Stone Circle This wolf
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He pictured the trees and could only faintly remember the colour they turned in the fall, though he’d been so young then. Maple ones he knew- leaves that looked like stars, with many points. And oak were wavy around the edges and dropped acorns in the fall. Squirrels gathered them, so he had to wonder if they might be edible for wolves too. 

”Is Fall then your favourite season?” He asked.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
339 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri adored fall. It was a time of pleasant smells and the air was crisp. she had no other explanation than that. It was a beautiful time of year. She sighed happily it would be fall again soon. She could hardly wait to show him the pretty leaves and the air. And there was a wildness to the land in fall as it began to get ready for Winter.

It is. Is. So pretty? And it smells good! Good!. I like spring too. Too. But fall is favorite. Favorite. What is yours? Or you not know yet? Yet.

He was still quite young. He may not have had a chance to decide what he liked and didn't like yet. Had he even seen all the seasons yet?

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld would have been easily swayed to choose the same season as Inkeri, simply because he wanted to be more amenable. But when he thought about it, he could only remember seasons in which struggle had occurred. 

The previous summer had been when the heat had struck him with fits. His mother had come and gone. Fall had shown him that leaves died, and Winter had been brutal. Spring was when Bjarna had left, and when he’d been lost- but still, it had been when he had met Tauris and returned. 

”Spring. Spring, when green comes back. And…Animals. Maybe someday, boar.” He said, as his gaze became slowly more absent. His head tilted slightly, and he relaxed his jaw. In his mind’s eye, he saw the white boar, and followed it into a haze. He remained quiet- absent, but peaceful as if lost in thought.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
339 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri didn't know many that preferred fall to spring or summer, but she did. There was just something more to it for her than anything else. But she was no stranger to hardship herself, but he didn't need to know that.

Inkeri was concerned at his sudden slackening. And she pressed her nose to his cheek. Unsure what else to do. He was there with her, but his eyes were far away. Her sister had used to do this. She wondered if he was a seer like her? Did he have dreams that foretold things? She hoped not for that was a hard life to follow. And she only wished the best for him.

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Somewhere beyond a thin veil of mist, Skáld roved, enveloped in a level of brain activity that felt both too fast and too slow for him all at once. At times he thought he caught glimpses of something moving, only for those to feel like they’d never passed in front of his mind’s eye at all. 

Outwardly, his muscles slackened slightly, and as Inkeri reached out to touch her nose to his cheek, he felt very little. He slowly slumped to the ground but the moment he did- clarity seemed to return to him, and he sat back up, mildly puzzled as to how he’d ended up nearly on the ground.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
339 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It had been seconds, but it had felt like hours. And inkeri had stayed depite the shaking of her body and the fear that something was very wrong she stayed.

When he woke up she gasped and nosed ag his face. Licking a wet stripe along his cheek.

Is Skald okay? Okay? Eyes went far. Far! You should see my Merry. Merry.

She continued to fuss over him. He had scared her so deeply.

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Inkeri was there, fussing over him in an instant. He didn’t understand why but blushed and thumped his tail against the ground like a puppy whose mother has gently awakened them from a nightmare. He lifted his head when she explained, and realization hit him.

”This thing happens…I am alright, but….Who is Merry?” He asked.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
339 Posts
Ooc — Danni
so weird to call a wolf a boyfriend lol
Inkeri stopped fussing to look him over a furrow in her brow.

My sister did that, but it not same. Same. You not seem remember. Remember.

Inkeri smiled brightly. My boyfriend. Boyfriend. He is a healer. His name is Turmeric, but easy call him Merry. Merry.

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld was surprised, but also relieved to hear he was not the only one who suffered these unusual fits. He had often felt slightly out of place and as though he was a potential burden should one of these strike him at a bad time. Others were constantly watching out for him, though he’d begun to notice that he’d been having fewer and fewer seizures the older he got. 

”Oh!” He said, realizing who she meant when she spoke his full name. ”Merry,” He said with a smile. It was actually a cute nickname. ”I should be fine but…Your sister, how did it….How did it effect her?”
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
339 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri didn't know if it was the same thing her sister had. And she was reluctant to say her sister had been a seer. The wilves here didn't seem to believe in such things. At least not those she'd met.

Inkeri blinked her sea green eyes and apoke softly, her sisters name with reverance. Anja would get very tired. Tired. Want to sleep. Seem a bit weak, but it didn't last long. Long.