Wapun Meadow down to sit at the harsh world's feet
115 Posts
Ooc —
@Inkeri if you have the time? <3

He had given some days and some thought to Inkeri's invitation to join Kvarsheim, but his heart still wrestled with leaving his mother behind in the Strath. Even while they had spoken of wolves coming and wolves leaving, he realized that to leave the Strath was to leave his mother, and what grief might that put her through? She had already lost dad, and Mulberry and Thyme. Could she say goodbye to him, too?

Turmeric had thought of inviting her North with him, but she had a home and a place in the Saints. It would be selfish to ask her to leave, just for him. He may have been born there, but the Saints were his mother's choice. They hadn't been his. Reverie had proven thoughtful company on the meadow, and Inkeri on the moor the day before, and having found them both wonderful company, he knew he'd made his decision. He just wasn't sure he was ready to admit it yet.

But today, he would let these things roll from off his shoulders. Today, he would keep good on his word to Inkeri. He'd talked of visiting, and though he hadn't promised her, he did wish to see her again. Though they only knew each other from one conversation, he already considered her a friend.

The scent line had run heavy with the mingling mark of what he now called familiarity. He'd sensed it on both Reverie and Inkeri's fur. But rather than call from the borderline, he'd backtracked a little way into the meadow he'd talked to Reverie in, about flying and the ocean. Soft snowflakes flurried through the air today, delicate and light. A perfect winter's day.

He admired them for a moment, marvelling at the softness of the sky and the world around him, before he tipped back his head and called for his friend.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It had been a few days, and Inkeri didn't mind. She had been truthful when she had said, she was content with her lot in life and with the fact that she was often left. If she could help just a little perhaps it was enough. Though, she did have a small hope in her chest that Merry would stay with them. She found the wolf a fast friend and a fascinating creature to speak too.

She was slowly making her way around borders, refreshing and catching small creatures to keep hunger at bay. She smelled Merry near the borders, but she didn't see him as she lifted paper and ink head to look around. Aquamarine eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

A call came across the valley and the circle and she smiled to herself. Leaving behind her home, she headed towards it. A soft smile on her face. She saw her friend and finished running the rest of the way, quickly brushing his shoulder with her snout.

Then she stood still for a moment, but tipped her head back to allow the snow to fall upon her her face, crystalize the lashes of her eyes. She smiled at it's softness, and the sharp prick of cold, before she looked back to Merry.

Hello Merry. Merry! She said happily, her accent thicker in her excitement.

115 Posts
Ooc —
Though he thought her his friend, Turmeric still wondered if she would come.

Did she really enjoy their time talking on the moor? He knew he had - but maybe that had coloured his feelings. Maybe he had read her wrong. Maybe she had entertained him out of pity - after all, his leg hadn't been good that day, and he remembered the stiffness in his limp. A few days of warmer weather had helped him shake off some of the pain, and he thought himself much better, now - but what if that had been enough?

No, these were silly thoughts! And silly of him, to even be thinking of them!

He thought of laying down while he waited for her - anything to stop the little nervous shake that had worked its way through his forelegs - but he jumped to his feet instead when he saw her familiar silhouette cutting her way towards him.

Inkeri! Hi! His face brightened and he skipped forward a few short strides, while she came at him in a run. In that moment, all his worries melted like the snow in spring. Why had he been so afraid she didn't want to see him? As she brushed his shoulder, he offered her a small nuzzle to the back of her neck before he pulled away.

Reverie had been striking, but as the snowflakes fell and caught around Inkeri's eyes, he thought of the river rocks he'd collected when he'd been just a kid. Unassuming on the outside, but he had seen them glisten in the right catch of light. Plain, to the untrained eye, but beautiful, to the one willing to see. And as the sunlight danced on the ice lining her lashes, that was the only word he could use to describe her: beautiful.

When she turned to look at him, he realized he'd been staring and he quickly looked away with a nervous laugh, even as his cheeks burned. The excitement in her voice filled him to overflowing.

I thought I'd drop by for a visit, as promised, Turmeric smiled and looked back to her, tipping his chin a little before he drooped back down and gave her a little bow of play, and I wondered if you wanted to do something fun today. Ever gone jumping through snowdrifts before?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri wouldn't have dreamed of keeping him waiting. She hadn't even noticed his limp. She had enjoyed their conversation and his company. It had made her feel happier than she had in sometime.

His voice reached her and her tail wagged in response. How nice it was to be called out too. And with a genuine smile too. His touch left her feeling a little wanting, but she quickly pushed the feeling away, a smile lighting up her face. She had determined that had been part of what had pushed Lucius away. Her co-dependency.

He had been staring, she wondered if she had something on her face. But he quickly looked away, so she must have been imaging it.

I am glad you did. Did.

She wiggled in place for a moment.

She blinked and shook her head. No. No. What do I do? Do? Though she mimicked him, moving her ink and paper body into a bow.

115 Posts
Ooc —
She was glad he had come!

Her assurance was enough to whisk away any last shreds of doubt he’d held in those hours that had passed between when he’d left her on the moor, and when he’d come to see her now. And why had he even doubted? Seeing his reminded him of the great kindness they had shared together, of what was real and what was just a bad thought in his head.

When Inkeri wriggled in place, Turmeric found his own forepaws tapping on the ground with a little hop of a dance.

Oh, it’s easy and so much fun! he said, laughing as she mimicked him. It’ll be easier if I show you what to do, explaining it makes it sound kinda boring. C’mon, the best ones are this way, I scoped them out this morning, he hopped up and beckoned her to follow, aiming to lead her at a comfortable walk. He didn’t think they were in any hurry, after all, and there was no need to run when he hoped he might talk with her, too, I met one of your packmates this morning, too. Reverie. We talked about the ocean. You ever been?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri would have assured him further if he needed it. She had no maliciousness in her. When she really should have. Given her life. She should have been bitter and mean.

She tilted her head, ears forward and back. She followed, with a small laugh. Okay you show. Show.

She hadn't ever played with snow drifts that she recalled. But perhaps when she had been little. Her and Anja may have played.

A small frown on her lips as she tried to place a face. I do not know that one yet. Yet. She must be new. Bjarna or Gunnar would have brought her in. In. Is she nice? Nice?

She looked at his gaze, aquamarine eyes meeting his own, wondering at his answer. He hoped she was.

115 Posts
Ooc —
He smiled at her laughter, happy she was so willing to entertain this childish game he’d soon show her. Happy, even, that she’d simply be happy to spend time with him again.

Inkeri said nothing about his question of the ocean, instead latching onto Reverie. He met her eyes, surprise in his own. She’d never met her? Oh yeah, she’s awesome! he said with a bright smile. Yeah, he’d only known her a little while, but he wasn’t all that bad a judge of character. There’d been nothing shifty about her, nothing off, nothing odd. Super nice, and thoughtful. I think you’ll like her, he continued, and glanced forward again.

We’re actually going to take a trip to the ocean soon, she’s never been.

A nervous laugh.

You wanna come with?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had found a new bloom to her cheeks and heart after Anja had left. She had filled the hole with pack mates and purpose and now a new place would be carved out for Merry.

Inkeri bowed her head. I don't know many in my pack. I prefer to stay outside. Outside. They are good. Good. But makes me nervous. I was not treated well before. Before

A small flare of jealousy in her breast at how nicely he spoke of reverie. But she tried to hide it, really she did. Tried to ignore it.

To the ocean with you? You?

She smiled. Yes i will come to the ocean with you you Turmeric. Merry. "

She actually couldn't remember if she'd ever been there. But if Merry was taking her, she'd go. Her fondness for him growing.

115 Posts
Ooc —
sorry for taking so long!

There it was again: that mention of others, more concrete now, who had not treated her well. Turmeric felt a small flurry in his heart. That familiar lick of fire that had taken him once before, when he'd fled the canyon with only his shadow beside him.

Well, from what I know of you, and from the sounds of Kvarsheim, I bet they'll love you, even if you take a little while to warm up, he said with a soft smile, hoping to encourage.

He failed to notice any shift in Inkeri. He was too keen on her answer, too nervous she might say no. What she gave him brought a glow to his heart.

Yes, yeah! With me! he laughed, and bumped his nose against her, oh, this'll be awesome!! Awesome, too, and unfathomable, how much his life had brightened since he'd left the world of the Saints behind. I don't really know when we're going yet. It might be soon, or it might be the spring. But we're definitely going, and I'll definitely make sure you come with, his smile brightened, oh Inkeri, you'll love it there! Have you ever heard of what it's like?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries and these two...i <3 them

Inkeri's face softened and she looked away for a moment. She was trying not to remember those times. The pain and the fear and the sadness. The hole she had drug herself from, with the help of Anja. Anja who left her too.

She wagged her tail. I hope so. I like those I have met.

I will like to go with you. You. It will be fun. She giggled as his nose met her side, it tickled a little.

Yes awesome. I have never been to the sea. Sea. She tried to remember when she had heard of it. IT was hard to remember stories of the sea. But it sounded unforgiving, yet beautiful. Inkeri wished she had been able to be like that years ago. Not so much now. Her softness was beautiful, or at least she felt it was.

I have only heard that it is Utilgivende and beautiful. Beautiful.

She looked into his face and trotted to keep up to him. Have you been there before? Before?

115 Posts
Ooc —
<3 I love them too!!

She looked away, and Turmeric respected that; he didn’t let his eyes linger on her face then. But the glance was fleeting, and soon, she smiled at him again, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

It’s settled then! We’ll see the sea together! and something in the saying of it thrilled his once weary heart. So much had changed since he’d come to this place! And so much for the better. 

I’ve been a couple times, Merry said with a little shrug, as they came upon the snowdrift he’d found earlier in that day, but not recently. And always pretty much on my own, that would make this time different. To stare wide eyed at the open waters was one treasure in itself. To see others do the same? Well, that was a memory he hoped he could keep beyond fading.

It is beautiful. But, there was that language again, the one she’d whispered in, spoken freely enough for him to finally ask, what does utilgivende mean? Is that… Icelandic? No, she’d mentioned a different tongue when they’d talked upon the moor, and he squinted his eyes to remember, Norwegian?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She wouldn't have minded had he continued to gaze at her. It had been her own composure she had need to gather. Not his. She tilted her head.

Inkeri's tail weaved and her fur ruffled in excitement. Oh I'm excited! She shivered again in delight. She couldn't help. She danced briefly and then continued to follow.

She was glad to see the sea with him. It would be a good day. Perhaps a little scary, but she would or mor so she hoped to have fun.

Inkeri tilted her head and wagged her tail. Yes. Yes. Norwegian. But I am learning Icelandic too. Too. They are Similar. Similar. Utilgivende means Unforgiving.