Otter Creek What a wonderful world
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
All Welcome 
Biting his own tongue was a growing habit. As in, in a more literal sense, he kept biting his tongue. Today more than most days. He still had a headache most days, and some were worse than others. Were they going to go away? He'd be stuck like this. Living the rest of his life a freak. At least, he had no other term to describe someone who felt like they had an anvil hitting the back of his eyeballs every few hours. The sun made it worse, but life went on, and here he was, fighting through the flatlands.

Hey, he'd got some muscle on himself now, right? That was worth something? Getting his head banged up by one of the locals? At least he had a permanent scar now. That scar was his memory of it, and his memory of it was the fact that his head wouldn't stop hurting.

Bonnie had complained to himself all day about his head, but this day, he was out looking for something 'fancy'. Whatever fancy was. Fancy, for Bonnie's terms, would be something that he could look at and be happy with. Something pretty on his eyes. Like a rock. Or something. Yes, that was how horrific of a state he was in right now.

The man would settle for a nice looking rock. He'd stare at one for about twenty seconds and decide it would be perhaps the most boring thing he'd ever ran his eyes across, but he would discover that when he got there. Not that he didn't know that now.

Or maybe he was lying to himself this day, and was hoping for more. Too bad, however, Bonnie did not know what more could mean.

"Sup." The sad man found his sad little rock. It wasn't even pretty, a rock couldn't be pretty anyways, but it had a little glam to it with its..dirt. And rock.

Yep. This was as exciting as he thought it would be.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't often that Ajei found herself this far from home. But as her mother grew weaker, frailer. Her heart felt a longing sense to get away more than she had thought was possible. On this day she had followed the river from the spear as it had turned into the creek and here she found a sad looking wolf.

There was a heaviness to him and a sadness. But some wolves were like that. She just hoped he didn't mind company. If he did, well she could always turn about and leave. No worries. No questions asked. 

She approached on delicate paws. Green eyes on him as he shifted. Umm Hello.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Sad man with his sad little rock.

What was that all about? Connecting with nature and all its whatnots? Others liked this stuff?

He thought maybe he could start a new leaf, like liking plants and all that shit. Except, now, as he watched the rock and the grass jittering beside it all lazy and boring, he deciphered that plant people might've been the weirdest of people.

The sad man with his sad rock found his eyes suddenly peeled open at a delicate voice traversing his ears. It was then he saw a red girl, with wild green eyes and a soft face.

A soft woman, and he knew he was not a soft man. What was he supposed to do? To let her know that of him? 

Instead, he stared dumbfoundedly with an even dumber face. "Uhhhhhhhh." Uhhhh. Oh, he had not spoken in some time. How was one supposed to form words, and better yet, what words should he have used? Fu-- didn't sound quite right. "Hi."

Then, his ears flattened and he looked sheepishly at the ground with flattened lips. "Sorry 'bout that. If I'm trespassing, or whatever." For all he knew, he was. He hadn't been here before. "I can get going if I need to."
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was a man dressed in shadows. His outward appearance seemed to fit him well. But those eyes. They spoke of a deeper sense of understanding and sadness.

Ajei had not known harsh truths of the world. So in essence strangers though still scary she was no longer frightened speechless.

A soft, delicate laugh that fit her, just as everything else.

Hi. she chirruped back sweetly, kindly.

She looked around. As far as I know this is unclaimed. I'm Ajei from Moonglow. Though, at the moment I am helping out Moonspear. Whats your name?

A little sweep of tail, a cant of head.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Hi, Ajei.

Hows it going, Ajei?

Get away from me, Ajei.

Go away, Ajei.

He couldn't manage to get any of them out. So many words went through his otherwise empty head, and all of them were falling away. So, why, why, why, when he spoke again, did he say none of those? And the words he did say weren't special. Clambering so much with statements that were supposed to be inevitable made his mouth defy him.

He was here, though, and nothing horrific was happening. In his own head too much. "Names Bonnie." Shouldn't have said that. "From.." Kvarsheim? For that matter, did he have a right to say kvarsheim after what he'd ran them through? Or maybe he should've just owned up to it and flaunted the name. Or maybe that was more disrespectful. He didn't know what they wanted. Pretty sure Tauris would have his throat regardless of the answer, and so: "Kvarsheim, I guess," his lip pushed out in the way a pout did, but he did it awkwardly and took shy glances from his feet and to her face. Grumpy face.

"Moonglow rings bells. You're the.. snowpeople? Or something?"
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He looked like he ate something that had not agreed with him. His face sort of twisted up and unsure. Ajei wondered if she had overstepped by speaking to him.

Bonnie, from where?

She didnt say anything. Juat waited patiently. Eyes wide open as they always were a serene expression on soft face. Perhaps he was ahy like her or quiet like Arrluk.

A soft laugh at his words of Moonglow and she nodded.

I suppose you could say that. Our matriarch is from the snow, but our patriarch is from the sea. We live on the mountain and have many sister packs.