Cedar Sweep an invisible space

“Alarm bells in your eyes—”

Sleep Token, "Dark Signs."

36 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Random Event 
Set for March 17th.

He had been as quiet as he needed, calling out for milk from @Sulugun as necessary, almost as if he knew exactly how loud he should be this time around; how to get what he wanted without rousing his siblings, so he could benefit from a full belly without the hassle. The initial upheaval of being born had faded from his memory.

Now the boy was sleeping. Everything in his mind's eye was a rich green, luminous and ephemeral. Shapes that could have been wolf bodies. Faces he knew once, some smiling and some grimacing their teeth. Dark shapes, pale shapes; tinged with that same green, unfolding around him. The last of the light wrapped around his throat for a time, and as he slowly came awake this faded too.

Sisamat slowly opened his eyes, where the green haze of the northern lights had begun to form across his baby blue vision; for now, murky like a storming sea — but soon it would settle to Ostrega teal. Beside him slumbered a brother or a sister, but he paid them no mind. He chirruped for his mother, and then waited patiently.
6 Posts
Ooc — ???
He would awake to Atausiq, staring at him. 

She saw him, but through a filmy haze. He was not clear, but Atausiq recognized him as something else that was hers. A possessive squirm forward would bring them nose to nose as she drank in the familiar milky scent of him. Another inchworm squirm nearer, so that her paws could be over his paws. 

Atausiq could not see her brother very well, but she could certainly feel him.
writing letters addressed to the fire
745 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Asivaq's catnap was short-lived—but, thankfully, with good reason. As she opened her eyes and her vision cleared, she realized that two of her children had opened their eyes while she'd been asleep. Although she knew their vision was hazy and they'd only be able to see shapes and colors, she was elated that they'd both reached such an important milestone together.

Aya! she exclaimed, leaning forward to kiss each of their faces. My amazing miġayauraqs—look at you! The pun was intended; she kissed them each again.

Then, wondering if @Kigipigak was around, she craned her neck and squinted against the harsh light that reflected off of the snow. Are you there Kigipigak? I have something to show you! she called.

“Alarm bells in your eyes—”

Sleep Token, "Dark Signs."

36 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The vibrations caused by his mother's voice drew his attention. He might not have understood what she was saying, but there was a certain awareness to Sisamat which could not be denied. His focus moved eerily to her face, and he crooned to her with little sounds as if to answer her questions himself; but in his eyes she was a mess of white and gold light, a fuzzy blotting of rust-colored ink smeared across his vision.

Beyond that, he was soon distracted by the sensations of a squirming body. Someone pawed at him. They croaked and wriggled. Sisamat opened his mouth and went to bite at the object holding his paws down, not realizing it was actually a sibling, and being unable to properly aim regardless—he gummed and pinched at Atausiq's cheeks with a surprising efficacy.
6 Posts
Ooc — ???
The vibrations of mother were interesting, but the girl was one-track minded. As her brother came closer and did what he would, Atausiq did not mind. Her own compulsion matched his. Too young to find offense in his efforts, and also too hungry, Atausiq moved for a paw of his own as he pulled at her plush, round cheek. She moved to latch, though whether it was his foot, his shoulder, his nose, or even perhaps the earth she suckled on was unknown. 

But she didn't enjoy it, so she spat it out. 

Her head drunkenly swung in the direction of mother, who kissed her face and toppled her over to her side. This she did not enjoy, groaning in displeasure and letting out a wail as she struggled to get upright!
writing letters addressed to the fire
745 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Although she was disappointed that her husband was not nearby, she could not stay upset for long. He did so much for their family and was most likely patrolling or hunting, and she couldn't fault him for doing what was needed.

When her attention returned to their children, a few things had occurred, but what stuck out most was her firstborn and her inability to roll off her back. She moved to remedy the situation, carefully flipping over the child and giving her a kiss once she was right-side-up again. She pulled her head back and watched to see what would happen next now that she'd resolved the only pressing matter.

“Alarm bells in your eyes—”

Sleep Token, "Dark Signs."

36 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
their gumming at one-another was the closest thing to a fight that two potatoes could have. he grasped at her cheek and she grasped at his nose, or his chin, or whatever tuft of fur was closest. it was wet and warm so not wholly unpleasant until their mother pulled them apart for a quick bath; the resulting void between the siblings enraged sisamat, who sucked in a breath and loosed a honk.