone but Mason, even father didn't get her words as often as he would have liked, but Mason was here and this was important. She had to share her version of the events. She watched Mason, wondering what he would think to her opinion.