Broken Antler Fen Pretty Thoughts
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The mountain range had proven impassable, so Coriander doubled back with every intention of going around them. He would have continued his path, if not for the disruption that found him — a disruption in the form of something so familiar, he thought he was imagining it at first. He was surely too far from home for any piece of it to have found him... but at the same time, wasn't it possible? More than possible. His siblings had gone to forge their own paths, and with this knowledge, it shouldn't have seemed so outlandish to him that he would cross one such path. But it did, perhaps because he wanted it so badly. Coriander wasn't used to getting things he wanted.
In the end, what made it believable was that it wasn't quite all that he'd hoped for. If the universe truly were to grace him with a gift too good to be true, it would be Sarah's scent lingering faintly among the mountains and trailing down to the wooded wetland below. But it wasn't, and that was how he knew it must be the truth, rather than some cruel trick of a lonely mind. Still, Cori was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing one of his sisters, and it showed. His excitement bled into the call he sent up for @Maia, hanging back a respectful distance from the border of a pack that smelled ever-so-faintly of his littermate. That faint scent was enough to give him hope, a fragile fluttering thing beating softly against his ribcage and growing stronger with each passing moment.
1,542 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It had been so long since someone called for her from the border that Maia almost missed it. It took a little time for someone to return to watch the kids, and as soon as she could, Maia hustled her way in the direction the call had come from. It sounded familiar, but she couldn't figure out why, and she picked at the question the entire way there.

Wait, CORI?! Maia only froze for a second in surprise, and then her face split into the first truly joyful smile she'd had in.... well, a while! She took the last short distance at a run and moved in immediately for a hug.

Oh my gosh, HI!! What are you doing here!? I mean, I'm glad you are here! But I definitely wasn't expecting! Wow! She stepped back to finally give him some air, tail swaying happily behind her.
21 Posts
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Coriander waited, and spent the entire time doubting himself. What if he was mistaken? What if she didn't want to see him? What if —
Maia! It burst from him the moment he saw her, coming out at the same time she said wait, CORI?! Yeah, that felt good. Cori grinned and leaned into the hug — and was surprised at the scents clinging to her. She smelled like children, and like some dude, and that must mean...
Well, if it did mean that, Maia gave no hint of it in her greeting. Cori intended to find out anyway. My newly-awakened uncle senses were tingling, Coriander teased, confident enough in his guess to voice it. I guess I'd better prepare for several introductions? Ah, but she'd probably want a real answer, too. I've been on the road for awhile. Leading a pack, trying to keep it together after... it was a lot, so I took some time off. Not sure how long. By his tone, it was clear he didn't want to dwell on it.
1,542 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh my GOSH OH MY GOSH. Maia's hug was more than a little enthusiastic and likely overbearing, but she didn't care. After the year of ups and downs that she'd had, mostly downs in the family sense, seeing his face was about the best thing she could have possibly hoped for.

Wait, uncle.... OH!! Yeah! Her tail began to wriggle behind her as she thought of getting to actually introduce her family to their uncle. The only dampener on it was that she knew the introductions would only be positive for a few, but she would take what she could get!! I have two now! And three more that we kind of adopted. They're... they're great.

Her finish was clearly genuine and loving, but some of the pure enthusiasm did disappate with that final statement. Talking about their adoption brought to mind Ibis, and that in turn reminded her that there was news Cori didn't know. Stuff that she'd probably have to share. Right this moment didn't exactly feel like the right time, but if she didn't by the time they met Eljay and the rest of them, she would later when they were alone again.

A lot sounds like an understatement. You, taking a vacation, though?! I thought all of that was for us family slackers. She got a little of that glint back, joking with him warmly. Though that twinge of sadness was still there, fresh with the knowledge that the 'us' she referred to was now only herself.

if they don't get to it this thread, you can assume she told him about Wraen/Terance dying and Sarah disappearing - not confirmed dead, but likely so <3
21 Posts
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For a second he almost thought he'd gotten it wrong — but nope, he had it right. He was an uncle. It was almost weird to think Maia was the first of their litter to have children, but it made sense, too. Still... Cori had always sort of thought he'd be the first. Now, fatherhood seemed both unattainable and undesirable in many regards; it wasn't that he didn't want to be a father, but he certainly didn't want to add to his responsibilities while he was "on vacation" as Maia put it. Fatherhood would have to wait, but at least he could have fun with being an uncle in the mean time.
Coriander could sense the solemnity lurking behind the revelation that Maia had adopted most of her current brood. At some point he would have to ask about that, but this was a happy meeting. They both needed that, he thought. Deserved it, even. Five kids? Do you ever sleep? He laughed. I guess I'm the slacker now, at least between the two of us. What are their names?
1,542 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Barely, she replied, but giving him another affectionate (and grateful) nuzzle. Being a mom was definitely hard work but it was also extremely rewarding. All through growing up, she'd insisted that she'd never have them, but at some point those feelings had changed. Now it was maybe the first job, outside of storytelling, that she actually liked.

Sylvie and Hymnal are mine and Eljay's. Then there's Diantha, Jasmine, and Roswell. Poor Ros is surrounded, she said with a laugh. But he doesn't seem to mind. He's becoming quite the guardian. Reminds me of someone. She shot Cori a playful look.

Do you want to meet them?! I'm sure they're around, and I was just about to head back. Please please please say yes! She'd never expected to have any of her siblings stop by here, much less meet her kids when they were still kids!
21 Posts
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Barely. Ha. Cori almost felt bad enough for her to offer to stick around and help — but that thought in itself inspired guilt. He felt obligated, but if he joined a pack, shouldn't it be the one he'd left behind? He would just have to stay close. Near, but not part of Maia's pack, though that made Coriander feel a little like a deadbeat brother.
He forced himself to focus on what Maia was saying. Laugh when it was appropriate. Sounds like he has his work cut out for him, He teased, remembering his own woes regarding his sisters. I'd love to meet them all. Cori recited their names mentally. Sylvie. Hymnal. Diantha. Jasmine. Roswell. Oh — and Eljay. Perhaps he ought to have felt some kind of brotherly outrage or a surge of protective feelings, but he didn't. He was certain he'd like whoever Maia had chosen — and it was her choice, after all. She was entitled to her happiness as much as anyone else, so Cori wouldn't question the life she'd built for herself. Or at least, he'd keep it to himself.
1,542 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
if you like, we can wrap this here and have another more recent one? Whenever is good for you ofc

Maia would never assume that her brother would want to stick around purely for her sake, though she definitely would make the offer wide open if he hinted at considering it. I like to think he'll be grateful for it someday, she teased back, but she definitely didn't disagree. Looking back, she'd definitely been a pain back then!

C'mon, I'll take you to them!! She'd be sure to introduce him to @Roswell, to @Sylvie and @Hymnal, and if @Eljay was around she would definitely force him to meet her brother too. Cori probably had other things to do but it was really awesome to have the chance for her family here to meet some of her family from back home.