Barrow Fields he burns me with his eyes of gold, to embers
KA-MAI, n.: fool of fate. the one that dances on the line between recklessness and bravery; the one that sinks his teeth into madness and grins past it.
3 Posts
Ooc — anonymous
All Welcome 

The land that the harbinger had wandered to seemed as desolate and inhospitable as the wretched lands that had spat him out.  The nervous fields were devoid of colour, drained by the overcast sky that hung heavy and low.  Aggressive winds cut their way across the barren landscape with sure and steady hands.  The boy marched stiffly, his tired paws trudging through the snow-slush making rythmic time.  The wiry hairs along his withers rippled and flowed as another gust of wind battered the heavens and earth.

The only change in scenery happened when the drizzle of rain shifted into wavering flakes of white.  Although it was a muggy early spring day and the ground was wet and resistant, the flurry of snow became a relentless onslaught and the world was consumed in a holy and blinding sheet of alabaster.  Thanatos grit his teeth and kept his head low as his marching was forced to slow, the only redemption in sight a vague but massive slab of rock on the horizon.

He broke through the trees as twilight had taken over.  The forest provided a shield from the wild, restless tempest although the snow continued to fall in an endless cascade of white.  The harbinger was quick to seek shelter, and quickly he took to searching for somewhere to wait out the storm.  It came in the form of a conveniently sized cave whose mouth was facing the coast, protected from the danger of snowdrift.  Baleful acid orbs surveyed the interior before he surmised he would be able to continue in solitude, and there he hunkered as the storm howled on. 
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
When she departed Moonspear having finally found it, Maia was at a bit of a loss.  No one seemed to be able to tell her exactly where her family had run off to (I'm assuming since no one knows lolol).  Her frustration with it was mounting, and she was suddenly angry at them, in a very sibling like and unreasonable fashion, for not just staying put in one of the places dad and mom had clearly said they might be.  What gives!?

So she cut back west, unknowingly in the complete opposite direction from her objective, and ended up back on the coast.  She figured she could just as well figure out what she wanted to do next here, and when the rain started, she very dramatically continued to walk, letting it slowly drench her.  Honestly, #mood for her, so it suited her aesthetic.  Cool.  Let it happen.

She was soggy, hungry, and couldn't seem to find her siblings anywhere.  Maybe she should just go home?  Dad had made it pretty clear she could, and she knew mom wouldn't mind, especially with new pups coming to take care of.  But in making it pretty clear she could, Dante had also made it fairly clear he expected her to, and that kept her hesitant.  She didn't want them to know she'd failed out here, didn't want to go crawling back to her parents of all things! Not when Wraen and Terance hadn't!!

The first snowflake landed on her nose with an unpleasantly cold sensation, and a shudder jerked through her.  Nope, that wasn't happening.  So she barreled forward at a clip, ready to dive into the first spot for shelter she saw.... a cave a ways away, one that was unknowingly already occupied.