Shadow Mountain A hell within my head
The Nightstalker
198 Posts
Ooc —
Pack Activity 
The first sacrifice will be made today to mark the arrival of the new season. No posting order, we'll work in rounds. The next round begins on the 12th. Tagging anyone who had somewhat of a joining thread, but I'm aware some characters have slipped away from SM for other things and may not be returning - in that case, ignore this :D @Tree @Nikan @Aeronwyn @Duana @Theia @Nara @Serem @Moonshadow @Nightstar @Ukko @Ryple Lee @Maheegan

The curtain of ink had been draped across the sky that night, not a glittering dot of light to be seen amongst the shadows - the grey haze of clouds had passed over, blocking any stars from their attempts to shine. The moon, however, was glowing a bright silver, a large orb that illuminated the faces of the two leaders in this clearing atop one side of the mountain. The Nightstalker was standing tall on a large ridge, a rock that struck upward and rose above, almost like a lion watching over his pride with a grim expression upon his maw. The Snakebrewer was beside her, fur ruffling in the bitter breeze, and Kelina's gaze idly drifted to that tortoishell wolfess with a nod - it was time.

Her head tipped back to release a summoning cry, a deadly yet beautiful song of calling to announce that a gathering was to be held now, and if any were not present there would be consequence. It was a howl that allowed no protest, one thick with implied importance, and now as her cry finally ceased, the woman sat in solemn silence. Her paws itched with desire, knowing exactly what this meeting would bring. The two prisoners, Ryple and Maheegan, they sat just below the rock of which the Nightstalker prowled atop, hushed silence enveloping the two. Oh, how Kelina had been awaiting this moment. The male, she had decided, was the one who would go on this night. 

Now all she needed was the Mountain to be coated in shadowed wolves that would surround this clearing and await the ritual that would come.
[Image: tAPcmpF.png]
"I do not suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it"
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He had returned since then from his trip where he had kidnapped Moonshadow. He had tucked the female inside of his den and ordered her to stay put or he would track her down and kill her this time. As Kelina's call reached his ears he lifted his head and grunted,walking from the den with one last snarl of warning to the female.

As he arrived he only saw Kelina,Tree, and two wolves sitting below them in silence. His ears perked with interest and he sat down in the clearing maintaining his usual silent demeanor as he simply waited for the announcement with his multihued eyes focused on the prisoners with an almost hungry interest.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem heard the call of Kelina and a wicked grin grew onto her dark muzzle. Sge came int the clearing and noticed the many wolves who were already gathered. She noticed Kelina standing near two wolves and was intrigued on why dh had called this meeting.
”Common” "Spanish"
71 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Nightstar walked to where everyone had gathered. It was starting to reek like death even though nothing had happened just then. Yet another smell stuck out above all the rest. He approached the male and began to speak. "Why do you smell of my sister?" He contained his building rage and kept his composure as the brute spoke in a deep tone.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
His fascination with the prisoners was disrupted by the sudden question and approach of another male. His ear flicked to signal he heard the question but he took his time in tearing his gaze from the two wolves below Kelina. Finally he looked at the male and studied him before responding "Your sister? Interesting. I took a female from the borders of a pack and brought her here. That would be why. She isn't harmed, I didn't cause any deep wounds during our fight. She rests in my den." He spoke in a matter of fact manner, not caring to get into it surprisingly. 

Though being Nikan, he couldn't help but stir up a bit of trouble. "She is a gift for Nightstalker. She'll decide what to do with the girl. I simply saw her and wanted to take her." Nikan gave a flippant grin as he declared his plan for the stolen girl, obviously thinking that giving her to Kelina was going to be quite interesting. Perhaps he'd gotten the woman another recruit, or simply someone to take out her darker desires upon. Either way he wouldn't care much at all.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
6 Posts
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He had never felt it so strongly - had never felt that icy grip of pure terror that encased his heart in a grave built from the shadows, had never experienced the cold breeze seek such bitter access into his body, like a dragon's breath that would consume all it came upon. Maheegan remained close by Ryple, the only one he had spoken to during this entire ordeal - the petrified man trembled in the snow, nose twitching in apprehension. What was to happen in this nightmare? Oh, the summon could not mean anything good. He pressed closer to his companion, breaths coming in short gasps and violent trembles taking hold of his thinning body. 

"Oh... R-Ryple, Ryple, Ryple, what is h-happening? What w-will be-bec-become of us?" His frightened whisper reached only her, tail tucked between his legs as the pair remained still beneath the ledge that the Nightstalker rose up on. The other wolves, they had begun to swarm, to gather around in a sort of messy circle, and suddenly he knew. He knew. The sudden shock of the realisation hit him so hard that the air almost left his lungs entirely, and his eyes widened to the point of nearly popping from their sockets. This was no ordinary meeting - he was aware something was wrong with these wolves, and now he was certain.

He was going to die.
453 Posts
Ooc — Thalia

she was unused to being ordered, and was dissatisfied moreso with the threat of consequence. thus the wraith picked her way toward the summons only after a moment of thought, slipping into the gathering soundlessly. her gaze settled not on the inky woman nor the blustering male, but rather on the source of the fear-scent that lay heavy in the air. there lay a pair at the woman's feet, and the male spoke then, hushed and fearful.

here paused the woman, looking up at the sleek woman and her murky companion. they had situated themselves above the rest, the majority of which seemed to be squabbling. thinking carefully now, yet distracted by the boasts of Nikan, she turned to him a moment, regarding him distastefully. she had never been a fan of taking captives, it seemed the practice was done to boost one's ego rather than provide any strategic gain, anyhow. the male certainly seemed the type to require fuel for an overinflated sense of self, and rather than engage in their petty squabble, she carefully searched for the same scent the male had picked up, finding then the scent of blackfeather intertwined with it. 

wondering at this piece of information, and keeping half her attention centered on the likely idiotic kidnapper, her gaze returned to the woman who called herself nightstalker, carefully placed atop her spire. she knew power-lust when she saw it, and for a moment something flickered in her gaze. ornate titles and fancy rocks would offer nothing to the woman when the haphazardous pile of outcasts she had gathered to rule atop of toppled her in their unpredictability. time would tall of her power-lust held any base, or if the likes of Nikan would only serve to hasten her fall.
facilis descensus averno
42 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Fear was palpable in the air, yet also squabbles and bickerings. Her lips curled back, releasing a low rumbling growl, her tail flicking in annoyance. Were these wolves really worthy enough? Flicking her ear, she glanced down at the two prisoners and watched as they cowered. Her silhouette was large against the sky, her stance straight, as if she were carved out of stone. Glancing up at the dark woman, she nodded sharply, one blackened soul to the other. They could make this work. If the wolves were worth their weight in meat. But would they have to wait?
The devil asked me how I knew my way around the halls of Hell. I told him I did not need a map for the Darkness I knew so well.
15 Posts
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Her head swung in the direction of the howl, her ears perking up at the sound. Trotting off in the direction it came from she came upon the group gathered and she opted to stay towards the back, hoping to be left alone during this.
surma suuhun
355 Posts
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Ukko’s return the mountain doesn’t take long. Likely it wouldn’t have been noticed but he needed to put some things to rest in the Maplewood and he can move on. Or at least, that’s the intention. The call rings through the night and he slips through the night, blending into the shadows as much as he can until he sees the gathering of wolves. The only other he notices that he knows is Aeronwyn and he slips up beside her. The other wolves are unfamiliar to him but the fear from one to the next, and satisfaction in the others, makes him wonder what’s about to happen.
15 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Ah, hell. So this was what it was like. She watched as they gathered, one by one. This didn't look good at all. Her breathing was fast, yet she was determined not to show fear to these disgusting wolves. No, she wouldn't call them that. Coyotes. She almost snorted. Even damn coyotes acted better than this bunch.
Her companion called her name, and she turned, her own fear put aside. He was scarred shitless. Freezing, she saw him finally realize the direction situation as it really was. Trembling slightly herself, she pressed against him, hoping the closeness would help them both. Yeah, this ain't the best situation. Ok, this is a helluva messed up situation, but you see all those wolves out there? Her voice was quiet, but she kept it firm...for both of them. They feed off of fear. And right now, you're givin' them exactly what they want. Is that how you want to be remembered when they speak of this...whatever the hell this is? No. Don't give them that satisfaction. Their damn egos are big enough. She stamped her paw, trying to emphasize her words, brows furrowed, even as she sat against him, trembling. They sure as hell wouldn't get the satisfaction from her. Not if she could help it.
The Nightstalker
198 Posts
Ooc —
Sorry about the wait! Next round begins on the 20th <3

Kelina observed with a glint in her gaze as the wolves gathered, surrounding the clearing and peering around with eager eyes. Well... some more eager than others, but even so, this was a night to relish. She had no doubts they would remember this night likely for the rest of their days, for many it would be the first time they tasted wolf flesh, and for others the entire ceremony was a brand new idea.

The panther waited until the voices had mostly hushed, before glancing to the Snakebrewer and speaking up to address the shadow wolves. "We are gathered tonight in celebration for the coming of Spring," She began in a cool yet loud voice, gaze scanning each face illuminated by the moonlight. "We will make a sacrifice - taking the life of another to ensure the strength of our own." 

Oh, her senses were tingling. She had been awaiting this ceremony for many days, for there was a burning hunger in her chest that would only be settled by the taste of wolf meat upon her tongue. The Nightstalker leapt off of the rock and began to stalk toward where the prisoners were whispering - she glanced to the male with a feline grin and snapped her jaws to get him moving into the center of the clearing. The trees, with cracked branches creaking - they were waiting. They were ready.

"We will see the end of this man's life tonight. The going of his soul will bless any life born upon the mountain, so that the youth will be brave and strong." Her tongue swept out to slide across her blackened lips hungrily, eyeing the man (she had left him mostly unscathed so he was still strong enough to run) with a glimmer in her eyes. Turning back to her wolves, she raised her muzzle and began to chant - "Blood to blood, bone to bone, take this weakling, strengthen our own." This eerie phrase was repeated, and she assumed the others would join in to create a cacophony of quiet noise like sinister whispers from the leaves of trees.

With that, she snapped her jaws again to get Maheegan running so that the others would chase and bring him down when they were near enough, chant still falling like a deadly ritual from her muzzle.
[Image: tAPcmpF.png]
"I do not suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it"
6 Posts
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You all have my permission to do any damage you like to Maheegan, though please allow others to get a hit in as well!

Ryple's voice was soothing, and he found logic within her words but it did not replace his sickening fear with bravery. Perhaps he was simply a coward, but he found himself unwilling to believe many others would have a different approach to this situation. The man trembled, a shaky puff of air releasing from his nostrils as his gaze scanned the faces of the gathering shadow wolves.

They were watching. All of them. He could feel eyes upon his pelt and could almost sense the hunger that burned through the chest of the one who called herself the Nightstalker. She seemed truly fitting of such a name - her pelt was inky, as black as the night itself and she could slink through the shadows with such ease it seemed almost supernatural. Maheegan was incredibly wary of her, but it seemed his caution had not paid off, for here he was at her mercy. Voices were hushed all of a sudden, and the wolf's attention snapped back to the present where that woman was announcing his fate. Death. He had already come to the conclusion that he would not live to see the morning, but it did not ease any heart-wrenching terror that pierced his soul. They were going to... chase him? Why not get it over and done with so that he could wait no longer?

Then it came. The snap of jaws, a rush of air that sent him reeling - the grey-furred man shot up and his tail curled instinctively between his hind legs, breaths coming in short gasps. He backpedaled into the center of the clearing where all attention was on him. Then she snapped again, and it was like the rope had been cut. His fate was sealed. He would die. Everything from that point on was like a rushed blur - one second he was sending one final, thanking glance to Ryple (for she had kept him company with her sarcasm and humor even in the dark situation they had been thrust into) before his paws were suddenly carrying him away. 

There was a rapid beat behind him, chants filling the silence of the night and cursing it with plagued whispers. His heart felt as though it would pop out of his chest, and as he ran he could hear the many footsteps behind him that desired only to see his blood spilled across the ground.
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Before the other man could get in a response to what Nikan had said of his sister, the shadowed girl he had stolen and brought here to this mountain, Kelina began to speak. His ears shot forward and he grinned, tongue sweeping out along his lips with delight. This was more like it. He hadn't known the true extent of how dark this group of wolves would be, but this sealed the deal. This group was the place for him. "Blood to blood, bone to bone, take this weakling, strengthen our own." he repeated after Kelina, eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

As the male leaped away from Kelina's snapping jaws and ran away Nikan took off. Large limbs churned slowly at first but then he gathered speed as they went down the mountain and he was nearly upon the frightened boy. Parting his jaws he snarled and lunged for his hind end,grabbing hold of his tail and tugging backward with two shakes of his head. The sudden resistance and the continued forward movement didnt end well for the captive and his tail was ripped clean off his body. Nikan deposited the limb and continued in the chase, wanting to be there for the kill.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.