The Heartwood don’t look down, don’t be afraid to fall
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
All Welcome 
There wasn’t much to go off of. No blood, no tracks, not even a hint of a smell. It’s all thanks to the rain. It’s finally stopped today, but the damage had already been done. Any trace of Hide was washed away.

Orochi sniffed one tree after the other. Maybe there was a chance he’d find some clue here. Of course he didn’t.

Damnit! All his pent up emotion was released in one swift movement. His paw collided with bark, and his claws raked along the trunk. The unsatisfying sensation only made him more angry.
Alpha Male*
fine as any blade
449 Posts
Ooc —
timelines? idk her

Riley had limped down the mountainside, but to the surprise of no one, did not go home.


He would find her. He would not forget her like she instructed; if anything, she became more and more a fixation in the yearling's mind.

A thud pulled Riley from his daydreaming. The yearling hobbled to a halt and thrust his nose into the air, drawing any scent he could through his slim muzzle. Pinebark and the scent of a male reached him -- casting his gaze about, Riley saw the tree-assailant -- a wolf nearly his age with a missing leg.

There were a million ways that Riley could have greeted this agitated creature -- naturally, he went for the worst. "What happened to your leg?"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
God help the boy who dared to point out his missing limb. He’d be getting the worst of Orochi’s rage today.

The yearling spun around to face him. None of your fucking business, he spat. Stop asking me stupid questions and get the hell out.
Alpha Male*
fine as any blade
449 Posts
Ooc —
Riley thought of Laurel when Orochi turned, irascible and full of much of the same energy. He was used to such treatment, but it did not stop the riffle of his fur in surprise. He stepped back, his expression that of a scalded cat.

Several seconds passed, accompanied by the whirring clicks and clanks of Riley's brain as he processed it all. The boy's rage. The missing leg. The over-reaction. Even in his current state Riley thought the odds of losing against a tripod was slim.

"Why?" He asked, his voice so thick he sounded as stupid as he looked. "What's got your tail?" Except, it wasn't his tail -- it was his whole fuckin' leg.
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
He seemed taken a back, as most wolves were. They never took kindly to his temper. It’s a shame it was at its worst today.

Orochi thought he’d think twice before opening his mouth, or better yet listen to the order. All he does is piss him off even more.


He jumped at him with his lips peeled back, ready to bite into anything he could get a hold on. If he wouldn’t leave on his own accord, Orochi would force him to.
Alpha Male*
fine as any blade
449 Posts
Ooc —
Riley expected an answer in the form of words, not teeth.

He reacted too slowly. He had anticipated this tripod would yell at him first, not launch into practically aerial-assault with uncanny speed.

He tried to pivot, but his hindquarters rung with pain that slowed his movement. Orochi's teeth seized Riley's cheek with roughness that nearly dragged the boy downwards.

Blood began to pound thickly in Riley's head; interred with some dreadful, slowly pulsing emotion, Riley snaked forward, ignoring the protest of his cheek and hindquarters as he dove for one of Orochi's front legs.

He was stupefied by how fast Orochi was, but now a bullish sense of pride persisted, encouraging Riley to turn tripod into bipod -- none too pleasantly either.
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
His reaction wasn’t quick enough. Orochi was able to latch onto his cheek and drag him down. Perhaps yanking him wasn’t the smartest idea. It made it easier for him to grab onto his leg.

Pain shot through his body. Orochi’s legs buckled a bit, but he fought to stay on his feet. He pushed down on his face to try to get him to release his grip.
Alpha Male*
fine as any blade
449 Posts
Ooc —
Teeth coerced their way through Riley's flesh; he stifled the pup-like whimper that threatened to break from his throat.

With Orochi's leg in his jaws, Riley thought maybe he could wrench it back and forth, break it, anything -- but Orochi pressed down with a relentless and surprising force, rendering Riley's head immobile.

A snarl blossomed in the cur's throat, but there was no hail Mary for Riley today -- Orochi had him pinned fair and square.

Refusing to believe he had been bested so easily by a cripple, Riley tried for one last thing -- writhing on the ground Riley brought his hind legs forward, trying to rabbit-kick Orochi's remaining hind leg in the hopes he'd be released.

Whatever he hit, if he hit anything at all, Riley's throat was vulnerable and open.

feel free to PP grabbing Riley's throat! <3
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Orochi gathered enough strength to pin him to the ground. That was hard to pull off during fights like this. A sense of confidence swelled in his chest.

This guy didn’t know when to quit. He kicked his hind leg, causing Orochi to temporary lose balance. That was bad, but his opponent’s exposed neck was worse. The yearling took full advantage of that weakness.

Orochi lost his grip on the cheek as he stumbled, but he was able to grab onto the neck and prevented his fall.
Alpha Male*
fine as any blade
449 Posts
Ooc —
Riley had been grabbed once before.

A flash of deeply buried memory came to the surface: of a glittering riverbank, of Indra's jaws -- of cold icy water, and bubbles violently bobbing to the surface as he struggled, struggled underwater --

His reaction was immediate and full-bore instinct: the moment Orochi's teeth seized Riley he knew it was over. If he submitted this tripod (had he really been bested by a cripple?!) would surely rip his throat from him -- Riley fought back violently and hard, thrashing despite the painful fangs that tore and cut his throat;

Overrun by survival's imperative, Riley managed to somehow break free -- but he knew if he fought back, he would lose. Orochi's terrific fury was too much for him (and terrifying). The second Riley managed to break free, he flew to his feet and tore away with his tail tucked between his quickly-receeding haunches.

wrap with ur post? <3
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton

Something seemed to click for his opponent when he was seized by the neck. He wildly thrashed beneath Orochi. It wasn’t about winning for him anymore, it was about escape.

The boy ripped free and ran off with his tail tucked between his legs. Orochi didn’t take pride for his victory. The fight had been akin to getting rid of a pest.

When he disappeared from sight, Orochi snorted and continued his search.