Northstar Vale Cuz iiiiiiiiiiiii thought that you realiah
11 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
All Welcome 
@Haruki or @Hotaru or both!

The small fireball that was Joheras was further from the den than usual. He was a bit older and could spew out a few words, however, one would have to have to know every language possible to understand what on God's Earth he was saying. The young pup was sprouting dark spots on his legs which was really weird to him, was he sick? The wild child wobbled over to the nearest stream to get a closer look at his weird change. If Joheras couldn't speak full sentences, then he couldn't think full sentences. The young boy could only muster a wot doe hec? That's literally it. He had a lot of room to grow. And yet this didn't bewiddle his self confidence, was he gonna get some natural ability? What could this mean? Who knows! He sure didn't. The clueless boy continued to stare aimlessly at the small littlw stream as he eventually plopped his butt down and sat in a lazy couch potato position.
214 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had mostly been absent, but things were reaching an obvious culmination. The empress was declining in health. He had set out in search of yuudai only to fail. The only thing that rationally kept him from handling Takeshi himself was the issue of honor. The fight was not first and foremost his own to be had. It needed to remain in the hands of Yuudai. 

 A sigh withdrew from his body as he picked up his pace. The scent of the empire was faint upon him, not that it would take long to cling to him once again, but he was careful upon entry. the wrong face would end badly as it seemed to consitently happen. 

 The familiar scent of Joheras caught his nose and Collision wondered what he was doing so far from his den. In relativity to the child, anyways. Granted, he supposed they were growing and were about at the age where they needed less and less supervision. Still, the male supposed it would be best for him to investigate. 

 He found the small child sitting against the banks of water and Collision's ears fell back against his head. Now, what if he fell in? The thought was frightening and Collision moved to be alongside him, "What are you doing?"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
11 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Joheras wasn't stirred when the familiar Collision came to his side and asked what he was doing. Well, even if Collision was a stranger, the child wouldn't have made any dire reaction. Hell, Joheras figured that they should crown him Emporer instead, whatever the hell that was, seemed important according to how his mother was about it but he never really paid attention to much anyway. His aqua eyes continued to glue onto his image that Collision was ruining because now he couldn't focus on himself, he had to respond to Collision. "Wooking!" he forced himself to squeak a comprehensible word but alas, the young boy was nowhere near the levels of the pups born before him. The firey boy bounced to his paws and continued to try and contemplate why he was growing dark patches.

Was it a disease? What would mother think! His mother kept close check with both him and his sister and would constantly fret if anything alien would appear on the children. Vespera was trying. Joheras figured he would be in big trouble if he came home looking like a rotten tomato, would his mother notice? Had she already noticed? Perhaps she was biding her time to freak on Joheras and fret about her well being, but why must she fret? Was there a hidden enemy that was hideous and gross that would try to swallow up the pup? That would be a fun game! Just try and take down anything dumb and ugly to prove that he was strong and could handle himself. For now everything looked weird to him, perhaps he should just throw hands at everything.
61 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Compared to just a few months ago, Haruki was becoming increasingly aware of the happenings within the pack. Where before he had been blissfully unaware of the scandals and schemes that plagued the Empire, he now had the mental cognition to realise something was up. Not that he entirely knew what that something was, but he knew things were at least different.

Still, that didn't stop the young prince from patrolling the grounds of the Empire, the leash that tethered him to the den growing longer and longer by the day. He was confident enough that he could go right up to the borders by now, if he so chose.

But instead, the boy headed towards the middle of their territory on his rounds today, making his way towards a stream where he had heard two voices. Wooking! One squeaked, and Haruki's brow furrowed as he trotted into the clearing. Ah, there was that firebrand pup he and his sisters had encountered once before. Where was his weird sister? The other was an adult, judging solely by his size, but he was not one Haruki had encountered before. And, similar to that Witu girl, he was dark and grey. Not like those of royal blood.

Drawing himself up, Reiko's son strode proudly towards them and stood by Collision's side, staring with displeasure at the younger child. "You know, you should look at adults when they talk to you," he said bluntly, noticing the other had been glued to his own reflection instead of properly addressing his company.
214 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision watched as the young boy stopped observing himself and explained to Collision exactly what he was up to. He had been around the kids long enough to adapt to their strange and ever evolving language. Jo and his sister were young in comparison to the children born to Takeshi and Reiko. Of course, Collision had the thought just as Haruki came tumbling along. 

 Collision stared onto the young prince. He had only seen them as wee little beans that didn't do much other than sleep or cry in hunger. They had grown so much. While Haruki might not know much about him...Collision was vowed to lay his life down for him. Something he wouldn't forget any time soon. 

Even though the little sprite was quite harsh in his words. 

 Collision offered a chuckle at the words the prince spoke and shook his head, "It's only disrespectful if you take it that way," He made sure to offer the young boy his undivided attention as he spoke. There didn't need to be such strong formality amongst friends. Reiko wasn't the one poisoning their minds with these thoughts: was she? Odd for her to have such a high and mighty means of instruction if that were the case. 

 "Remember you had to learn these lessons yourself," A lesson in humility would do the alabaster prince well. 

 "You both seem interested in exploring. How about a mission then?" He supposed if they insisted on seeing what the empire had to offer Collision would take them out to the borders. If they thought they could handle the travelling.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
11 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
While Joheras was just trying to figure out what the actual heck was going on, the dude with a stick up his... whatever mom said it was, came along. The oh so charming prince tried to make it so he had the moral high ground, which Joheras could give a rat's ass about, and scolded the firey boy for not looking at Collision when he arrived. The young boy only gave an ear swivel in his general direction and carried on with his business. Now the nice man that mom probably liked even though she wouldn't admit, gave Haru...

Ok seriously, what IS his name? His mother must have loved him so much to give him a name like that, I can't even get the syllables right! Haru... Ha... Oh my god, Harooo... Harpoopie. No it can't be that, that would be too accurate to his character.

ANYWAYS, Collision quickly put the white fluff of stupid right in his place. Joheras really cared about first impressions. The young firey boy lifted his paw and hovered it over the water to get a better look. Just as he thought, dark spots were forming, Why? He had no idea. So, he had to toss in the towel, ears flopping to the side with a grouchy look on his face, he turned his attention to Collision and raise his right paw at him. He held it in the air as high as he could so that the taller man could get a good look at it. "Wot dis?" He tried to ask in his limited speech, shame that he sounded like a three-year-old... Oh, wait...

But the man would suggest an adventure which brightened the boy's mood to the point where his once sour face turned into one of pure interest and excitement. He leaped to his little paws and stared at the larger man eagerly, yes yes yes yes yes! Finally! I can do something cool! Too bad I gotta share it with dummy head over there.
61 Posts
Ooc — Laur
The adult was quick to gently reprimand him, along with a reminder that Haruki shrugged off with an added huff. He didn't agree. Mother said it was only right to give your company the proper attention while speaking with them, something that Joheras was definitely not doing right now. His critical gaze moved from the older wolf to the pup again, who now had a paw hovering above the water with a question that caused the prince to smirk.

He was about to school him — that's your paw, dummy — but didn't even get to open his mouth before the darker man suggested they go on a mission. That caught the boys' attention, and both looked up to him with similar, puppy-like excitement. Only Haruki was quick to settle, resuming a regal look once more. "What sort of mission?" he inquired.
214 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision watched as Joheras inspected himself. He was going to be a curious wolf. Perhaps always. A chuckle stirred in Collision and he lifted his paw to show the emblazened pup his own. He didn't speak--but now the boy would know it was natural and he didn't need to be concerned. The only variation being the immense size of Collision's own against the small child. 

 His attention was drawn back to Haruki. The boy would, likely, be all business. Very stone and serious. They were traits that Collision felt signified Takeshi--but he was quite obviously partial to consider the bad before the good. Realistically--Reiko could be very serious when the situation called for it. 

 "You'll both come scout the borders--You'll be responsible for any...intrusions," That was entirely a lie. If something did happen Collision would protect them at all costs. Though, he needed them to be impressed with the severity of the situation. Guarding the borders needed to be shoved down their throats. This way--when the day came and they were men...There would be no doubt in their capability and no hesitance to strike down an intruder.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
11 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Collision didn't give Joheras any answer which frustrated the pup even more, can I get SOMEONE to tell me what the hell is going on? ah fuck it, guess I'll die. The young boy decided to give it a rest and not worry about it, or at least, try not to worry about it. But the taller man then offered that the two of them go on a mission which completely caught Joheras's attention and forgot about his fur changing color. The small firey boy tilted his head to the side a bit as his curious orbs looked straight up at Collision.

Haruki trying to sound like a big boy asked what the mission they would be doing and the Commoner stated what they would be doing. Joheras was pleased by what they had to do, look for intruders, now THAT sounded fun. Finally, the small orange ball of fluff could actually do something productive instead of sitting there and being stupid. The boy leaped to his paws with a spark of eagerness, "let's go let's go let's go!" He cheerfully chirped as his little paws couldn't contain his excitement for he looked like he was tap-dancing.