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Bearclaw Valley It's like an inn, with girls. - Printable Version

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It's like an inn, with girls. - Nanook - June 19, 2015

@Kove or @Scarlett or both :)

Ever since her birth, all the child did was eat, sleep or push away the bodies which moved either too close to her food giver (read: teat) or kicked her. No one kicked her without consequences, no, she would make sure they paid. Nanook would attempt to shove a paw at them until she grew tired, then she would give up and the next time she awoke, she happened to have forgotten all the wrongs done to her the previous day. So life was good....for now.

Nanook's features scrunched up into a frown, her tiny brows furrowed and she squirmed around unhappily, occasionally uttering a few extremely loud piercing screeches. Lying beside her mother's belly, she twitched and pushed as hard as she could against Scarlett's belly, as if trying to find a way out of her squished environment.

Then loud noises erupted from the girl's rear end, a horrible smell filling the air of the den. But that was not the end of it, the rumbling in her tummy only implied that it wasn't over and that the little silver trickster would release more than smells.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Scarlett - June 19, 2015

After a long night's rest Scarlett felt definitely better. The first thing she did was check all her children and gave them a cleaning before she went to the stream by their den to quench her thirst and bathe herself a bit. It was a quick wash because she didn't want to leave her babies alone for too long. She quickly settled back at the same spot so the pups could continue sleeping, eating and well... pooping. Scarlett chuckled softly when Nanook made the cutest sounds but it was followed by not so cute actions. Not that Scarlett minded it was what being a mother was.

She lifted Nanook and placed her between her paws after Nanook was done. This way the pup wouldn't lay in her own dirt. With her nose she moved some leaves and other bedding over it so the spot was a bit more fresh. "You are so cute," Scarlett hummed and started licking over the pup, giving her a good grooming.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Nanook - June 19, 2015

After she was done, Nanook was rudely picked up and placed down between two furry objects. Instinctively, she began screaming at the top of her lungs, probably hurting her poor mother's ears. When the warm, wet and rough tongue touched the silver child's body, she paused for a moment before opening tiny jaws and started scrreching louder than ever, she did not really like the grooming.

And when the trickster did not like something, she made herself heard. Deciding that screaming was not enough, she began attempting to roughly push against her mother's paws, trying to find a way out and back to her food. When that did not work, Nanook squirmed forward, latching her mouth onto a single white paw and began gumming on it, suckling, hoping for the delicious liquid.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Scarlett - June 20, 2015

Scarlett watched at her little girl only struggled more. A soft sigh left her throat. Her ears fallen back because of the loud crying. It almost seemed like the pup didn't even want to be groomed. Scarlett was quick to think that her daughter hated her. Luckily soon she corrected herself. This pup was only a few days old she didn't have emotions like that. Scarlett continued on licking over the pup, kind of amused that the little one tried to nurse on her paw. Scarlett decided that she wouldn't just place her by her belly. Oh no. She wanted to see how well her active little one would do as she tried to find the food.

Scarlett busied herself with the others for a moment. She didn't have much rest since her litter was surprisingly active. Nanook was for sure and Desna too. She was more of a climber, since the dark little pup seemed to love to climb on top of her mom and nestle in her fur. She licked over the sleeping youngster who soon woke up and started to crawl around again. She realized that Sesi was also on an exploring mission. Scarlett had to get up to retrieve her and place her by her siblings. The mother sat down watching her crawling babies with glee.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Nanook - June 20, 2015

When suckling on the furry thing produced nothing at all, no milk, no nothing, Nanook screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed. She screamed as loud as she could, obviously upset about how things were going. The trickster did not stop screaming when she attempted to climb over her mother's paw, she kept yelling and screeching at the top of her lungs even when she fell right over the mountain (Scarlett's paw) and started crawling away from what she wanted, her milk giver.

Nanook scooted forward, crawling as fast as she could while screaming as loud as she could at the sametime. Surely, if this continued, someone would be obliged to give her what she wanted wouldn't they? The trickster never stopped yelling at the top of her lungs, no, if she gave up, it wouldn't work. The silver child attempted to propel herself forward just to get stuck a moment later which in turn resulted in more high pitched screams.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Scarlett - June 20, 2015

Nanook stop screaming so much! XD

Scarlett frowned when the pup kept screaming, she really was fierce like a ice-bear or whatever Kove called it. Scarlett decided that it was a bear and bears were super tough and fierce. The recent mother watched how more of her pups started screaming. She was a bit confused with what they wanted. Nanook was the worst of all. Scarlett laid down on her spot before and placed her head on her paws. Being a mother was difficult. She tried to tune out the screaming of the demanding child. Eventually the pup would tire and pass out at a random moment. She hoped it would.

There was also a possibility that the pup would find what she wanted and Scarlett could just lay in her den in peace. That was a very hopeful thought. Even in this moment the mother just liked to think of the cute things her babies did and not the horrible things like ruining her ears with screaming so much. At least Nanook was a screamer. Scarlett tugged the half eaten carcass close, starting to nibble on the small bones to give herself a distraction from the screaming.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Nanook - June 20, 2015

She'll stop once she's no longer deaf xD

No one helped her. She was all alone in this big wide world. Where was her food? Her comfortable fluffy milk giver? Her bed? All she found was the hard cold ground and nothing around here. Nanook thought that if she complained long enough, then surely someone cared, surely someone would come and help her. She was the Queen of the litter after all, the best child of them all. Why was everyone ignoring her.

Normally, Nanook would keep going and going until she found what she wanted, giving up was simply not in her, not even as a pup. But she was stuck, unable to move, and if she was beginning to despair even though she had technically only wandered off for a few minutes at best.

This time, instead of screaming and yelling and screeching defiantly, Nanook cried and whimpered and whined. Perhaps someone would pity her this time.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Scarlett - June 21, 2015

Hahahah. Okay! :P

Scarlett instantly felt bad when she heard the actual whining. She thought the pup hurt herself and instantly picked her up as gently as she could. Scarlett placed the little girl by her belly and licked over her. She was instantly checking if her precious little baby was okay. Her pink tongue moved over every inch again. Her wet nose nudged the little child and then placed her head close to her daughter. Her eyed roamed over the others, checking if they needed their mommy's help too. But they seemed pretty okay.

Scarlett lifted her head, looking into the main chamber of the den, thinking she heard something. She wasn't sure if anyone would enter. She wasn't ready to share her babies yet. She wanted them to bond to her.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Nanook - July 19, 2015

She wanted to scream and shriek and cry, but instead Nanook continued to whimper, quieter now, yet no less fervent than her louder wails. Like this would do any better. But not before long, the wet clasp that often brought her back to her milk-giver's teats secured her again. Nanook's stomach lurch and she yelped, spilling a gurgle of vomit across the cold ground as it disappeared from beneath her. The silver trickster flailed her paws in the air and continued to struggle even after her toes met the full warmth of her milk-giver's fur.

Nanook shoved herself between the furry bodies at her sides and roughed away something blocking her milk-giver's teat, latching onto the food-giver herself. The thing beside her squirmed, but Nanook held on tightly and gave the thing a kick. She'd gone too long without her milk, and this food-giver would have been hers if the furry thing hadn't taken her away from it. Hers, and hers alone. It didn't matter that no else seemed to understand that. It only mattered that she did.

The rough surface rubbed her fur again, but as much as she struggled away, she couldn't tuck out of the wet tongue's reach without giving up the teat - her teat. So she gurgled a protest in her throat and withstood the washing with a squirm. Soon enough, the wetness left her, and she quieted her struggle, easing into a gentle suckle for once in her short, short life.

RE: It's like an inn, with girls. - Scarlett - July 20, 2015

Scarlett wasn't dirty anymore from her babies vomit. She had seen it multiple times now, at first she was worried but after seeing it several times she deemed it normal. Maybe she was overfeeding them a bit too much. But she just didn't want them to suffer any hunger pains like she suffered when she was little. She wanted to give her girls, and boy, the best care in the world. She was keen on cleaning the little one again, who was cutely defending Scarlett's teat from.. Scarlett. Her mother could only chuckle at the cuteness.

Scarlett watched her four perfect babies for a moment. Nanook was finally quiet so she took this moment of silence to rest. Scarlett had not realised that becoming a mother would give her so many sleepless night. But it was worth it, with the pups nuzzled against her or drinking from her belly. No doubt she would soon be awoken by another cry for help...

- End Thread -